New girl... old and sad story... ( Hints)

"I love you  so much  Song Hanna.... you will stay here right?" Her boyfriend said.

"Yes... I will get a scholarship... I almost sure I can get one with my scores... My mother  will accept if I get the scholarship... we will be together for ever" Hanna said.

"I'm so happy... I promise I'll study harder for our future together...My mother likes you a lot... We don't have any obstacle... just work hard to get our happy forever" He said and both smiled while embracing seeing the stars while their friends clap making them feel shy

........ Sometimes being a pretty girl is a  misfortune... when the wolves put their eyes on you

"I can't tell him ... that it wasn't an accident... that his life is in danger ... for my blame... this can't be true.... why... if we were happy.... I... I have to leave to protect him.... protect myself.... And protect our love.... I'm sorry my love .... I have to make this I have to run away.... " Hanna was crying

"He is wicked and dangerous.... why he appears... in our lives....I have to protect my boyfriend... I only love him... But I have to tell him lies to make him let me go back Korea.... I'm sorry  I will hurt you.... but I will save your life  and.... I'm sure as he appears abruptly here.... He will vanish... surely he is here hiding from something... but he is powerful...I will pray and trust we are meant to be and I will come back and explain to you my love.... Please God gave us the chance to be together... I love him so much" Hanna cried by embtacing the photo of the man she loves The one he is about to tell awful lies that she doesn't love and just fooled him to get fun before come back to the one she loves in Korea... acting as an interested woman....

...... A man with a broken hurt crying a river for a woman that supossedly played with him... but ... He doesn't know how much she loves him ... so much to leave everything she struggle to get there just to prevent him from damage....

A dak figure in rage after losing his prey.... a girl who refuse him and prefer someone he thinks is nothing compared to him... he won't forgive and don't forget... but he is cruel 

"She loves so much that stupid....She is a hardworking girl... she is brave ... but he is her weakness... sonner or later she will comeback... As I don't live here... I think she is waiting ... my leaving... no way small lady.... I just have to wait to get my prey...I don't intend to be too harsh on her... but now I will be the harshest.... I will wait for you sweet heart" The beast

.......... Years after

"The monster is here in Korea.... Ohhhhh no she lives in this small city... fortunately... he doesn't see me and those people told me he lives here as he lost everything.... he can't go back to the States.... I have to go back.... my love I wish I can get your love back abd your forgiveness " Hanna said as she rushed... but....

"How lucky I'm coming here for business and finding the sheep..... Hey you told her what I told you" The beast demanded

"Don't worry... She believe every word... but I you want her... It' s easy... Why to wait" The other replied.

"I want her alone... Here she has many relatives... In USA she is alone... she lost all support... more easy to get lost in a country far away..." The beast said and smirked

"Oh... That is why you are....

............ The innocent one went to USA against her family even succeded in getting the scholarship... but none of her all friend wants to see her... all of them support the abandoned boyfriend and the rest weren't there.... as the beast supposed she is alone.

Her former boyfriend was still alone and her hopes grew bigger ... but he didn't want to heard her  and evaded her the most... She is almost a week ib USA and her family were warnign her to come back.... but she refused.... One day a miracle happen she found him and say some words that she loves him and have explantion of what she left.... but he is so hurt and left ... but primised to listend to her... but asked clear his mind....she is so happy and receive a note of his love and come to see him.... but her love never wrote it... it was a trap and she felt completely......

The beast won.... and got everything that wanted


He killed  her dreams.... her happiness... her hopes.... her dreams.... and and almost herself

..... treat her so badly......he  almost killed her.... let her to die.... after what happened to her .... she wanted to die there....

but the destiny wants her to survive.... and two angels where sent to save her from dying ... n old couple found  her  and saved her


Meanwhile her boyfriend understood... he wants to believes in her... he still loves her and want to have hope.... hope in her.... but a call for her cousin Kang Min Hyuk who is worry for her was misunderstood

"Liar..... when she left I asked for a name ... for the name of the man for whom she left me.... and she told Kang Min Hyuk... and he called asling for her... stupid... stupid me.... Shr just want to play with me using me... laugh at me.... but now.... she left for him again.... she surely is going to him..  that is why she doesn't answer me.... i won't her him just hearing his name ... that name that I won't forget... I won't reply the call from that guy .... no more unknown numbers..... I will bury your name for ever Song Hanna.... you are dead to me.... I will never wmntion your name again ... You won't hurt me again I promise" Her boyfriend promised with his broken heart ... still bleeding as he still has her in his heart


A mistake ended that love story a cruel mistake... 

She can't escape from the disaster.... Ji Hyun was lucky , not her


Now you know more of her....

You want to know the more .... of Hanna... 

Who is the beast?

Who is his former boyfriend?

MaKe your guess....




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