underground| Ran-Seo Miso

Ran-seo Miso.
" I often think that the night is more alive and more richly colored than the day. "
10k notes

— ❛ full name :  Ran-seo Miso
— ❛ birthdate :  09/12/2004
— ❛ orientation : Bi-ual
— ❛ occupation :  intelligence analyst or strategist (Waitress) 
— ❛ g.ng : hellhounds
— ❛ g.ng alias :  viper

— ❛ face claim :  Nmixx Bae
— ❛ back up face claim :  Lightsum Yujeong



— ❛  positive :
 Intelligent: Miso's intelligence is evident in her ability to grasp complex concepts quickly and apply logical reasoning to various situations. She has a thirst for knowledge and is constantly seeking to expand her understanding of the world around her. Her intelligence allows her to absorb information efficiently, process it effectively, and come up with innovative ideas.

Analytical: Miso possesses a natural inclination towards analyzing information and situations. She has a meticulous attention to detail and excels at breaking down complex problems into manageable components. Her analytical mindset enables her to evaluate risks, identify patterns, and make well-informed decisions based on logical reasoning rather than emotional impulse.

Strategic: Miso is a forward thinker who takes into account the bigger picture. She carefully considers the potential consequences and impacts of her actions on both the gang and their rivals. Miso is adept at formulating long-term plans and strategies, always staying steps ahead in the criminal landscape. Her strategic thinking helps her anticipate challenges, identify opportunities, and adapt her approach accordingly.

Loyal: Loyalty is one of Miso's defining traits. She deeply values her family and the gang members, forging strong bonds with them. Miso's loyalty drives her to protect and support her loved ones, even in the face of adversity. She stands by their side through thick and thin, unwavering in her commitment to their collective well-being.

Resourceful: Miso possesses an innate ability to think outside the box and find innovative solutions to problems. She can make the most of limited resources, finding alternative approaches and leveraging her knowledge and connections. Miso's resourcefulness enables her to navigate challenges and obstacles with ingenuity, turning disadvantages into advantages.

Adaptable: Miso is highly adaptable, quickly acclimating to new environments and situations. She possesses the flexibility to adjust her plans and tactics as circumstances change. Miso's adaptability allows her to navigate the ever-shifting dynamics of the criminal world, responding effectively to unexpected challenges and seizing opportunities that arise.

— ❛ neutral :

Reserved: Miso is naturally guarded when it comes to expressing her emotions and thoughts. She carefully chooses what she reveals to others, maintaining a level of distance to protect herself and those she cares about. This reserved nature allows her to maintain a sense of control and protect her vulnerabilities in the dangerous world she operates in. While it may make it challenging for others to truly understand her, it also helps her maintain a sense of mystery and unpredictability.

Observant: Miso possesses a sharp and observant mind, always attuned to the details that others may miss. She has a keen eye for reading people, analyzing their body language, microexpressions, and subtle cues. This attentiveness to her surroundings helps her assess the motives, strengths, and weaknesses of those around her. Miso's keen observation skills provide her with valuable insights, allowing her to make strategic decisions and anticipate potential threats or opportunities. It also aids her in maintaining a sense of control in various situations, as she is quick to adapt to changing dynamics based on her observations.

— ❛ negative :  Ruthless: Miso possesses a relentless determination and is not afraid to make tough decisions or take drastic actions to protect her family and advance the gang's objectives. When faced with obstacles or threats, she demonstrates a resolute and unwavering resolve, often prioritizing the gang's survival and dominance above all else. Miso's ruthlessness ensures that she remains a formidable force in the criminal world, willing to do whatever it takes to secure the gang's interests.

Manipulative: Miso has honed her skills in manipulation and understands the power of influence. She knows how to read people, identify their weaknesses, and exploit them to achieve her desired outcomes. Whether it's through subtle persuasion, calculated manipulation, or strategic deception, Miso is adept at maneuvering situations and people to serve her own purposes. She understands that in the world she operates in, information and control are key, and her manipulative tendencies allow her to maintain an advantage.

Cynical: Having grown up in the criminal underworld, Miso has developed a deep-seated cynicism. She has witnessed the dark underbelly of society, encountering betrayal, violence, and corruption firsthand. This exposure has made her skeptical of others' intentions and constantly questioning the motives of those around her. While her cynicism serves as a shield against potential threats or manipulation, it can also create barriers in forming genuine connections and trusting others.

Morally Ambiguous: Miso's loyalty to the gang sometimes leads her into morally ambiguous territory. While she acknowledges that certain actions may be ethically questionable, her devotion to the gang and her family drives her to cross those boundaries. Miso finds herself navigating the gray areas between right and wrong, making difficult choices that challenge her own moral compass. This moral ambiguity allows her to operate effectively within the criminal world, but it also presents internal conflicts and raises questions about the cost of her choices.

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extra information

▪ ― likes :  

  1. Books on strategy and espionage: Miso could have an affinity for reading books that delve into the art of strategy, espionage, and cunning tactics. She enjoys exploring the minds of masterminds and learning from their techniques.

