SIXTEEN / Kwon Eunbyeol.

COLORS  #306078   #4e7474   #787890   #F0F0F0   #D8D8D8   #181830 

CreateTheSound Ariel  7/10
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Kwon Eunbyeol


birthname Kwon Eunbyeol. 권 은별

other names Belle Kwon / Eunbyeol's official English name, given to her by either the English-speaking girls of Sixteen or by Vernon.


 • Byeol, Byeollie / common nicknames

 • Queen of Duality / a fan favorite, gifted by Seventeen and taken up by Sixteen and their fans because of Eunbyeol's ability to easily shift from a more bubbly and cheerful persona off stage and off camera to someone that's confident and suave and explosive on stage and camera.

 • Firework, Firecracker / Eunbyeol has a fairly explosive and exciting personality. When you add her dramatic nature to it and get Eunbyeol onto the stage, these names make even more sense. The fans give Eunbyeol these nicknames, but it doesn't take long for Sixteen to use them too.

 • Sweet Tea Byeollie / Started by the fans, this is a play on Eunbyeol's love for sweet tea and her name. It's almost always used by the fans.

 • Angel, Angel Eunbyeol / Like Jeonghan, Eunbyeol was born on 10/04, leading to the typical nickname Angel. used by pretty much everyone, sometimes literally, sometimes ironically..


birthdate October 4, 1997

birthplace Busan, South Korea.

hometown Seoul, South Korea.

nationality Korean.

ethnicity Korean.


 • Korean / fluent (100%) / native language

 • English / conversational (45%) / Initially took lessons as part of mandatory schooling, but continued learning bits and pieces on her own after that due to a love of foreign movies. Her learning was bolstered first by joining YG (more lessons), and then by joining Pledis, where she was exposed to Sungyeon, Aron, Kyla, and Rena.

 • Japanese / conversational (25%) / She had an interest during her youth due to anime (as all children seem to), but it isn't until she becomes a trainee in YG and then Pledis that her Japanese skills go from basic to conversational.


faceclaim Yeeun (CLC).

backup Doyeon (Weki Meki), Seunghee (CLC).


height 166 cm.

weight 49 kg.


appearance For all intents and purposes, Eunbyeol appears a delicate and elegant flower in the prime of her youth. She's slender from years of a healthy diet and exercise, and her time as a trainee, subjected to dance practices and even more careful diets to maintian her figure and form have toned and slimmed her even further. 


Eunbyeol has gone through a number of hair colors through the years, ranging across the sepctrum from a pale, ashy blond to a dark-as-pitch black, but in the time before debut of Sixteen, she’s been spotted sporting a familiar golden blond. 

She has a few scars here and there, but they’re silvered, well-faded, most of them on her arms and legs from a youth full of pets and childish adventures. No tattoos. Eunbyeol also has a number of piercings in her ears, on both sides. Her lobes, helixes, and her scapha on one side, as well as the occasional flashy and ornate cuff with chains or dangling things. When out and about, tends to wear more ornate earings, generally opting for sterling silver with cubic zirconia gems. Around the dorm and for practice wear, the earrings are more simple, more zirconia studs and simple hoops. right, left & simple/plain.


style Eunbyeol isn’t the most feminine of the girls of Sixteen, but she does has a classic and chic elegance to her style. Out in public, she opts for classic fits and beauty. Jeans, shorts, and tees, clean sneakers and boots. Flannels and jackets in the cooler months. Dresses, skirts, and tank tops in the warmer months. Her closet is probably 75% black colored clothing and 25% everything else (blue jeans not included in the numbers, of course). Eunbyeol will generally argue that black is super easy to match up and it’s classic and never goes out fo style. (And at the end of a long day, she’ll also say that black keeps her looking nicer for longer, even when she’s running on fumes, 6 energy drinks, and sheer willpower and determination.) Additionally, her dorm attire is generally dependent upon the weather/season, and whether they have several hours of dance practice that day or not.

Eunbyeol can generally be found wearing perfume or body mist that smell of white flowers or citrus. Her favorites are Dolce & Gabbana's Light Blue, Gucci's Flora, and a general White Gardenia body mist.


warm months: 001 002 003 004 005

cool months001 002 003 004 005

practice: 001 002 003

airport: 001 002 003 

misc 001 002



types ESFP. Dauntless. GryffinPuff.

Libra. Fire Ox.



 • pos. passionate, cheerful, confident, sociable, dependable

 • neu. dramatic, diligent, bold, practical, direct

 • neg. stubborn, arrogant, unstructured, defiant, messy 




dependable, diligent, perceptive
Eunbyeol is very much the sort of person you can rely on. She’s a hard-worker, and she takes it upon herself to be the sort of member of the group that the others can look to in moments of indecision and confusion. (Granted, sometimes Eunbyeol herself is aiding in causing that confusion, but the fact remains that she tries to know when to joke and when to step back and be supportive.) The downside, however, is that at times Eunbyeol is perhaps too diligent. She makes sure things get done, yes, but sometimes it also leads to long nights in the studio, perfecting some move in their choreography, or working on a commission for some other group. but because Eunbyeol is so often caught up on the details, it makes her oddly perceptive, particularly when it comes to the other members of Sixteen. She’s good at noticing the changes in mood at the dorm or during practice, often using her gleaned information to judge when to call for a break during practices, or to drag [Hoshi] or Sehwa into the mess to help sort things out.

dramatic, bold, passionate
Eunbyeol is, unsurprisingly, super passionate when it comes to the things she cares about. She dedicates her time and energy to her passions, often going above and beyond what others might see as “enough.” But for Eunbyeol, it isn’t. Enough, that is. Being an idol, performing, rapping, even being with the other girls, she loves it. And people do say to find what you love and let it kill you. Of course, Eunbyeol is an excitable sort, and  as a performer and show(wo)man, she’s prone to being dramatic, particularly on stage, and bold. Her dramatics are generally for an intended purpose rather than to cause trouble -- to get laughs on a variety show, for example, or to bring smiles to the girls of Sixteen when they’re tired and worn down at the end of a long day of practice. But Eunbyeol is also bold in that she has a habit of finding lines, most often her own, and pushing them. Her comfort zone is one such line that Eunbyeol often toes and even strides across, willing to take risks and bear discomfort if it means finding Sixteen more chances to shine, or even something as simple as appearing confident even when she’s not.

