warning: abuse

hituwthatddududdudu. jess. 90%. 積読本.
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc
jo eunsaem
"good job today class, I'll see you tomorrow!"
# ANDROID— #002
FULL NAME — jo eunsaem
• miss jo + since she's a teacher she was given a last name. she goes by miss jo by her students.
• stupid robot + its a name that she finds herself being called more often than not by the kids and teachers
UALITY — she identifies as straight but she's never liked anyone in that way to fully know
DOB — 10 • 05 • 2036
RESIDENCE — she lives in her own apartment not far from school
ETHNICITY — korean
• korean + her default language
• english + a downloaded language so she can talk to all the staff
FACE CLAIM — kim jisoo
BACKUP — rose
• eunsaem is beautiful. she has pale skin and jet black hair. all of her features match korean beauty standards. she can be a model more than a teacher. she has a few defects at the moment but they're very minor like a dent on her shin from getting kicked and a missing fingernail that she still puts nailpolish on. she also has a bite mark on her neck but it always gets covered by her hair. since she works at a prestigious school she must always look up to par and she never disappoints.
HEIGHT & WEIGHT — 162cm & 44kg
• for work eunsaem dresses in a classy business manner. her outfits are alwaays nicely laid out and look professional. she always wears a button up shirt and long dress pants or a long skirt with either heels or flats. never sneakers.
• on her day off she is more relaxed but still dresses very feminine and looks expensive. a lot of her clothes are name brand because she has to dress to impress.
PERSONALITY TRAITS — friendly, understanding, gentle, passive, stubborn, naive
• eunsaem is really nice. since she was created for kids she doesn't have one mean bone in her body. even when she tries to use her stern voice its still soft and kind. she never screams at the kids no matter how difficult they are being and treats them with the utmost care. she doesn't even have the self defense mode to protect herself but if her student is in danger she will throw herself in front of a bus for them. she understands other peoples flaws very easily and accepts them. just because the student might be a slow learner doesn’t mean she will discriminate against them, she will try to help him as much as she can. in the end all she wants is for her students to learn and do well, that is what she was created for.
she takes this mission very seriously, anything she can do to help a student better themselves she does. she is so stubborn because she won’t listen to others warnings if it goes against her goal. but then she is also naïve because if someone uses this as an excuse for her to do something then she will do it even if it has nothing to do with that. that’s how she can be easily manipulated. she doesn’t get upset easily even if she is betrayed. she doesn’t like confrontation so instead of participating in that she will do anything she can to end it. she won't cry over things, she always has a smile on her face and says she's okay.
• eunsaem was created in 2036 as a teacher. there were many before her but she was programemd for a specific school, seoul southern academy (ssa). located in gangnam that school is home to some of the wealthiest children in korea. going to that school shows prestige and has the highest rate of students that go into worldwide top ranked colleges in korea. parents are wary of having androids so close to their kids so having an android teacher never favored well with the parents there. but over the last few years the elementary level of ssa has been struggling to keep teachers long term, which is why they ordered eunsaem. eunsaem teaches math and history to 1st grades at ssa. she has been there for 2 years and has needed 31 repairs and resets from all the damage she recieved from students.
dealing with spoiled rich kids isn't easy. they don't listen to her at all and sometimes physically abuse her because she's 'just a robot'. her not being a human makes her seem like some kind of play toy to them and when they don't do well on exams she gets yelled at by parents and superiors for not doing her job well. the teachers don't make it easier because they don't respect her either, instead she does all the jobs they don't want to do and works overtime. but this is what she was made for, she loves her job and playing with the kids. after every repair her memories resets anyways so she doesn't remember all the abuse.
(park sung woong)
• friends but more - kim sunghoon (50) - assemblyman - selfish, condescending, charming, hot tempered - sunghoon is the father of one of eunsaem's students, kim younghoon. younghoon was doing bad in school so he took time out of his day to show up for a conference, it was more like the teachers kissing up to him and his son. sunghoon saw how pretty eunsaem was and recommended private lessons for younghoon at his house on sunday mornings. after class younghoon as a tennis lesson and his wife has pilates so after sunghoon has his way with eunsaem. sunghoon told herwith her help the school will get better donations but they have to keep it a secret. eunsaem doesn't see the problem with it bcause she's helping the school. she doesn't know what cheating is so she doesn't think she's doing wrong. she doesn't feel romantic feelings towards him either because he doesn't treat her romantically. he's just a serial cheater and eunsaem is another pretty girl under his belt.
• onesided enemies - lee chaemin (29) - housewife and sometimes actress and actress - overzealous, insecure, fake - chaemin doesn't like eunsaem because she feels something is happening between her husband and eunsaem but she can't prove it. sunghoon is very controlling and if she dared say anything about it he'd lose it. she sees how he looks at her though, the same way he used to look at her before she had younghoon. she tries to look pretty for him and get his attention but no avail. to him she's just armcandy, the reason he keeps her around is because she had his child, not for love.
(jung hyeonjun)
• student - kim younghoon (7) - student - mischevious, quiet, smart - younghoon is a misunderstood kid. he rather play on his own than socialize. he's smart but doesn't try and causes trouble isntead. sometimes he gets bullied but when eunsaem tries to help he lashes out at her. she knows its problems at home that causes him to be like that so she tries to help however she can. 
(go pyung pyo)
• coworker - lim jihong (32) - elementary school gym teacher - talkative, idiot, friendly - jihong is the gym teacher that has a big mouth and jokes a little too much. he knows all the gossip but can't keep a secret at all. his jokes always go too far. he thinks eunsaem is really pretty and tries to flirt with her and be a little touchy but it always fails. he doesn't hate her like some other teachers but just finds it funny and a bit ridiculous how clueless she is. he's one of the few that actually don't talk down to her and genuinely means well. if he never finds out whats happening between her and sunghoon it won't be a secret for much longer.
(kim sangho)
• boss - jung kitae (55) - elementary school principal - nonchalant, tired, bossy - all kitae wants for the elementary school is for the kids to pass so they can move on and keep the parents satisfied so they can get good donations. he doesn't care if he has to cheat because the parents have so much money that he'll never get caught anyways. he's unethical, especially towards eunsaem. he really doesn't care about her but its cheaper to have her around sicne they save on teachers. go to his office and the first thing he'll do is let out a big sigh unless you're jihong then he'll scream at you to get out. but to the parents he's really friendly and kisses their asses.
• after every class she says "good job today class, i'll see you tomorrow" with a smile even if it was a bad day and she looks like a mess
• if a student doesn't do well she gets told to change their grade to keep the parents satisfied but she really wants to help them instead
• drinking fizzy drinks make her giggly because she thinks it feels funny on her tongue
• she can cook but barely 
• since she works with kids and the staff doesn't like her she's clueless on many topics that aren't math and history like social issues and trends
• she likes to walk out in the school garden during her break because its so beautiful
• she's very polite and bows to eveyrone she talks to
• she can administer first aid well
• good at running and playing games but she's bad at sports
• she enjoys painting and knitting


