i'm so bad :3

Since I live in Canada and I go to a french school we have this tradtion that we do our own version of 'Carnaval de Quebec' in our school which is a.... carnival.... in uuh... Quebec xD with this dude as the mascot -
His name is Bonhomme aka snowman in french.

anyways, since i'm in grade 8 (the oldest in our school [sk-8]) we like had to manage each station. I was lucky cause I got picked for the hot chocolate station inside the school instead of being outside in the cold playing retaded games with demonic little kids.

So, our teacher is like SUPER strict (at times) and he specifcally told me and my partner that we could only get ONE hot chocolate because everyone only gets one. so i'm like "poo -.-".

So, uuhm, being the badasses me and my friend/partner were, we were like "oh yeah, we need to give the hot chocolate to our classmates outside cause they can't come in to get it" and they're like "okay!" so we got two each, cause we were gonna give them to 2 groups. But then.....we drank 1 each and yeah.

We were like "oh, yeah total badass." then we went back and got our own actual hot chocolates so in total we had 2 :3

then the day dragged on (it was the whole day btw) and we kept having to actually bring the hot chocolates out to our friends in grade 8 and then when we were done they offered us more hot chocolate so we're like OKAY :D and then we had 3.

at the end of the day, they had 1 huge container left of tim horton's hot chocolate left.
I like tim hortons.

SO THEN THEY OFFERED US 2 MORE SO I HAD LIKE 5 and my friend got 4 and everyone asked why I got 5, and that it wasn't fair and that I but  i'm all like -

this legit happened, its not important but I just wanted to use that dusty old gif up there ^-^




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HAHAHAH. Badass.

the other guy's like, "Duh ~ Isn't it obvious?!" xDD