  2. Puzzle-solving: Miso may find joy in solving puzzles and brain teasers. Whether it's a complex crossword or a challenging riddle, she enjoys the mental stimulation and the sense of accomplishment that comes from unraveling mysteries.

  3. Martial arts or combat training: Given her background in the criminal underworld, Miso might have a keen interest in martial arts or combat training. She appreciates the discipline, physicality, and strategic elements involved in self-defense or offensive techniques.

  4. Disguises and personas: Miso might have a fascination with disguises and adopting different personas. She enjoys the art of blending into different environments, assuming different identities, and using this skill for both practical purposes and maintaining her safety in the criminal world.

  5. Chess or strategy games: Miso could have a penchant for playing chess or other strategy-based games. She appreciates the mental challenges, strategic thinking, and ability to anticipate her opponent's moves.

  6. Technology and gadgets: Miso might have an interest in technology, especially devices and gadgets that offer utility and assist her in her activities. She enjoys staying up to date with the latest technological advancements and may have a knack for understanding and utilizing them effectively. 

  7. Coding and hacking: Miso could have a fascination with coding and computer hacking. She enjoys the challenge of breaking into systems, manipulating data, and using her technical skills to gain an advantage or protect the gang's interests.

  8. Stealth and infiltration: Miso might have a thrill for stealth and infiltration activities. She enjoys the art of moving silently, staying hidden, and gathering information without being detected. Whether it's exploring abandoned buildings or maneuvering through high-security areas, Miso finds excitement in the covert aspects of her world.

  9. Fine art and aesthetics: Despite her involvement in the criminal underworld, Miso appreciates beauty and fine art. She may have a fondness for paintings, sculptures, or other artistic expressions that provide an escape from the harsh realities of her life.

  10. Chessboxing or MMA: Miso could have a passion for unconventional sports like chessboxing, a combination of chess and boxing, or mixed martial arts (MMA). These activities blend her intellectual acumen with physical prowess, satisfying her desire for both mental and physical challenges.

  11. High-speed driving: Miso might have a thrill for high-speed driving or racing. Whether it's behind the wheel of a powerful sports car or maneuvering through urban streets in pursuit of her goals, she enjoys the rush and adrenaline associated with fast-paced driving.

  12. Fine dining and culinary exploration: Miso might have an appreciation for fine dining and exploring diverse cuisines. She enjoys experiencing new flavors, indulging in gourmet meals, and seeking out hidden gems in the culinary world. This love for food could serve as a brief respite from the intense and dangerous nature of her lifestyle.

▪ ― dislikes :  

  1. Betrayal: Given her loyalty and dedication to her family and the gang, Miso despises betrayal in any form. She has experienced the consequences of disloyalty firsthand and holds a deep disdain for those who deceive or betray others.

  2. Incompetence: Miso has little patience for incompetence or individuals who display a lack of skills or knowledge in their areas of expertise. She values efficiency and expects others to meet a certain level of competence in their roles.

  3. Unreliable allies: Miso dislikes working with or relying on individuals who prove to be unreliable or unpredictable. She prefers to surround herself with trustworthy and dependable allies who can deliver on their commitments.

  4. Overly talkative individuals: Miso has a preference for discretion and keeping information tightly controlled. She finds individuals who are excessively talkative or prone to loose lips irritating, as they can jeopardize the gang's security and operations.

  5. Authority figures: Given her involvement in the criminal underworld, Miso may have a general dislike for authority figures, such as law enforcement or those who represent the establishment. She sees them as obstacles to her family's pursuits and may harbor a natural resistance or distrust towards them.

  6. Arrogance: Miso has little tolerance for arrogance or individuals who display an inflated sense of self-importance. She values humility and respects those who can recognize and appreciate the strengths and contributions of others.

  7. Being underestimated: Miso dislikes being underestimated or having her capabilities doubted. She strives to prove herself and demonstrate her skills and intelligence, often finding motivation in proving skeptics wrong. 

  8. Disloyalty: Miso deeply dislikes disloyalty within her own ranks or within the gang. She values trust and expects everyone to prioritize the gang's interests above their own. Betrayal or disloyal actions can elicit strong negative emotions and could lead to severe consequences.

  9. Injustice: Miso has a strong aversion to injustice and unfair treatment. She dislikes situations where innocent individuals suffer at the hands of those in power or where justice is compromised. This dislike may drive her to seek balance and retribution in her own way.

  10. Weakness: Miso has little patience for weakness or individuals who display a lack of resilience or determination. She values strength, both physical and mental, and expects others to exhibit a certain level of toughness in their pursuits.

  11. Unpredictability: Miso dislikes unpredictable situations or individuals who act erratically and disrupt carefully laid plans. She prefers stability and control, finding comfort in predictability and strategic decision-making.

  12. Excessive attention: Miso dislikes drawing unnecessary attention to herself or the gang's activities. She prefers to operate covertly and maintain a low profile, avoiding unnecessary risks that could expose her or the gang's operations.

