ECLIPSE / Park Sangwoo

replace with fc. 134x200

Park Sangwoo

Name. Park  Sangwoo


Sangie or Woo / Both are plays on his first name and are just shorter ways to call for him.  He prefers Woo but will let certain people call him Sangie if that's what they would prefer. 



Birthdate. March 13th, 1999

Birthplace. Daegu, South Korea 

Hometown. Daegu, South Korea 

Nationality.  Korean

Ethnicity.  Korean


Korean/ Fluent / Native tongue 

English / Fluent/ He started learning English towards the end of her elementary years and continued onwards with learning it when he got into Archery and Gymnastics 



Faceclaim. Ateez Mingi

Backup. Ateez San


Height.  184cm



 Sangwoo is a fair skinned male with an athletic build he does have a scar along the left side of his right arm from an accident he had in highschool 




Personality traits. Empathetic, Organized, loyal, and charismatic.  Obsessive, Cold, competitive, and stubborn


Empathetic: Sangwoo is someone who not only feels what someone else is feeling but also shares their emotions positive or negative. He's good at sensing the vibe and mood of certain situations and tends to have a lot of people confide in him about things.


Organized: Sangwoo is a person who is naturally neat, punctual and detailed. His habits and behaviors in life and at work are ordered, planned and efficient. Everything has a place and way to be done for him. 


loyal:  He is consistent in his treatment, behavior, and regard for others. He is  reliable and dependable and does his best to be someone who can be counted on to show up and be there for people when he is needed. Sangwoo always does his best to stick by the members sides. 


charismatic: Sangwoo has a way with words he makes people feel heard and valid and always seems to chime in at the right times with the right words. He  almost always manages to leave a lasting impression on anyone that he talks too even if it is for a short while.


obsessive: He has a tendency to over care about small things and big things which can turn into him obsessing over things especially when it comes to things such as practices or dance routines if he feels he has any issues with anything he tends to over obsess with it and push him self until it's absolutely perfect. 


Cold: Even though overall he is nice when people first meet him he can come of as cold because he's more of an Introvert at times and tends to have a blank face and be wary of other people due to the fact he tends to take in a lot of people's emotions and feelings he tends to give off an unapproachable vibe for a little. 


Competitive: He hates to lose he can't help it really he also enjoys the thrill of a fight but often tries to turn things into challenges and sometimes it can get him into trouble he does know there's a time and a place but it occasionally gets the better of him. 


​​​​​​Stubborn: Sangwoo has a tendency to not want to change his viewpoint on what he believes in or thinks and he won't budge even if it leads to an argument which sometimes it does and he can admit that he should and could let some things go but it tends to be hard for him to do. 


 Sangwoo was born into a very happy family. He was their only child, and they gave him everything he could possibly want from the day he was born. As he grew, they put a few wants on him: his father wanted him to become an archer like himself, and his mother wanted him to be a gymnast. So as soon as he was old enough, they got him into both, as they didn't see why he couldn't do both. It's how they met anyway, and they wanted their little boy to continue on their legacy. Sangwoo, as a young child and into his middle school years, was happy with this. He would go to school, play with friends, and still find time to do both archery and gymnastics. It wasn't until his high school years that things even remotely changed for him. He continued to get good grades and work hard doing archery and gymnastics, but now that he was older, he was growing less fond of archery and more fond of gymnastics, as well as a couple of his friends wanted to join choir and he wanted to as well. However, it meant he'd have to drop one of his sports, and so he had to have his first long talk with his parents. To his surprise, everything went well. His father wasn't angry, and he told him he wanted what Sangwoo wanted. So Sangwoo was thankful and joined the choir with his friends, and soon he fell in love with it. He fell in love with performing even more than he already had through gymnastics, and he also found out that he was a really good singer. His friends would jokingly tell him to audition for a company, and he'd simply shrug it off, but it stayed in the back of his mind until he decided that he wanted to at the very least try, and try he did. He auditioned for a few different companies. It took a little while before he got accepted, but once he did, he began training in 2018, half way through his junior year.





