Transcendence kindle and print is available NOW

HEY GUYS! Man it's been so long since I've been on here lol! I've been busy with life changes so I hope you guys have been well and are staying lovely. I have exciting news! Transcendence is on AMAZON availble for pre-order kindle ($4.99 USD) and paperback($15.99 USD)!!! I am so happy and thankful to all the support you guys have shown me. I have some updates planned for some of our favorite characters/stories hehe so thank you for being patient! Love you guys, miss you guys! With this publishing, I'm going to leave the link up for you! Go grab you a copy hehe. 


I'll see you soon! God bless!


sunhalo ~ <3

kindle and paperback link:



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Lotuspassion #1
I can’t find on Amazon