sociable, cheerful

While not as much of a social butterfly as some of Sixteen, Eunbyeol does get around and make friends. There’s so many facets to her personality and different sides to Eunbyeol as an individual -- her age, her rapping ability, being a unit leader of Sixteen -- that it’s easy for her to step into different groups of people and find some sort of common group. As a result, Eunbyeol is often seen as a social individual within the company and industry. She’s never wanting for company, whether it be in the studio, in the company building, or when the group is out on a schedule. It helps, of course, that Eunbyeol is so cheerful and otherwise optimistic. She’s a “glass half-full” kind of girl, and she chooses to look on the bright side of things even when there may not be much brightness to go around. After all, as Sixteen’s rap captain, the other rappers in particular look to her for guidance and someone to lean upon, and it’s easier to be a guiding light when you yourself give off that light to begin with.


practical, direct, honest, diplomatic

Depsite not being the oldest member of Sixteen, Eunbyeol is one of the most level-headed members and she’s good at keeping her cool and handling things in a rational, practical, and diplomatic way. While everyone has favorites -- yes, even Eunbyeol -- she’s good about not letting her favoritism show or influence her decisions. Everyone shares the work, no one gets unnecessarily singled out for stupid reasons. She won’t pick a side in a fight unless necessary, preferring to stay not so much neutral as rational. She is a voice of reason, and an honest one at that. She’s not going to lie to you, nor will she sugarcoat things. It makes Eunbyeol a good source of advice, especially among the younger members of Sixteen, because they know she’s not going to tell them what they want to hear, and they know whatever advice she offers will be advice she would have wanted someone to give to her in a similar situation.


confident, arrogant

As far as confidence goes, Eunbyeol is...well, she’s a ten out of ten. She knows exactly what she’s capable of and where her weaknesses are (and, theoretically, what she can do to improve upon those weaknesses). She knows what she does well, too, and what she does more than just well. She knows she’s one of the better female rappers in the industry, and one of the best rappers under Pledis Entertainment, and while she doesn’t go out of her way to brag or rub it in anyone’s face, the fact of the matter is that her confidence, as attractive as it is to some, can also come across as arrogance. Because she’s so confident, and because Eunbyeol knows how to play up her strengths while carefully disguising her weaknesses, she can seem arrogant, especially when performing -- because she’s never more confident than when she’s on stage and has the lights shining down upon her. And in some ways, she is arrogant. She’s cocky. But Eunbyeol’s confidence in herself has been hard-won from years of practice and building herself up, and Eunbyeol won’t let the opinions of others make her believe in herself any less.


stubborn, defiant

Eunbyeol is a stubborn individual. While that often means simply refusing to back down -- a great trait to have at times, because it means Eunbyeol is always willing to fight for the causes and individuals she believes in -- it also means that she will often refuse to back down even when she really should. Eunbyeol’s stubbornness can lead to her butting heads with the other unit leaders -- like with [Hoshi] over taking breaks during practice because she's not afraid to speak up when it's necessary. Sometimes it means butting heads with a manager or even the company head instead, demanding time for the girls of Sixteen to rest and recoup after particularly stressful days or nights, or when someone is sick and needs a day away from practice to try to sleep it off, or refusing to go willingly and attend variety shows where she knows Sixteen will be belittled. (Weekly Idol before Doni and Coni leave are one such example. Eunbyeol intensely dislikes them, and she has no qualms with squaring up to them if they harass her girls.) To be defiant isn’t always the worst thing, though it certainly isn’t a becoming trait of an upcoming idols. Even so, Eunbyeol doesn’t hesitate to walk that fine line between stubborn and “try me, I dare you,”


unstructured, messy

But every person has their struggles, and Eunbyeol’s biggest struggles, rather than her stubborn and semi-defiant streak, lie in the fact that if she isn’t careful to write down everything and carefully put everything away right then and there.... Well, as the saying goes, she’d lose her head if it weren’t attached to her shoulders. Eunbyeol is messy, unstructured. Her studio is chaos constained in a room, with well-worn and loved notebooks and journals, and scrap papers on many available surfaces, all of them littered with half-formed thoughts and scrawls of lyrics, with sticky notes on the edges of the computer and sound system and even more lyrics upon them. And her room isn’t much better some days, much to her roommate’s chagrin. It’s not that Eunbyeol can’t be tidy -- she can, and she tries very hard to be -- but when she hits peak lyric hours, or when she’s in a hurry, her personal tidiness tends to fall by the wayside. She knows where everything is, at least, if that helps! (It doesn’t, Sehwa will often argue.) And Eunbyeol is much more careful about writing things down for the group, puting their schedules -- joint and solo -- on the calendar, all their times, their important dates, all of it -- so that at any given time, someone can look on the calendar or anywhere else they share their information, and know exactly what the plan is for the day or where everyone might be at any given time.




Eunbyeol is very much the sort of person that love a good challenge. Want to get her fired up? Challenge her to something. Tell her she can’t do it (then watch her surpass your expectations).



Eunbyeol has the memory of an elephant, and you can bet that she hold grudges for just as long. If you ever upset her or cause her any sort of grief, you can bet that she’ll never forget it. The girls of Sixteen have a little bit of leeway here, as do Seventeen, but for anyone else... If you mess up, Eunbyeol will eventually forgive whatever you’ve done. It’s in her nature. She doesn’t have the energy to spare to be angry for too long. But she will never ever forget.