▪ ― hobbies :  

Urban exploration: Miso could have a fascination with urban exploration, venturing into abandoned buildings, hidden tunnels, or off-limits areas to uncover hidden secrets or to satisfy her curiosity about the hidden corners of the city. She enjoys the thrill of discovery and the sense of adventure that comes with exploring the unknown.

Chess and strategy games: Miso might have a love for playing chess and other strategy-based games. She appreciates the mental challenges, strategic thinking, and ability to anticipate her opponent's moves. Playing chess or strategy games allows her to sharpen her strategic mind and serves as a form of mental exercise.

Reading detective novels: Miso could have an affinity for detective novels or crime thrillers. She enjoys immersing herself in the intricate plots, analyzing clues, and attempting to solve the mysteries alongside the characters. Reading provides her with an escape and inspiration for her own strategic thinking.

Meditation and mindfulness: Given the high-stress nature of her life, Miso might find solace in practicing meditation and mindfulness. She values moments of stillness and self-reflection to maintain mental clarity, reduce stress, and recharge her energy. These practices help her stay grounded and focused in the midst of chaos.

Street art or graffiti: Miso may have a fascination with street art and graffiti, appreciating the creativity and expression it represents. She might explore her artistic side by creating her own graffiti pieces or seeking out vibrant street art in the city. This hobby allows her to connect with urban culture and express herself through visual mediums.

Motorcycling: Miso might enjoy the thrill and freedom of riding motorcycles. She finds exhilaration in the speed, agility, and the sense of independence that comes with motorcycling. It serves as both a hobby and a practical means of transportation for her in the fast-paced urban environment.

▪ ― habits :  

  1. Daily Physical Training: Miso maintains a disciplined routine of physical training to keep her body in optimal condition. She engages in exercises like weightlifting, cardio, martial arts, or parkour to improve her strength, agility, and endurance.

  2. Strategic Planning: Miso has a habit of strategic planning. She sets aside dedicated time each day to analyze information, assess risks, and develop plans to advance the gang's objectives. This habit allows her to stay proactive and maintain control over the gang's operations.

  3. Constant Vigilance: Due to the nature of her life, Miso is habitually vigilant. She maintains a heightened sense of awareness of her surroundings, always observing for potential threats, suspicious activities, or opportunities that may arise. This habit helps ensure her safety and the safety of those she cares about.

  4. Information Gathering: Miso has a habit of continuously gathering information. Whether it's through online research, discreet conversations, or monitoring sources, she keeps herself updated on the latest developments in the criminal underworld, rival gangs, and law enforcement activities. This habit provides her with a valuable information advantage.

  5. Discretion and Secrecy: Miso has developed a habit of discretion and secrecy. She is cautious about who she shares information with, ensuring that sensitive details about her family, the gang, or their operations remain well-guarded. This habit helps protect the gang's interests and maintain the element of surprise.

  6. Meditation and Mindfulness: Miso practices meditation and mindfulness as part of her daily routine. This habit allows her to find moments of calm amidst the chaos and to maintain mental clarity and focus. It helps her manage stress, make clear decisions, and stay in control of her emotions.

  7. Punctuality and Time Management: Miso values punctuality and has a habit of managing her time effectively. She recognizes the importance of being on time for meetings, operations, or gatherings, and ensures she allocates her time efficiently to accomplish tasks and fulfill her responsibilities.

  8. Personal Security Measures: Miso is habitually cautious about her personal security. She regularly changes her routines, uses encrypted communication channels, and employs counter-surveillance techniques to protect herself and maintain the secrecy of her activities.

▪ ― trivia :  

  1. Multilingual: Miso is fluent in multiple languages, including Korean, English, and Mandarin. Her linguistic skills allow her to navigate various international criminal networks and gather information from diverse sources.

  2. Chemistry prodigy: Following in her mother's footsteps, Miso displays an exceptional aptitude for chemistry. She has an innate understanding of chemical compounds, reactions, and their practical applications in illicit drug production and weapons development.

  3. Expert markswoman: Miso has honed her skills as a marksman and is an exceptional shot with various firearms. Her precision and accuracy with weapons make her a formidable force in combat situations.

  4. Photographic memory: Miso possesses a photographic memory, enabling her to recall details, conversations, and even maps with remarkable accuracy. This talent enhances her ability to analyze and retain critical information in her line of work.

  5. Tech savviness: Miso has a natural affinity for technology and is skilled in hacking, coding, and manipulating digital systems. Her expertise in cyber operations allows her to exploit vulnerabilities, gather sensitive information, and maintain the gang's technological edge.

  6. Stealth expertise: Miso has mastered the art of stealth and infiltration. Her silent movements, expert control over her breathing, and ability to blend into the shadows make her nearly undetectable in tight situations.

  7. Chess champion: Miso has competed in underground chess tournaments and is known for her strategic brilliance. Her ability to think several moves ahead and anticipate her opponent's strategies has earned her a reputation as a formidable chess player.

  8. Expert disguise artist: Miso has developed exceptional skills in disguise and makeup artistry. She can transform her appearance dramatically, assuming different personas to navigate high-risk situations without raising suspicion.

  9. Code name: Within the gang, Miso is known by her code name "Viper." The name reflects her deadly precision, cunning nature, and the reputation she has built within the criminal underworld.

