acrylic nails O.O

so i have money atm and i wanna try acrylics but since im a guy in a VERY conservative and homophobic family also community there's no way in hell can i go to a nail salon and get my nails done without getting refused and getting the dirtiest looks from the salons or from my family nor the community so im going to do it myself to make it less obvious. (i already bought a matte top coat for it) i just want clean and strong looking nails; i dont want be labelled as a homoual because that's not my orientation WHY CAN'T GUYS BE HYGIENIC AND NOT BE DISGUSTING LIKE BRO I JUST WANNA DO NAILS BECAUSE I BELIEVE ITS FOR EVERYONE. im planning to buy one monomer and one small jar of clear acrylic powder so that my parents wouldnt be a about it. what is wrong if a guy wants to do it? if girls can do it, why cant we do it? also youtube really convinced me to buy the acrylic lol (i really love the designs and shapes etc. but i cant do them so lets just go for a simple neat look lol) im a very artsy person and my parents dislikes it so much because in their perspective, im being gay when im not. like just because i support the lgbtq+ community and do art doesnt make me automatically gay :( my parents and i always fight about this topic and they think im being dramatic. anyways, i have money and no one can stop me >:D 



{jake, im the childhood friend of fran}



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