Surprisingly, despite having a fairly elegant and chic appearance and style, Eunbyeol tends to get along better with guys than girls. Again, Sixteen are an exception, because they are her girls, and she will chosoe them over literally anyone and anything, but when it comes to close friendships, Eunbyeol actually has more guy friends than female friends. She’s one of those “bro” friends, and is often treated by the guys as one of the guys unless she goes out of her way to remind them that she is, in fact, quite female.



While there are a couple other girls in Sixteen that fit this description, Eunbyeol is most often described as the girl crush of the group. She’s bold and confident and knows how to work the stage. She captivates the audience, whether it be while rapping or dancing, or even singing. She’s there to command your attention. As such, Eunbyeol is frequenetly viewed by her peers and fellow members as being part of the girl crush crew, both inside of Sixteen and in general.


background here.




All stories must start somewhere. Perhaps ironically, Eunbyeol’s begins over two years before her birth on a wet and dreary autumn day in Busan. Her father, Kwon Hanbyul, is a finance consultant. Her mother, Jeon Eunhye works in marketing. They’re both holding coffee, both talking on or messaging on their phones. People shove by, and Eunhye and Hanbyul collide. Eunhye’s hot coffee spills across Hanbyul’s chest and down his slacks, going so far as to seep into his otherwise pristine dress shoes. But that discomfort and inconvenience takes a backseat when he realizes that his iced coffee has splashed all across a tight, white blouse. Hanbyul averts his eyes and pulls off his jacket before offering it to her. It won’t do much good, but it’s better than being oggled in public.


As Eunhye pulls his jacket on over her blouse, he finds himself saying, “I guess I ruined your coffee.” And after her noise of acknowledgment: “Can I buy you another?”


Fortune favors the bold, or something like that. Eunhye will be late for work if she goes for another cup of coffee now, but she’s willing to make a compromise. “How about dinner, instead?”

1997 - 2001


Eunbyeol’s birth comes shortly after a shotgun wedding, not that either of her parents mind. That first coffee-turned-dinner date had led to many more, and there had always been that intent there, for Hanbyul to ask Eunhye to marry him, but he’d wanted to woo her first, to build a better life for them both before popping the question. But no matter. After all, the two are happy together.


Eunbyeol is born slightly premature on the fourth of October, much to the surprised delight of her parents. Despite being premature, she’s healthy enough, and after a couple extra nights in the hospital to check both Eunbyeol and her young mother over, the two are sent home where Hanbyul welcomes them with open arms.

In that way, Eunbyeol’s early years come and go. Her parents remain busy with work, but they always ensure that they’ve made enough time for not just her, but for themselves. Once each week, the family goes out to eat, enjoying local cuisine and dive joints that only city natives know how to find. Eunhye and Hanbyul are as in love as they were the day they first spoke their vows, and their joy reflects that.




But nothing golden every stays, and no good thing lives forever. 


It's September 25th. Eunbyeol is a few days shy of turning six when her mother doesn’t come home one night. Who does come home, however, is a cop. Two cops, actually, with stern expressions and stiff shoulders that slump a little in their dark uniforms when an inquisitive Eunbyeol opens the door with a hopeful mommy? Hanbyul takes one look and seems to understand. He nudges Eunbyeol to her room, promising to come in soon to read to her, and he remains out in the other room to talk. Eunbyeol falls asleep before he arrives to tuck her in.


The next morning, Hanbyul has to explain to his daughter than her mother will never be returning home again.



It takes a couple weeks for the changes to become noticable. Hanbyul doesn’t even see them at first, too busy trying to put the pieces of his life back together to create some sort of stable ground for Eunbyeol. But when he does see it, he can’t believe he hadn’t noticed it before.

Shortly after Eunhye’s funeral, Eunbyeol develops a stutter. When Hanbyul notices, he takes her to a doctor, and then to another, but both say the same thing: she’s too old for it to be natural, normal. It’s passing, they say, she’ll grow out of it. It’s the third doctor that suggests the problem might be psychogenic and recommends Hanbyul take his daughter to a therapist.


Her name is Ahn Jinri, and Eunbyeol takes to her immediately. Even so, it take a couple sessions before Eunbyeol begins to open up about her home life and how things are now that her mother is gone. But Jinri is patient and good with children, and she gives Eunbyeol little tasks to work on at home as she bides the time between visits. One such task is to keep a diary -- a journal, Eunbyeol promptly renames is, refusing to do something so girly as to keep a diary. In this journal, Eunbyeol writes down everything, from stories about school, to meals with her father, to dreams she’s having. And as Eunbyeol becomes more comfortable with keeping a journal, Jinri begins to tackle the next issue: overcoming the stutter. 

It means a lot of reading out loud, first to Jinri, and then to Hanbyul as Eunbyeol’s confidence in herself begins to build again. After over two yearsa of therapy and with her sessions down from one per week to one a month, the stutter that had plagued Eunbyeol following her mother’s death seems to be mostly cured. Six months later, midway through 2004, Eunbyeol is released from therapy entirely.




Late 2005 sees the debut of the initial version of Super Junior, and 2006 sees the debut of Big Bang and Brown Eyed Girls and the rebranding of Super Junior of a fixed unit of thirteen. But it’s the rebranding of Super Junior, their comeback with U, that gives Eunbyeol the idea to try something new with her journal. Although she’d overcome her stutting problem and had finished her therapy sessions, Eunbyeol had kept the practice of writing in journals, expanding her practice from mundane things like talking about school and her friends to trying her hand at poetry and stream-of-conscious style writing, lines that weren’t quite poems but certainly weren’t quotes.


It’s Super Junior’s comeback as thirteen -- riding on the coattails of Brown Eyed Girls’ debut -- that makes Eunbyeol wonder if maybe, just maybe... Maybe she could do something like that, too.


At the tender age of ten, Eunbyeol decides she wants to be an idol.