  10. Equestrian skills: As a child, Miso developed a love for horseback riding and spent significant time honing her equestrian skills. While she doesn't have many opportunities to indulge in this hobby now, her connection with horses remains a cherished memory from her past. 

  11. Art enthusiast: Miso has a deep appreciation for art, particularly modern and abstract forms. She spends her free time exploring art galleries, attending exhibitions, and even creating her own pieces using various mediums like painting and sculpture.

  12. Green thumb: Miso has a natural talent for gardening and enjoys cultivating plants. Her living space is adorned with an assortment of thriving indoor plants, and she finds solace and relaxation in caring for them.

  13. Music aficionado: Miso has a diverse taste in music and is knowledgeable about various genres. She is an avid collector of vinyl records and takes pleasure in discovering new artists and attending live music performances whenever she can.

  14. Gourmet chef: Miso is an accomplished cook and enjoys experimenting with flavors and creating culinary masterpieces. She loves hosting intimate dinner parties where she can showcase her culinary skills and treat her loved ones to delectable meals.

  15. Adventure traveler: Despite the risks associated with her lifestyle, Miso has a deep wanderlust and a thirst for adventure. In her downtime, she plans and embarks on thrilling solo trips to explore different cultures, savor local cuisines, and indulge in adrenaline-pumping activities like bungee jumping or rock climbing.

  16. Animal lover: Miso has a soft spot for animals and has adopted a rescue dog named Luna. She cherishes their companionship and frequently engages in outdoor activities like hiking or jogging with Luna by her side.

  17. Bookworm: Miso is an avid reader and finds solace in the pages of books. Her personal library is filled with a wide range of genres, from thrilling crime novels to thought-provoking philosophical works.

  18. Martial arts enthusiast: Miso is passionate about martial arts and dedicates time to practice disciplines like Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu or Krav Maga. She finds empowerment and mental clarity through training, and it serves as a means of personal growth and self-defense.

  19. Charity work: Despite her involvement in the criminal world, Miso actively supports local community initiatives and engages in discreet charity work. She believes in giving back and making a positive impact wherever she can.

  20. Film aficionado: Miso has a deep love for cinema and enjoys watching and analyzing films from various genres and eras. She appreciates the art of storytelling through the lens and finds inspiration in the narratives and visual aesthetics of movies. 

  21. Handedness: Miso is right-handed, using her right hand for writing and most daily tasks.

  22. Favorite color: Miso's favorite color is deep midnight blue. She finds the color calming and mysterious, resonating with her introspective nature.

  23. Coffee preference: Miso is a coffee aficionado and prefers a strong cup of black coffee. She appreciates the rich flavor and the energizing effect it provides during long nights of planning and strategizing.

  24. Sleep habits: Miso is a night owl and finds herself most productive during the late hours. She has adapted to a nocturnal schedule, often working through the night and sleeping during the day to align with the gang's activities.

  25. Fashion style: Miso's fashion style leans towards a blend of edgy and minimalist aesthetics. She favors sleek and well-tailored outfits in dark colors, often accentuated with subtle accessories that reflect her attention to detail.

  26. Preferred weapon: Miso's weapon of choice is a concealed dagger. She appreciates its versatility, compactness, and the element of surprise it offers in close-quarters combat.

  27. Preferred mode of transportation: Miso prefers riding a motorcycle as her primary mode of transportation. The freedom, agility, and speed of a motorcycle align with her desire for independence and maneuverability in urban environments.

  28. Favorite dessert: Miso has a weakness for a rich and velvety dark chocolate mousse. She indulges in this decadent dessert as a rare treat, savoring the smooth texture and intense chocolate flavor.

  29. Weather preference: Miso enjoys the cool and crisp atmosphere of autumn. The changing colors of the leaves, the gentle breeze, and the sense of transition align with her introspective nature.

  30. Personal motto: Miso's personal motto is "Adapt, overcome, prevail." It encapsulates her resilience, resourcefulness, and determination to overcome obstacles and emerge victorious in the face of adversity.

10k notes

"Amidst the shadows, I find strength. In the depths of chaos, I discover clarity. I am Miso, a force that adapts, overcomes, and prevails."

13k notes

Ran Rikyeong; Grandfather ; Hyunbin
  Miso shares a special relationship with her grandfather, Ran Rikyeong, who holds a prominent position as the current leader of the Hellhounds gang alongside his wife, Yooyi. Despite his powerful position, Rikyeong is known for his strategic prowess and ability to operate discreetly, disguising the gang's operations behind seemingly humble businesses and centers.

As one of the six grandchildren, Miso has always held a special place in Rikyeong's heart. From a young age, he recognized her intelligence, determination, and potential. Rikyeong became a mentor figure to Miso, teaching her invaluable lessons about leadership, loyalty, and the complexities of the criminal underworld.

Rikyeong's deep affection for his family and his desire to secure their future led him to establish a tightly-knit bond with his grandchildren. He strives to provide guidance, imparting his knowledge and wisdom to help them navigate the challenges they may face. Rikyeong understands the risks and dangers involved in their lifestyle, and he instills in Miso the importance of loyalty, trust, and discretion.

