About Sunlight ent and Neo Unity

Hello, itsa me, mario Sien

First of all, Merry Christmas to everyone that celebrates it! I hope all of your days are filled with joy :D and same thing goes to the people that don't celebrate it of course.

Secondly, I've been pretty inactive on here for like the last month or so and I apologize for that. I meant to work on stuff, but I tried to move out, my new place had no wifi, I got terribly homesick and moved back. Now I am moving between the parental home and my own apartment, and i got wifi! But I just never really got back to working on my stories despite me wanting to, and having ideas to revamp some stories and add some more kids to fill them up quicker so I could start writing.

A few days ago I woke up with a dreadful feeling of wanting to throw away everything I have on this site and start anew. My friends had already heard me yammer on and on about how I've lost my muse for aff. And I found out what the source of this was. Sunlight ent. An outdated, mish-mash of a mess that got revamped and reworked 452 times. I desperately clung onto this company cause it was my child, my passion project, but I didn't realise that I had lost my passion on the way.

I am terribly sorry to those who have applied and were picked in Necalli's case, but the sunlight stories will be put on hiatus. Especially Adore and Estrela will be closed for now. Necalli, since its a finished lineup, will still get updates. I do not want to permanently get rid of them, because maybe I will regain my muse if I step away and focus on something else. Outside of that, Nu-Gic, Hynix and PR101 will be going on as usual.

But with Sunlight taking its leave, that opens up space for a new company to step into the spotlight. A company that I have been itching to write about for a while, a company where I could revive some shelved old ideas. The company in question is Neo Unity, which was founded in late 2019 by a former idol named Neoguri. He might be familiar to some of you as he is an old character of mine! :D Neo Unity will be debuting their first group (or groups?) in 2022, and that will be coming up today, or one of these days. The fic will be named La Relance.

Neoguri hopes to see you all there for the party (and ofc me too)!

Sien out ;w;


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awwww i hoep you'll feel better soon sien :((( i get it tho i promised i'd finish that stupid hunger games story because i was so invested but then lost every ounce of motivation i ever had :( it's just hard sometimes but don't beat yourself up about it!!!
Shakes some poms poms
You got dissss
I’m looking forward to the new story!
waves a lil flag
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3