The next year finds Eunbyeol watching a lot of tv. But it’s not tv so much as it is music shows, programs, watching the idols dance and teaching herself to move her body like that, too. She sings along, and she raps along, and she finds that while singing is fun and fine and well and good, it’s rapping that she enjoys the most. It’s rapping, finding a rhythm and spitting words like a maelstrom of fire and bullets, that she enjoys the most.


She can keep up with the boys when they rap, and she’s better than the girls. So what’s stopping her from going out there to show the world just what she can do?


Age. Age and distance. But not for long.




Early in the year, Hanbyul gets a job offer. A really good job offer. Hanbyul’s current company has a sister location in Seoul, one that has several positions that need filled, including a well-paying finance position that Hanbyul would be perfect for. The position is his if he wants it. 

Rather than commuting every day, Hanbyul packs his and Eunbyeol’s belongings and takes them to Seoul. On one hand, it brings them closer to his new job. On the other... It brings Eunbyeol one step closer to achieving her dream.


With the condition that she stay on top of her schoolwork, Eunbyeol is allowed to audition for entertainment companies. And should she be accepted to one, her father promises to at least consider the offer.


He doesn’t expect Eunbyeol to get one. Not immediately. And he’s not wrong, either.


For every audition tape Eunbyeol submits, and for every audition she attends in person with her father’s permission, she ranks quite well as far as her abilities and potential goes. But it’s her age that prives to be the biggest obstacles. Most of the companies simply won’t have it. It would be different if she were interested in going into acting or modeling as well, because then she could start out in one field and transfer into the other as she ages into it. But Eunbyeol doesn’t want to act. And while modeling would be fun, it’s not where her heart lies. She wants to rap. She wants to perform.


So Eunbyeol bides her time, saves up her rejections, and waits for an acceptance.


2009 - 2011


In mid 2009, Eunbyeol receives her first acceptance notice. YG Entertainment has finally decided that she’s old enough, and though they would like to start her as a model or actress, they agree to begin training her for debut. Considering the success of Big Bang and the newly-debuted 2NE1, Eunbyeol is excited to have the opportunity to work in the same company as such big names. From 2009 on, Eunbyeol works hard to hone and refine her rap ability, which turns out to be the main reason why YG wanted her in the first place. Despite her age and inexperience, she’s talented, and it would take a fool not to notice that.


But Eunbyeol is also only twelve, and in 2009, YG isn’t even truly considered the biggest player in the market. There’s a lot going on behind the scenes that Eunbyeol doesn’t know about, but what the younger teen does know is that 2009 comes and goes (as she expected it to), but then so does 2010, and then part of 2011. Her exclusive trainee contract expires then, and despite YG’s promise that they’ll debut her soon, Eunbyeol heeds her father’s worried advice and leaves the company. 


She floats for a few months, continuing to send out auditions to companies she’s interested in before, on a whim, she attends an open audition as Pledis Entertainment  in September of 2011. She receives a call back  and then her acceptance letter in October, just days after her birthday.


2011 - 2016 


Eunbyeol joins the ranks of the other Pledis girl trainees, including Xiyeon, Kyulkyung, Sungyeon, Nayoung, Kyla, and Rena. As the second-oldest after Nayoung, Eunbyeol often ends up helping keep an eye on the girls as they shuttle from practice to lessons and back again. Sheh finds a community with them, and it doesn’t take long at all until they’re thick as thieves.


Over the next several years, Eunbyeol continues to work hard, honing her skills as a rapper while learning from her peers and developing her abilities in both dance and vocal work. While Eunbyeol will never be another vocal queen Yehana or Sungyeon, or dance like Nayoung and Kyulkyung, Eunbyeol is confident enough to believe that she can hold her own.


2016 - present 


Pledis officially forms the Pledis Girlz project, and Eunbyeol is, for a couple short months, part of it. But by the time the concerts in May of 2016 roll around, Eunbyeol has been removed from the roster. Netizens are concerned, but are relieved to see a Eunbyeol’s familair face in the SixteenTV project that Pledis starts up. While Eunbyeol is a little hurt to not be with the girls she’d come to know so well, she is relieved because it eventually becomes clear that Pristin’s style and her own aren’t quite the same. (Later, when Pristin disbands just a couple months before her own debut, she’s relieved to be part of soon-to-be Sixteen.)



 • tea (cold and sweet is best, but hot and flavored/sweet is good, too).
 • sunsets.
 • astrology (she knows when all the eclipses and meteor showers are, and you can bet she can tell you how full the moon is on any given day)
 • mint (everything, especially gum).

 • black (the color) and aquamarine

 • butterscotch and butterrum candies

 • cool weather.

 • lotions.

 • the ocean.

 • ocean scents.

 • the scent of white flowers (gardenia, jasmine, etc)
 • cats.


 • coffee & soda.
 • sunrises.
 • bugs.
 • spiders.

 • literally anything with more than 6 legs.

 • artificial fruit flavors.

 • being too warm.

 • rom coms (they're too artificial)

 • Zico

 • Big Bang (just not her style of music).

 • here.


 • photography

 • listening to music.

 • writing in her journals.

 • collecting lotions.


 • carrying journals and notebooks (And sticknotes!) and jotting down words, phrases, entire verse, whatever. anything and everything.

 • having scrap paper in her pockets with random lyrics on them.

 • humming to herself (sometimes a Sixteen song, sometimes Seventeen, sometimes whatever show she's been listenin to).

 • here.

 • here.


 • failure.
 • spiders.
 • here.


 • She can tell when the members are lying. (Jokingly calls this her super power.)

 • She makes a mean pot of coffee. 9 times out fo 10, if she doesn't make it, no one else will drink it. (Which is hilarious, because Eunbyeol doesn't drink coffee.)

 • She can say English tongue twisters super fast and accurately. (Though any other English word/phrase/sentence, she has to be more careful and think about what she wants to say and just....vocabulary is hard!)