Despite the nature of their involvement in the gang, Rikyeong ensures that his grandchildren receive a well-rounded upbringing, with a strong emphasis on education, moral values, and personal growth. He encourages Miso to pursue her passions and talents, recognizing her potential as a future leader within the Hellhounds.

Under Rikyeong's guidance, Miso witnesses firsthand his transformation of the gang from a chaotic force to a powerful, organized entity. She admires his strategic acumen, his ability to adapt to changing circumstances, and his unwavering dedication to protecting their family and the gang's interests.

Rikyeong's presence in Miso's life is not only influential but also serves as a reminder of the responsibility and legacy she carries as a member of the Hellhounds. His love, wisdom, and unwavering support provide Miso with a foundation of strength as she navigates her own path within the criminal underworld.



Ran Yooyi; grandmother ; 
 Miso shares a special and loving relationship with her grandmother, Yooyi. As Rikyeong's high school sweetheart and the daughter of a respected member of the Hellhounds, Yooyi holds a significant role within the gang. However, her role extends beyond the criminal activities of the Hellhounds as she also serves as the head of the free clinic that the gang owns.

From a young age, Miso has been inspired by her grandmother's compassionate nature and commitment to helping others. Yooyi's role as the head of the clinic showcases her dedication to providing essential medical services to those in need, even in the midst of the criminal world they inhabit.

Yooyi becomes a mentor and role model for Miso, teaching her the importance of empathy, kindness, and the value of using their position to make a positive impact on the community. Miso often finds solace and guidance in her grandmother's presence, seeking her wisdom in navigating the complexities of their dual lives.

Beyond her responsibilities within the gang and the clinic, Yooyi cherishes the time spent with her grandchildren, including Miso. She shares stories of their family history, instilling a sense of pride and legacy within Miso. Yooyi's gentle and nurturing nature creates a warm and supportive environment for Miso, offering a haven amidst the harsh realities of their world.

In addition to their shared love for the family, Miso and Yooyi share a love for traditional Korean culture. They often spend time together, cooking traditional dishes, practicing traditional arts, or engaging in cultural celebrations. Yooyi imparts her knowledge of their heritage, fostering a deep connection to their roots and a sense of identity for Miso.

Yooyi's presence in Miso's life serves as a reminder of the importance of balancing compassion, integrity, and loyalty within their tumultuous world. Her unwavering love, guidance, and dedication to making a difference instill in Miso a sense of purpose and a desire to use her own skills and influence for the betterment of their community.


Ran Yoonki; uncle ; 

Miso shares a unique and complex relationship with her uncle, Yoonki. As one of the masterminds behind the Hellhounds, Yoonki plays a crucial role in maintaining the organization that his father, Rikyeong, built. While Rikyeong established the foundation, Yoonki's strategic brilliance and innovative thinking have kept the gang at the forefront of their criminal operations.

Despite his influential position, Yoonki has chosen to forgo marriage, prioritizing his dedication to the Hellhounds and his family. He spoils his siblings and nieces and nephews, including Miso, with his attention and affection. Yoonki's nurturing nature makes him a favorite among the younger members of the family.

Yoonki holds a special place in Miso's heart as he named her aunt, Kyulkyung, when their parents ran out of names. This connection deepens their bond, and Miso often seeks Yoonki's advice and guidance on various matters. 

While Yoonki's focus primarily lies within the criminal underworld, he maintains a genuine affection for Miso and actively encourages her growth and development. He recognizes her potential and offers opportunities for her to learn from his own experiences and expand her skill set.

Ran Hyukjae; uncle ; 

Miso shares a close and protective bond with her uncle, Hyukjae. As someone who has chosen not to marry, Hyukjae dedicates himself to safeguarding and supporting his younger siblings, nieces, and nephews, including Miso. He is known as the go-to person when it comes to dealing with problems and is often hired for his skills in eliminating threats.

Hyukjae's strong sense of loyalty and protective instincts make him an integral part of the family. He acts as a guardian, ensuring the safety and well-being of his loved ones, especially in the dangerous and unpredictable world they inhabit.

Miso finds comfort in Hyukjae's presence, knowing that he is always ready to step in and handle any challenges that may arise. His formidable skills and reputation as a reliable enforcer instill a sense of security within the family, knowing they have someone they can rely on when things get tough.

While his role may involve undertaking dangerous assignments, Hyukjae's relationship with Miso and the rest of the family is built on trust, love, and mutual protection. He prioritizes their safety and takes pride in being the one they can turn to for support and guidance.

Beyond his protective nature, Hyukjae also serves as a mentor figure to Miso, imparting valuable lessons on survival, combat, and the intricacies of their world. He shares his expertise and experiences, shaping her understanding of the realities they face and providing her with the necessary skills to protect herself and the family.

Miso holds deep respect and admiration for her uncle's unwavering dedication and willingness to take on the toughest challenges. She recognizes the sacrifices he makes to ensure their well-being and values the strong bond they share.