  • Sour candy
  • Summer time
  • Chocolate
  • sunset and sunrise
  • Jogging
  • exercise
  • Archery
  • Gymnastics
  • Animals 
  • Music


  • Lairs
  • bullies
  • Being cold
  • Super sweet things
  • Tight spaces 
  • Heavy metal
  • Being late for anything
  • Rude people
  • Clowns
  • The scent of vanilla


  • Biting his lower lip while thinking
  • Picking at his nails
  • Drumming his fingers on tables 
  • Talking to himself when stressed 



  • Archery
  • Gymnastics
  • Reading
  • Listening to music


  • His Favorite color is Seafoam green 
  • He's left handed
  • His representative emoji if he had to pick one would probably be a bow and arrow 🏹 other than that he wouldn't know
  • His favorite movie at the moment is train to Busan
  • If he could travel anywhere in the world it would be to Italy
  • He is usually one of the first to wake up and first to go to sleep 
  • His favorite food is Galbijjim
  • If he was an animal he'd be a tiger 
  • He wants to learn how to rap but doesn't except to ever be good
  • If he could trade places with anyone it would probably be Asuka so he could get to know her better. 
  • He has to sleep on his side he can't sleep on his back. 





Groupmate and friend/ Ju Yeonseok /  Accommodating, adaptable, sensitive, and, unpredictable 
Sangwoo often looks out for Yeonsuk and takes care of him when needed while still giving him his space the two could be closer but Sangwoo is okay with how their relationship is now. If Yunseok needs a shoulder he's there for him. In a way, he views him as sort of a little brother. 

Second Family / ECLIPSE/
His groupmates mean everything to him and have truly become family somedays they get along some days they don't he wouldn't trade any of it for anything though he feels like these are the people he was meant to be with and he couldn't see it any other way really. He does his best to be there for all of them if they need someone to vent to. 

Labelmates/ Rose/ He isn't really super close to any of the girls but if he sees them and they have a moment he always tries to talk with them for a little as it's the nice thing to do and he doesn't hate any of them. He just never really had the chance to get super close to any of them. 


He is a big fan of the group itself and is more friendly with them than rose because he had the chance to interact with willow, minsoo, and kenji . Other than that he doesn't know them to well only talking to them  on occasion. 


Stage Name.  Sangwoo
Plotline.  Moon 1 or Moon 2


Vocal Twin. Jun.k (Astro Moonbin)
Dance Twin. Jun.k (Astro JinJin)


Trainee years. 5 Years almost 6 

Trainee Life.
Sangwoo's trainee life was pretty easy. He was used to pushing himself and learning routines. It was like any other day for him, but he picked this. He was happy even during the bad moments and the long wait. He would push through it all without hesitation; he threw himself into it, having given up on his other dreams, and focused solely on doing what it would take. 









Love Interest

Name.  Morohoshi Asuka

Backup.  tba



You know her best but I can write it in my own words if you'd like!


Love Story.

 The two of them met as trainees when she joined a year or two after Sangwoo; he introduced himself to her rather quickly when he noticed that others would talk about her behind her back or even not behind her back; it didn't matter why or how she was there; she deserved it just as much, and even though she was able to confide in Hyojin, he wanted to support her too. In his eyes, she was such a hard worker who always did her best, and he admired it so much. The two talked more and more about their lives and their goals, and when they heard about Eclipse, they expressed their desire to become a part of the lineup. Sangwoo at this point considered her a friend, but as they grew closer and both started to train as members of Eclipse alongside the others and started preparing to debut, he realized his feelings were much more than those of friendship; he liked her a lot. He wanted nothing more than to see a smile on her face and for it to be because of him. He wanted to protect her and make her happy, but he didn't know how she felt, so he would only flirt with her subtly, not wanting to make her feel uncomfortable, but he still went out of his way for her. Maybe one day he'll work up the courage to confess to Asuka, but for now he's happy with the way things are. 


Status. Crushing

Ending status.  I'll leave it up to you 



He calls her Su as a nickname as well as Hun 

He bought them matching bracelet

They tend to keep any affection towards each other behind closed doors. 

He always opens doors for her and pulls out her chair

replace with fc. 134x200


Comments/questions.  Here's my boy I'm looking forward to this story as well! 

Suggestions.  To be added if i can think of anything.

Password.  Lunar



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Hey again Charlie! Sorry this review has taken a few days. I have been a little busy. Let's get into it.

Thank you for submitting another character to my new Dal Media group! Like always, you don't disappoint. I really like Sangwoo and I can't find anything wrong with his application so I'll keep it short and let you know that Sangwoo had been accepted!