 • favorite color: aquamarine
 • favorite number: 12 (used to be 7 but....things change)
 • favorite season: spring
 • favorite food: chicken fried rice
 • favorite drink: lemon/citrus water
 • favorite plant: peonies
 • favorite sound: the ocean
 • favorite smell: citrus

 • favorite movie: Galaxy Quest or A Werewolf Boy
 • favorite song: Bang Yongguk's I Remember or Dreamcatcher's Deja Vu 

 • motto: Never give up, never surrender.

 • Eunbyeol's mother, Eunhye, died as a result of an accident cause by a drunk driver. She died on the scene before help could arrive.

 • Eunbyeol doesn't learn this until late in her time in therapy because of her age and because Hanbyul felt it wasn't something Eunbyeol needed to know at the time. 

 • As a result, Eunbyeol does not drink alcohol. At all. No matter the event or occasion, she chooses to not drink so that there will always be someone legally able to safely drive or otherwise navigate everyone home. 

 • She tends to favor groups that have a rock or alternative sound, or groups with a solid rap line.

 • Dreamcatcher, Monsta X, Stray Kids, LE, Ailee, Day6, The Rose, BTS, 4Minute, 2NE1, Black Pink, Ateez

 • She's a big fan of Hyuna, LE, CL, Changbin, Suga, Joohoney. (She's a major fan of LE and CL though.)

 • She actually doesn't like Zico. At all. Don't try to ask her why, because she wouldn't be able to tell you..

 • Eunbyeol has her drivers license, but doesn't drive much at all..

 • She doesn't have an ideal type, and will say so without hesitation when asked. Eunbyeol also uses gender neutral pronouns because she believes love runs deeper than gender.

 • LGBTQ supporter. 

 • 6 things you can always find in her bag: wallet, nail kit (file, clippers, etc), small flip notebook (with pen), lip balm, lotion, granola/protein bars for the girls. Her phone would be there, too, but that's probably in her hand or pocket.

 • She loves cats. And you can bet that if the other girls bring in cats, Eunbyeol will collect them as basically her own.

 • Eunbyeol also feeds local strays and ferals in the neighborhood around the Pledis building and the Sixteen dorms.

 • Before Sixteen's debut (during the time of Sixteen TV), Eunbyeol would occasionally volunteer at an animal shelter near the company building. After debut, she still does that when possible, but also tries to use their growing popularity to remind fans to adopt, spay/neuter their pets, and help where they can.

 • Eunbyeol has a bad habit of forgetting to eat, especially when she's holed up in the studio. It usually falls to Sehwa, [Vernon], or [l/i] to message her and demand she eat or just take food to her.

 • She does watch the occasional anime, usually with another sixteen member. Her favorite newer animes, at present, are Sword Art Online, The Promised Neverland, and Demon Slayer.

 • Her favorite older animes, however....much longer list. Inu Yasha, Cowboy Bebop, Rurouni Kenshin, Ghost In The Shell, Sailor Moon, and Cardcaptor Sakura top the list.

 • She also loves Studio Ghibli, Paprika, Tekkon Kinkreet, Your Name and other Makoto Shinkai movies, A Song of the Sea, Chidlren of the Sea, A Silent Voice, and Fireworks.

 • Her favorites.... Tekkon Kinkreet, Your Name, and When Marnie Was There.


 • youtube: the group's offcial account; posts vlogs occasionally with her in the studio or dancing, or vocal warmups

 • twt: the group's official twt; posts selcas every so often, but not as often as some members
 • ig: group's official (eventually opens her own under kwn_byeol, either for the group's first win or an anniversary); she uses it pretty regularly, but generally posts pictures of the things she sees on her daily schedules (the sky, skyline, poems, songs she's listneing to, stray cats, etc)
 • tiktok: the group's (un?)official, which she rarely uses anyway


Kwon Hanbyul father / 48 / finance consultant.

 • Hanbyul is Eunbyeol’s greatest supporter and biggest fan. Though he does worry about her plans for life after being an idol, since Eunbyeol has, at present, shown no desire to return to school for further education (at least until Sixteen is established), he knows that with her passion and drive, she can do anything. He’s proud of her tenacity and dedication to the life, or how hard she’s worked to reach debut, and all the obstacles she’s overcome to make it to this point. They don’t talk as often as Eunbyeol wishes they could, but when they do talk, Hanbyul is always excited to hear about practices and the people she’s met. Hanbyul also regularly asks about the other girls of Sixteen (he’s not allowed to pick favorites, but he’s particularly proud of leader line for their hard work and how much they do for the team), and he sends them care packages with snacks and things that he finds that make him think of them every so often. (Sometimes, embarrassed but so overwhelmingly fond, Eunbyeol asks why. Hanbyul explains it’s because he has twelve daughters now, and he wants them all t know how proud he is.) Eunbyeol is also, at present, trying to get her father to start dating again so that he won’t be so lonely without her, but it’s a work in progress.


Jeon Eunhye mother / deceased.

 • Despite no longer being alive, Eunhye is still a major part of Eunbyeol’s life because despite the many years since her death, Hanbyul has never moved on and found himself a new wife, or even tried dating. He’d viewed Eunhye as his soulmate, and he’s still very much in love with her. As such, Eunbyeol holds her mother in very high regards because Eunhye had made Hanbyul so very happy. If Eunbyeol were to believe in the concept of soulmates, platonic, romantic, or whathaveyou, she would believe her parents had been just that. Even though Eunbyeol was young when her mother died, Hanbyul has told his daughter a great many stories, and Eunhye lives on through them. Eunbyeol strives to be as bold and courageous and optimistic as her mother had been. She strives to one day find a love as true as her parents had been.

Sixteen Sixteen / groupmates.