In times of uncertainty or danger, Miso finds solace in knowing that her uncle is by her side, ready to defend and guide her through the complexities of their lifestyle. Their relationship is characterized by trust, protection, and the shared commitment to safeguarding their family's interests in a world where survival often depends on strength and strategy.



Ran-seo HAEJOO ; MOM ; 

Miso shares a deep and loving bond with her mother, Haejoo. As the first daughter of the family, Haejoo carries the weight of responsibility and tradition. She was married off to another high-level hound family, and her union with Seo Kyeoljae, a respected member of the gang, further solidified their connection within the criminal underworld.

Haejoo's intellect and passion for chemistry led her to pursue a Ph.D., becoming a highly accomplished chemist. Her expertise and knowledge in the field contribute significantly to the operations of the Hellhounds, particularly in matters related to drug production and scientific advancements.

Despite her involvement in the gang, Haejoo is a devoted and caring mother to her three children, including Miso. She places great importance on their education and well-being, striving to provide them with a nurturing environment even in the midst of their unconventional lifestyle.

Miso finds inspiration in her mother's intelligence, strength, and dedication to her family. Haejoo instills in Miso the value of education and the pursuit of knowledge, encouraging her to develop her own intellectual abilities and explore her interests.

The mother-daughter relationship is characterized by support, understanding, and shared ambitions. Haejoo serves as a mentor to Miso, guiding her through the complexities of their world and imparting wisdom on how to navigate the challenges they face.

Beyond their connection within the gang, Haejoo and Miso also share ordinary moments as a family. They engage in activities that bring them joy, whether it's cooking together, sharing laughter, or celebrating milestones in their lives.

Haejoo's role as a loving and accomplished mother serves as a source of inspiration for Miso. Her mother's resilience, intelligence, and unwavering love provide Miso with the foundation she needs to face the trials of their world with determination and grace. Together, they navigate the delicate balance between family loyalty and personal aspirations, supporting one another along the way.


Miso shares a strong and profound relationship with her father, Kyeoljae. Despite not being born into the Ran family, Kyeoljae's unwavering loyalty and dedication to the Hellhounds earned him the right to marry Miso's mother, Haejoo. His entry into the family was solidified by an act of bravery when he saved Haejoo from a drive-by, demonstrating his courage and commitment to protecting their family.

Coming from an ex-military family, Kyeoljae brings a wealth of knowledge and experience to the Hellhounds, particularly in the arms trade. He inherited his father's expertise in the field and has become an indispensable asset to the gang's operations.

Despite the inherent dangers of their lifestyle, Kyeoljae is a loving and protective father to Miso. He instills in her the values of honor, discipline, and self-defense. Kyeoljae passes down his military training to Miso, teaching her the importance of self-reliance, physical fitness, and situational awareness.

Their relationship is characterized by a deep mutual respect and admiration. Kyeoljae serves as a role model to Miso, showcasing the importance of integrity, loyalty, and the responsibility that comes with their place in the criminal underworld.

Beyond their shared affiliation with the gang, Kyeoljae and Miso share personal moments as father and daughter. They engage in activities that strengthen their bond, whether it's target practice, sharing stories about their family history, or spending quality time together in the midst of their hectic lives.

Kyeoljae's love for his daughter is unwavering, and he is determined to protect and provide for her at all costs. He imparts his knowledge, skills, and life lessons to ensure that Miso is equipped to navigate the complexities of their world.

Miso deeply respects and looks up to her father, valuing his guidance and wisdom. His presence in her life offers a sense of stability and security, even in the midst of their dangerous reality. Their relationship is built on a foundation of love, trust, and the shared commitment to protecting and preserving their family's legacy within the Hellhounds. 


Ran kyungyeol; uncle ; 

Miso holds a deep and bittersweet connection with her late uncle, Kyungyeol. The tragedy of his death at the family Hellhound summer bash continues to resonate within their family. Kyungyeol's sacrifice for his sister, Kyulkyung, where he shielded her from harm, remains etched in their memories.

In his final moments, Kyungyeol's last words to Kyulkyung were filled with love and concern. He urged her to run away, recognizing her special qualities and warning her not to let their uncle Yoonki's influence jeopardize her future. His words carry immense weight and serve as a guiding force for Miso's younger aunt.

Kyungyeol's unwavering bravery and selflessness exemplify his character. He prioritized the safety and well-being of his family above his own life, displaying a deep sense of loyalty and protectiveness. His sacrifice stands as a testament to the bond shared among the Hellhound family.

Despite his untimely demise, Kyungyeol's memory lives on through his three children and his wife, Saebyul. Miso maintains a strong relationship with her late uncle's family, offering support and comfort whenever needed. She cherishes the connection she shares with her cousins, embracing their shared memories of their heroic father.

The memory of Kyungyeol's sacrifice and his words of caution continue to resonate within Miso's heart. They serve as a constant reminder of the dangers and complexities of their world, as well as the importance of protecting their loved ones and staying true to their own paths.

