My current life

I am someone who need to bottle up my feelings such as frustration and anger due to my parents never let me freely express myself and I always be met with indifference from them but sometimes I let it slips a bit to people because I'm almost at my limit. The reason is because of my mom. I made a tantrum, she whipped me with a belt and hit me. I made a small mistake or do any errands from her imperfectly, she told me off saying I'm lazy whatsoever while everytime she did work and I tried to help, she pushed me away because she wanted her work to be perfect. So, my unstable emotional distress came from her. When I bottled up those negative emotions, I can get sick with migraine and slight fever but enough to make it hard for me to do chores properly. When I am in the said condition, my mom would blame everything that I did and keep on nagging at me about it without caring to give me a medicine or taking me to the clinic. I took care of myself by myself most of the time so I never did depend on my parents to take me to the hospital, in hope that their action would led them to regret for neglecting their children. So, in order to avoid getting sick due to emotional stress, I usually cried silently (using any methods ofc) which is one way to 'safely release' the bottled up feelings before 'exploding' that is making me sick. Sorry for ranting here. Tonight might've been a bad day for me because those who I always shared this problems slept early than I expected so yeah.


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i know how u feel girlie cause neither my narscistic mom or dad don't care bout how i feel 😕, but like im here for u girlie if u ever need a friend to talk to like u can always message me anytime for support n to be ur friends, ur not alone when it comes to havin parents issues 💜 hugs 💜