Depression Came Back

I was about to make new updates on my stories but it seems that the overloading assignments and the relationship with my family totally took a toll on my mind while my boyfriend is as busy as I am and I can't be selfish to go to him when he got less sleep already. In other words, my old friend, the depression comes back but this time it's even worst. I hate it when all these years I'm able to overcome it without anyone knowing but now the thing that made it triggered the most is because of my own family. I'm ok with my dad but not with my mom and lil sis which I don't understand what is my fault when I'm the one struggling here with my studies because I'm no longer a bright student like before I got my first depression episodes. It's hard to gain back your passion for studying as well as for writing my fanfics after recovering from being depressed especially when my stories are mostly supernatural and fantasy based, where I tried hard not to write down about the dark thoughts that lingered my mind for years. I'm just writing this to let out my heaviness but I'm not sure if this helps since not many people would care about whatever I did. Anyways, that's all from me. For my stories, I already have a full plot for 2@3 chapters but I still can't write them down yet. Sorry for ranting here. Have a good night. 


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