While the loss of Kyungyeol left a void within their family, his legacy lives on through the strength and resilience displayed by those he loved. His selflessness and love for his family have left an indelible mark on Miso's character, shaping her understanding of loyalty, sacrifice, and the bonds that hold their Hellhound family together.

Ran-park saebyeol; aunt ; 

Miso shares a unique and cherished relationship with her aunt, Saebyul. Saebyul's entry into the Hellhounds family was different from the others, as she was not initially affiliated with the gang. Her connection to the Hellhounds came through her deep and loving relationship with Miso's late uncle, Kyungyeol.

Their love story transcended the boundaries of their respective worlds, and Saebyul became pregnant with their twins. The joy of their growing family was tempered by the tragic loss of Kyungyeol before their third child was born, leaving Saebyul to raise their children on her own.

As an obstetrician-gynecologist, Saebyul plays a vital role within the Hellhounds family. Her expertise in delivering babies extends not only to the gang's members but also to the broader community. Her nurturing and caring nature shines through as she brings new life into the world, offering support and care to those who need it.

Saebyul's role as a mother to Miso's cousins and her own children demonstrates her strength and resilience. She navigates the complexities of their world while providing a loving and stable environment for their family. Saebyul's dedication to her children and her role as a single parent is an inspiration to Miso, who deeply admires her aunt's ability to balance her professional and personal life.

Miso cherishes the moments spent with Saebyul, seeing her as a pillar of strength and a source of guidance. Saebyul's presence brings comfort and stability, providing a safe space for Miso and her cousins to share their thoughts and emotions.

Their bond is formed through shared experiences, family gatherings, and the love they have for their extended Hellhounds family. Saebyul's presence reminds Miso of the importance of love, support, and resilience in the face of adversity.

As Miso navigates her own path within the Hellhounds, she often seeks solace and advice from Saebyul. Her aunt's unwavering love and nurturing nature offer guidance and reassurance, allowing Miso to grow and find her own strength within their unique family dynamic.


Ran Geunkyeok; 'uncle' ; 

Miso shares a unique and close bond with Geunkyeok, who was adopted into the Ran family after his parents tragically lost their lives at the hands of Golden Dragon members. While not a biological Ran, Geunkyeok has become an integral part of their family and the Hellhounds.

Geunkyeok's charismatic and flirtatious nature brings a sense of lightness and humor to their often intense and dangerous world. He possesses a natural charm that makes him an adept recruiter, seeking out new members and expanding the Hellhounds' influence.

Despite his initial difficult circumstances, Geunkyeok has embraced his role within the family, finding solace and belonging among the Rans. The bond between him and Miso transcends bloodlines, built upon shared experiences and a deep understanding of the dangers they face.

Miso appreciates Geunkyeok's ability to bring moments of levity and joy into their lives, even amidst the chaos of their lifestyle. His easygoing nature serves as a source of comfort and companionship, providing a respite from the harsh realities of their world.

Their relationship is characterized by a playful banter and camaraderie. Geunkyeok's wit and charm allow him to connect with Miso on a personal level, understanding the complexities and pressures they both experience as members of the Hellhounds.

In moments of danger or uncertainty, Geunkyeok's presence provides a sense of security for Miso. His loyalty to the family and his willingness to protect and support them is unwavering, demonstrating his deep commitment to their shared cause.

While Geunkyeok's recruitment role brings its own risks and challenges, Miso sees his contribution as an essential part of their family's survival and growth. They work together, with Geunkyeok drawing in new members and Miso utilizing her own skills and intelligence to support their operations.

Their relationship is founded on trust, shared goals, and a mutual understanding of the dangers they face. Miso considers Geunkyeok not just as a close family member, but also as a trusted ally and confidant in their unpredictable world.


Ran Kyulkyung; aunt; 
 Miso shares a complex and nuanced relationship with her aunt, Kyulkyung. As the youngest among her siblings and twins with Yungyeol, Kyulkyung's future is predetermined within the Hellhounds family. She is expected to fulfill the role of the next queen, marrying a distinguished hound, having pups, and upholding the family name.

However, Kyulkyung harbors a deep longing for independence and creative expression. She is a talented artist who seeks to escape the confines of her family's expectations and the entanglements of their criminal world. Kyulkyung yearns to run far away, dedicating herself to her art and pursuing a life separate from the family's mess.

Despite the pressure placed upon her, Kyulkyung's relationship with Miso is one of understanding and support. Miso empathizes with her aunt's desires and dreams, recognizing the weight of the family's expectations. She serves as a confidante, offering a safe space for Kyulkyung to express her frustrations, aspirations, and fears.

Miso admires Kyulkyung's artistic talent and encourages her to pursue her passion, understanding the need for self-expression and personal fulfillment. She serves as a source of encouragement, reminding Kyulkyung of her own strengths and the importance of staying true to herself.

Their relationship is characterized by a deep bond and shared desire for freedom. Miso is a source of inspiration for Kyulkyung, demonstrating the possibility of forging one's path and finding fulfillment beyond the constraints of familial obligations.