 • Sixteen and Eunbyeol had a bit of a rocky start initially, due to Eunbyeol being pulled from Pledis Girlz and pushed to Sixteen TV, but after getting used to the idea, she adopted them as her own whole heartedly. They’re her girls, her sisters, and even if they’re brats and a mess at times, they’re still hers, and she would fight tooth and nail for them -- all of them, any of them, without hesitation. She’s aware that she asks a lot of them, of her team in particular, and pushes them hard, but she is oen of the older members, so Eunbyeol tries to lead by example and be the sort of groupmate that they can look to and lean upon when they’re struggling or need someone.


Seventeen friends & mentors / idols.

 • Eunbyeol isn’t as close to all of Seventeen as she is to the rapline of Seventeen, but she is on decent terms with all of them. They’re labelmates after all, and she’s worked with them and spoken to them all on several different occasions. She has a healthy respect for all of them for being Pledis’ first self-made group, and for their mentoring of Sixteen. Sixteen owes them a lot of gratitude, and Eunbyeol appreciates it. Even so, the rap line of Seventeen has a special place in her heart, Seungcheol especially, with him being her mentor. She gets along best with Mingyu outside fo her relationship with Seungcheol, largely due to both of them being loud, sociable extroverts, and then with Vernon and Wonwoo trailing behind due to their more soft-spoken nature.


NU'EST labelmates, sunbaes, friends / idols.

 • Having worked with Nu’est on a handful of occasions since joining Pledis, Eunbyeol is quick to praise them when given the opportunity. Despite not being the style she generally listens to, they have a unique sound that she thinks is entirely theirs, and she likes it because it’s theirs and sounds like them. As a rapper, she’s closer with JR and Aron, and is less so with Minhyun, Ren, and Baekho. When she sees them in the company building, she’s quick to greet them and will generally tell them what she thinks about the music they’ve released recently. More often than not, because their schedules rarely line up, they’ll talk over messengers, sharing song recs and with Eunbyeol occasionally asking for advice on various topics. Text is generally eaier for them because it’s easier to forget that Eunbyeol is a girl and she can just be that #brofriend..


(ex)Pristin idols, actresses, civilians....

 • The girls of Pristin are...a special topic for eunbyeol, and one that she doesn’t broach lightly. She viewed them like she views Sixteen now, like her girls, her sisters from another mister. While she’d never quite hit the “ride or die” with them like she does with Sixteen, it’s still hard for Eunbyeol to see Pristin fall apart, and she’s legitimately terrified of Sixteen failing in the same way. (She knows it was a collection of issues that snowballed into their hiatus and eventual disbandment, but....still. Still, she’s afraid.) After Pristin went on hiatus, she kept in touch with them all based on where they were. Some were easier, still within the company. Others, like Kyla, were harder. When Pristin disbands, Eunbyeol reaches out to all of them for the truth of the story even as rumors spread, and she’s quick to shut down rumors where she can. She supports those that leave when they do, wishing them well as an actress (Nayoung), or in their new company (the Hinapia girls), or as a normal person again (Kyla). She talks to them when she can, keeps them caught up, and keeps caught up herself. But still, she mises them.


name relation / age / occupation.

 • relationship elaboration.


stage name Byeol, [별] / Meaning 'star', Pledis ultimately decided that while Eunbyeol was a little too long to be a fitting stage name for the firecracker rapper, Byeol was short, quick, easy to remember... Just right.

persona Firecracker / Byeol's spark of a personality is one of her most memorable qualities, and Pledis thought to capitalize on it by using it as her persona. She's beautiful and explosive on stage, might even burn you if you get too close.


plotline Scoups: rap unit captain, lyricist, main rapper [+lead dancer, vocalist] // Vernon: co-lyricist, main rapper [+ dancer, vocalist]


vocal twin

 • Binnie (OMG) / Arin (OMG). | All told, Eunbyeol’s voice isn't the best. Sehwa and the rest of the vocal line are all much better than her, but Eunbyeol knows that she’s got a good voice and that her years of training have paid off. She’s a stable vocalist while performing, with a solid sound and a set of lungs to back her up, and you can tell that she’s been singing for years even before debut. But after ten years as a trainee, literally half of her life singing and dancing and working at becoming a performer, you’d better hope her sound is solid.

rap twin 

 • Soyeon (Gidle) / Yeeun (CLC) | Eunbyeol is easily one of the best female rappers in the industry for her age and training, and she’s frequently compared to the likes of female rappers like LE, CL, and Jessi. She has wicked flow when given the leeway to show off, and undeniable stage presence. She’s precise with her words, alternativing between spitting them with a deadly accuracy and a smug, relaxed air that frequently leaves fans wanting more. She’s one of the baddest rappers in the industry, and not even her haters can deny that. (Though they try. Being shown up by a girl her age? Pitiful.)

dance twin 

 • Yoohyeon (DC) / Soyeon (Gidle). |  Eunbyeol’s no high class, top-performing dancer, nothing like Hoshi and Seventeen’s dance line, or even Sixteen’s dance line, but she’d like to think she could be the secret dance line member if she really wanted to be. Years of dancing, alone and with the other trainees, days spent in the practice room in front of the mirrors, pouring all of her blood, sweat, and tears into the routines on top of a good memory and quick study have turned Eunbyeol into a stubbornly good dancer, if nothing else. She’ll never be on par with the likes of Lisa, Chungha, Seulgi, or Yooa, and she can only ever hope to be half as good as Kai and Hyoyeon, but [Hoshi] and Cais are proud of how good she’s gotten and how quick of a study she is, and that’s all that matter to Eunbyeols. It may take her time to perfect the dance, hours more spent in the practice room, working on all the tiny things that [Hoshi] and Cais make seem so effortless, but she does it. 

variety twin 

 • Lisa (BP) / Yooa (OMG). | 


trainee years 

 • 2009 - 2011 [2 years] -- YG Ent

 • 2011 - present [8? years] -- Pledis Ent

trainee life 



 • Eunbyeol’s time as a trainee under YG was fairly quiet. She was too young to do much of anything, and she was determined to be an idol and not an actress or model, so any time she didn’t spend at school or at home, she was in the practice room. Because of her age, however, her training hours were fairly restricted. For the most part, Eunbyeol kept to herself, cause there weren’t many trainees close to her age, and YG is careful to keep their female and male trainees from mixing.