The answers to the upcoming questions will depend on your previous answer, if you chose the third option, show signs of your character being troubled/confused over the choice of remaining a machine or becoming a deviant

ARE DEVIANTS IRRATIONAL OR ARE THEY ALIVE?  — "deviants are irrational, all androids should be dedicated to their initial goal and help society. that is why we are here. that is why i am here."

YOU SOUND HUMAN, YOU LOOK HUMAN, BUT WHAT ARE YOU REALLY? — "my looks may be deceiving but i am an android. my creator did a very good job, right?" she laughs.

ARE YOU AFRAID TO DIE? — she hesitates "no... death is inevitable even in humans. one day we all will die so we must live life to the fullest."

LOVE INTEREST — nora kang
BACKUP — lisa
SPECIES — human
PERSONALITY — bold, open minded, fair, rude, assertive, sassy
• nora is the kind of person to speak up for what she believes in. if there is injustice or if she has a question she will speak up. she isn't afraid to do so at all. she is from america so she is very open minded, she sees people as who they are on the inside without judging their outside but korea tends to only judge the outside. people think she is rude because she might speak out of turn or be too honest but she rather know the truth than lie. she's just very bad at biting her tongue. she may be a little much for korea and considered rude sometimes but she wants to instill these traits in her students, to be good people no matter what. 
• nora is the new teacher english teacher at ssa. originally from america she came to korea looking for a bit of a change. it doesn't take her long to realize how unethical ssa is, especially with how they treat eunsaem. she will look out for her and stand up for her when she needs to. she sits with her at lunch and after school they hang out and even on the weekends. she wants to show eunsaem the real world and expose the toxic people in her life. after a while they hang out so often and get so close that they develop feelings. nora helps her open her eyes to the truth slowly but surely. since eunsaem doesn't want to reset and forget all their memories she tries not to need repairs by standing up to the children and not being so gentle. thats where the conflict arises.
RELATIONSHIP — now they are strangers because nora didn't join the school yet. but when she does she will often look out for eunsaem like a little sister and teach her about the real world. they're not lovey dovey they act more like very good friends with nora being the proective one.
STATUS — strangers
RELATIONSHIP STATEMENT — i didn't know that i was starving till i tasted you
i will be busy so i wrote this very quickly while i had the idea in my head. i will add more trivia later. sorry for any mistakes, i hope she is good enough.
• one of her students making fun of her for being a bot
• jihong invites her to join them during dodgeball and all the kids only try to hit her so she needs repairs again
• a parent screaming at eunsaem for her son doing bad in math and demand that she bows down apologize to him for failing him. so she gets on her knees and bows to the kid.
• chaemin slaps her in front of everyone over something small, mostly to embarrass her
• sunghoon goes to the school and tries to have with eunsaem in an empty classroom and someone sees?
• nora taking eunsaem to a club and a guy is being aggressive towards her but nora says eunsaem is her girlfriend to protect her and kisses her to prove it 
• sunghoon inviting eunsaem to an elite event and chaemin getting jealous
• nora helping eunsaem dress more daringly
battle for detroit
replace with l/ireplace with l/ireplace with l/i


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