Ji Hoon and Ji Hyun story

I give you some hints:

- No everything you see is real, no everything you do is something that you want to do....

"NO, my appa no..... please.... not him....." A young Ji Hyun was crying. She was just seventeen years old to face the hard path in which she is involved now.....

- Sometimes you have to sacrifice many things even your love....

"I don't like money or status ....I just love him.... I promise I love your son.... believe me........ Please I beg you stop this" Ji Hyun pleaded to a monster that appeared to change her life for ever, but

"There is no difference if you love him or not. Or he believes that he loves you. you are bad for what I want for my son,but even thought you're eye-catching Jun Ji Hyun.... At the end everyhing  will be as I want.No matter how much you cry or what you do. I won't stop...I won't change my mind. you and your father can't scape from me" Lee Seung Jae said proudly and began to laugh.....


According to CROSSED PATHS and the hints, what do yo think Lee Seung Jae do to separate them?

I just want to know what are your opiniosn about their story.




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