 • Eunbyeol’s time under Pledis was a far cry different, however, because Eunbyeol went in older and wiser, and with an idea as to how training worked and what she wanted to accomplish. There were other girls there -- and boys, which was nice, because Eunbyeol was good at making friends regardless of gender -- and the simple fact that there were other trainees there pushed Eunbyeol to not just work harder, but to push herself to bigger and better heights. Having other trainees as motivation gave Eunbyeol incentive to learn new skills while honing those she had already, and gave her resources to go to when she hit blockages while training.


 • She was largely well-liked by her peers, and could often be seen running with the girls that became Pledis Girlz, and later Pristin. Eunbyeol was the unofficial co-leader and wrangler of the pack, and Netizens honestly expected Eunbyeol to debut in the same group as the girls because they were so often together.


 • Her time in Sixteen TV is a slightly different story. Because Eunbyeol had largely run with the Pledis Girlz members, she’s a bit out of sorts among the Sixteen girlsmat first, because she’s just not as familiar and comfortbale with them. Even so, it doesn’t take long for Eunbyeol to warm up to them. Before, she’d been Nayoung’s co-leader, but in Sixteen Tv, despite not being the eldest girl, Eunbyeol quickly rises to the top of the pack as something like a parental figure. When the girls travel for anything, she’s one of the first out of the vans, counting heads and making sure everyone’s accounted for. (And when they leave, she’s one of the last to load up, and only after she’s ensured that all of the girls are safely inside. The other unit leaders, when they become aware of Eunbyeol's history with vehicles, think part of Eunbyeol counting and checking is to see where everyone is in case something happens. They respectfully try not to bring it up.) It’s never something expressly appointed, but it doesn’t take long until Eunbyeol is one of the members that the other girls look to in times of confusion. After all, Eunbyeol always seems to know the day’s schedule, as well as their own individual schedules, and she can be counted to on help usher everyone along.



 • backup dancer in Orange Caramel’s My Copycat MV / Aug 2014 / Like many of the female trainees, Eunbyeol was featured as a backup dancer.
 • appeared in Seventeen’s Mansae MV / Sept 2015 / Again, like some of the other female trainees, Eunbyeol can be spotted in the MV.
 • appeared in NU’EST’s Overcome MV / Feb 2016 / She’s the female in the mv (replacing Yuha)
 • appeared in NU’EST’s Daybreak MV / Oct 2016 / She’s the female in the mv; this is a special request from JR and Minhyun because Eunbyeol comes across as one of the guys, making her easy for them to work with (replacing Roa)

 • Seventeen TV / 2013-? / appeared like many of the other Pledis Girlz in various epiodes

 • Sixteen TV / 2016 - 2018?

 • appeared in Seventeen’s Don't Wanna Cry MV / May 2017 / Eunbyeol is one of the females in the MV, though it's speculation until she herself confirms it. 

future activities 

 • solo stuff / no specific year or anything, just think it would be cool for her to eventually release solo songs as b-sides on Sixteen albums, or mvs that one of the members that wants to try directing has filmed (I think Mingyu did something similar? and Bambam of Got7 did that too!) and it could be a good way for her to showcase her growth as an artist (like vocally and dance-wise)

 • possible solo song ideas: Bad Boy (orig. Chungha); Revolution, Villain, Never Let You Go, Bomb, Do or Die (orig. Alexa); Jelly, Idle Song (orig. Soyeon); Cider, Anck Su Namun, HomeMy Gravity, Chase, The Lunar World (orig Yezi), Trick or Treat, Zombie High (orig. Grace)

 • Love Therapy w/ Sehwa (orig. Euna & Exy)

 • I'm Your Girl w/ [Hoshi] (orig Khan)


 • idk I always struggle to think of good scandals?? can I return to this later if I have good ideas? DATING SCANDALS WITH NU'EST (and later SVT) BECAUSE #BROS? honestly, dating scandals because #brofriend is probably the best you'll get out of her

 • maybe a "scandal" in the same vein as that MarkHyuck "fight" they had in summer 2017 that wasn't actually a fight? where it's a....actually, here, this explains it so well


 • Where is Eunbyeol? / 2016 (Feb/Mar) / takes place after formation of Pledis Girlz but before concerts begin in April. Netizens notice that Eunbyeol was in the lineup, then abruptly isn’t. As it always seems to, concern arises and rumors that Byeol has left Pledis swirl until the debut of the Sixteen TV program where they spot a familir face among the crowd

 • SixteenTV’s Eunbyeol in Pledis MVs?? / (during SixteenTV, though it gets brought up again at random every so often) / While Eunbyeol was somewhat known before SixteenTV and Pledis Girlz, netizens get to really know her after SixteenTV begins airing, and some eagle-eyed fans realize that she was the one in Overcome and Daybreak. (For example, after her appearing in Mansae and Don't Wanna Cry, this might make headlines on sites like Akp, Kboo, and Soompi again)

 • activity / elaboration / year.




birthname Choi Seungcheol, Scoups

birthdate August 8, 1995


first meeting 


Unlike most of Sixteen, Eunbyeol first met Seuncheol during a random episode Seventeen TV (Season 2, specifically, after Seungcheol joined Pledis), when she and a number of the other girls that eventually debuted in Pristin went to visit the boys. As the girls were only visitors, Eunbyeol’s appearance was brief, but they managed to exchange polite words before ultimately moving on to what they’d come to do before leaving again. 


