HI GUYS! Any of my friends still on here? :')
I'm so sorry for going MIA for so long, but parenthood is tough and leaves me with no free time (unless you count 2 hours a day enough).
I've been busy writing and revising my book, and now it's DONE! :D
Some of you might know I've put my fanfics on hold because I was working on this book, but completing it was only the first step. Now I'm working hard to get an agent so that I can get it published the traditional way.
I don't know if any of my friends or readers are still on here, but if you are, I'd love to connect! I miss you guys!
You can follow me on Instagram or Twitter. Message me anytime you want and I'd be happy to reply~
I've also created an author's website (which apparently is a must to any aspiring authors).
Please join my newsletter to get more updates on my writing journey. If one day the book gets published, you'll be the first to know :D
I promise I won't spam you! Your support would be much appreciated. Especially since there are only 4 other subscribers now (one of them being my alternative email).
Thanks! I hope to hear from anyone soon <333