While Kyulkyung's desire to escape the family's mess may create tension within the Hellhounds, Miso supports her aunt's pursuit of happiness and urges her to follow her dreams. Together, they navigate the delicate balance between family loyalty and personal aspirations, offering each other strength and encouragement as they strive to carve out their own paths in life.


ran yungyeol; uncle ; 

Miso shares a unique and significant relationship with her uncle, Yungyeol. As the twin brother of Kyulkyung, Yungyeol holds a special place within the family. His name, representing the later part of his deceased older brother's name, serves as a constant reminder of the past and the bonds they share.

Yungyeol takes on the role of a guardian and protector, particularly watching over Kyulkyung. He understands the weight of their family's expectations and the need to keep a vigilant eye on her, ensuring her safety and well-being within the intricate dynamics of the Hellhounds.

Their relationship is built on a deep understanding and unspoken connection. Yungyeol recognizes Kyulkyung's desire for freedom and creative expression, just as she understands his responsibility as her watchful brother. They support each other through the challenges they face within the family, finding solace in their shared experiences.

Miso acts as a bridge between Yungyeol and Kyulkyung, providing a safe space for open communication and understanding. She fosters a sense of unity within the trio, allowing them to lean on one another in times of both joy and turmoil.

Yungyeol's protective nature extends to Miso as well, viewing her as an important member of the family. He keeps a watchful eye over her, ensuring her safety within their complex world. Miso appreciates his guidance and protection, valuing his commitment to their well-being.

Their relationship is characterized by trust, loyalty, and the shared goal of safeguarding their family's interests. Yungyeol's presence brings a sense of stability and security, knowing that he is dedicated to their collective welfare. Miso recognizes the sacrifices he makes in upholding their family's traditions and is grateful for his unwavering support.

Together, Miso, Yungyeol, and Kyulkyung form a united front within the Hellhounds family. They navigate the intricacies of their roles, supporting and looking out for one another as they navigate the delicate balance between personal desires and the obligations placed upon them.




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[back ground here]

Miso's journey from her birth to the present day is one marked by the complexities of her family's involvement in the Hellhounds gang and the challenges she has faced growing up in that environment.

Born into a world where loyalty and power define their existence, Miso entered the world as the daughter of Haejoo, a renowned Ph.D. chemist within the gang, and Kyeoljae, a skilled arms trader who earned his place through his unwavering dedication. From the very beginning, Miso was surrounded by the intensity and intrigue of the criminal underworld.

As a child, Miso witnessed the inner workings of the Hellhounds through her parents and extended family. She observed the strategic maneuvers, the loyalty and sacrifices made, and the fine line between survival and self-destruction. Although shielded from the most dangerous aspects of their activities, Miso learned early on the importance of resilience, adaptability, and the need to navigate the delicate balance between the family's loyalty and personal aspirations.

As she grew older, Miso's intelligence and inquisitive nature became evident. Her keen intellect and analytical mindset allowed her to excel in critical thinking and problem-solving, traits that were nurtured by her parents and the opportunities within the Hellhounds' ranks. They recognized her potential as a future leader within the gang and encouraged her to develop her skills and knowledge.

Miso's upbringing was not without its challenges. The constant threat of danger, the moral ambiguity surrounding their actions, and the pressure to uphold the family's legacy weighed heavily on her shoulders. However, amidst the chaos, she found solace in the relationships she forged with her family members.

Her grandfather, Ran Rikyeong, the respected leader of the Hellhounds, became her mentor and guide. He taught her valuable lessons in leadership, loyalty, and the intricacies of their criminal world. Her mother, Haejoo, instilled in her the importance of education, moral values, and personal growth, emphasizing the need to make a positive impact within their tumultuous environment.

Miso also shared close bonds with her grandmother, Yooyi, who headed the free clinic owned by the Hellhounds. Yooyi's compassion and dedication to helping others left a lasting impression on Miso, igniting her own desire to make a difference beyond the boundaries of their gang activities.

Through the guidance of her family, Miso discovered her own strengths and aspirations. She embraced her role as an intelligent, resourceful, and adaptable individual within the Hellhounds. While she felt the weight of the expectations placed upon her, Miso also developed a deep longing for personal freedom, creative expression, and the desire to carve her own path.

Now, as Miso reaches the present day, she stands at the crossroads of her identity. Balancing the ties to her family, the responsibilities within the Hellhounds, and her own dreams and aspirations, she must navigate the complexities of loyalty, self-discovery, and the pursuit of a life that aligns with her values.

Miso's journey from birth to now has shaped her into a resilient and introspective individual. As she faces the challenges and uncertainties that lie ahead, she carries with her the wisdom and lessons imparted by her family, a deep determination to forge her own destiny, and the unwavering loyalty to those she holds dear in the world of the Hellhounds.

Crimes committed: 
Cybercrime: Miso might utilized her intelligence and computer skills to engage in hacking, identity theft, or other cyber-related crimes, serving the gang's interests.

Extortion: Miso could participate in extorting money or valuables from individuals or businesses, using threats or force to compel compliance.

Arms Dealing: Given her father's involvement in the arms trade, Miso might engage in illegal weapons transactions, acquiring and distributing firearms and other weapons on behalf of the gang.
10k notes


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