Their next meeting were in a similar vein, exposure through Seventeen TV project, not all the moments making it to broadcast, before the two ended up running into each other outside of the company building at a convenience store in the dead of summer. Eunbyeol was on a drinks run during a break from practice for an upcoming trainee evaluation, and Seungcheol was....doing something that Eunbyeol suspected might be running away from his cluster of children. The two lingered at the store long enough to buy and eat a popsicle each before returning to the practice building. During that time, they discussed trainee life, with Eunbyeol catching Seongcheol up on the other girls, and Seongcheol explaining about how Seventeen TV was going and the shenanigans the boys were getting up to. When they part ways at the practice building, they promise to try to accidentally run into each other again. Soon. (Pffft, soon, right.)


The next time they meet, aside from various aooearances during Seventeen TV, it’s when Eunbyeol joins Seventeen post debut to film Mansae.



interactions & trivia 


 • Aside from being more introverted, Seungcheol and Eunbyeol actually have pretty similar personalities, and the two of them get along well because of it. While Eunbyeol cna be a little loud (and sometimes a little too bold or overwhelming) for Seuncheol, he appreciates her more outgoing nature. Similarly, being around Seungcheol exposes Eunbyeol to a more introverted personality, forcing her to be more careful about her volume and how she behaves. 

 • The two are rappers and lyricists for their respective groups, and they find it fun to share their creative process with each other.

 • However, Seungcheol is Distressed™ at the state of eunbyeol's studio. (To be fair, his distresses her, too.)

 • Seungcheol is one of the members most prone to checking up on Eunbyeol, since he's her mentor. He's also the one Sehwa will generally contact since he's probably at the studio as well and "Oppa, tell Byeol to come home or else!"

 • When they get bored, after they get their phones, they message song lyrics back and forth.

 • When Eunbyeol feels like being a menace, she likes to call him Scoopy, Scoops, S-cooooops (a la Mansae intro), and a number of other things. 

 • Normally, however, he's just Seungcheol. If there's no cameras rolling, their both use their names because it helps to differentiate what is them and what's the idol. It's easier for them to talk and share ideas when it's just them. When they're idols, there's the sunbae/hoobae relationship to keep in mind, plus the mentor-mentee, plus everything else.

 • more to come?


backup Vernon



 • Eunbyeol straightens imperceptibly, shoulders squaring. This is a big moment for her: this is is, the final obstacle on the road to debut. She needs to make a good first last impression, and she knows it. “Hello, I’m Sixteen’s Firecracker rap captain, Byeol!”


 • How does it feel. How does it feel? How does it feel? Is there an actual answer to that? Is it a trick question? “It feels unreal,” Eunbyeol says after a moment, throat tightening around a lump of emotion. She swallows against it, releasing a breathy laugh after. “I’ve been working toward this moment for so long, it feels absolutely unreal to finally be here, to be this close to debuting. But it also feels amazing. I’m so excited!”


 • “Scoo--” Eunbyeol’s lips twitch, and she clears to cover up the fact that she’d nearly called Seungcheol by one of her nicknames. Her pre-debut interview is neither the time nor place to show her cheek. Smiling politely, she tries again. “Scoups is my mentor. As we’re both main rappers within our groups, lyricists, and unit captains, we have a lot in common already, making him a perfect mentor for me. I think I will learn a lot from him, and I’m excited to become a better Byeol because of his help.” Such a practiced response, really, but it’s hard for Eunbyeol to say that they’re already decently friendly, that she and Seungcheol talk frequently now, that he’s already helping her to becoming a better version of herself.


 • Eunbyeol quiets for a moment, reflecting back on the questions and her responses, then she leans forward into a bow. “Thank you for this opportunity. Please take care of Sixteen and I, and please look forward to our official debut! We have so much to share with you!”




matchmake with a Seventeen boy? idk, it could be really cute if she happens to fall for Seungcheol (cause then she'd feel obligated to get Sehwa's approval), and because they're already good friends, but at the same time #drama! because he's her mentor and that could be viewed as abuse of their mentor/mentee and sunbae/hoobae relationship


I definitely don't see her falling for a Sixteen girl because that would feel like favoritism and abuse of her position as a unit captain and lyricist/production member as well as her time/history within the company. And she may be bold and like pushing boundaries, but in no way would Eunbyeol ever feel okay with putting any of the girls in that position. Fans shipping her with someone is fine, even the members jokingly shipping her is fine, but she will never pursue one of the girls because it would feel like an abuse of power, and she would never want any of Sixteen to feel like refusing her might jeopardize their position/lines/etc within the group.


birthname here.

birthdate here.

occupation here.


personality here.

history here.



 • here.


status here.

ending here.


backup here.

faceclaim here / backup, ocs only.


comments I honestly had so much fun working on Eunbyeol, so I really appreciate the extension you gave me. It felt so good to bust her out and finally complete her after she sat in my drafts for so long. She's also gone through 2-3 diferent plotline change ups (originally planned to go for Hoshi, then a different dance line member), and then when I changed to Scoups, I scrapped almost everything to start over. I'm also currently struggling with the code? I'll hit backspace or delete and entire chunks of writing will disappear. So if you see anything major missing, just let me know. I have most of my stuff written down, so I should be able to just write it up again!


song suggestions 

 • So What - ot12

 • Star - ot12, eventual English release

 • Girl Front & Sweet Crazy Love - captain line unit

 • Crying & Cinderella (orig. Stellar)

 • Melody Day (ot3 for leader line, ot4 for vocal line!)

scene suggestions 

 • the unit leaders of SVT and SXT doing some kind of collab/special releases! Like Scoups and Byeol doing God by Jimin/J.Don (I can't think of any good rap duos?? but one could rap and the other sing?), and maybe Hoshi and dance cap doing Troublemaker or Play. And Woozi and Sehwa doing Starlight by Taeyeon/Dean or maybe Apollo 11 by Jamie/Jay Park or Fireworks by Eden/Lucy! (honestly there are so many good vocal songs that would work for Woozi/Sehwa, and could work for Scoups/Byeol and Hoshi/cap girlie.)

 • any of the Khan covers for the leader lines or the vocal girl duos!

 • here.

 • here.


passworD"Forever young and sweet, we are Sixteen!"



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