Ugh. Man. Y'all. Hi. lol. So... yeah um based on the title of this post.... it's pretty well apparent that I'm going through writer's block. BAD. It always happens like this as of late that the closer I am to finishing a story the WORSE the writer's block. I mean...it took me FIVE years to finish Transcendence where I thought I'd only spend a year (like I did with Accordance). So much happened though in that period of time and then the writer's block was horrendous and frustrating. UGH.

 I'm nearing the end of Yeonwang, growing closer anyway and haven't been able to write a . I am also going through a bunch in my personal life so that too could be a reason. To be honest guys.... I'm trying to escape from a very toxic abusive living situation with my grandmother so my priorities are really on that. I don't know when I'll update Yeonwang right now. I'm sorry to do this to y'all. But just know that the wait will be worth it hehe. Please continue to love and support Accordance and Forever Sea! Love you and see you soon!




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Keeping you in my thoughts. I Hope that you able to get out of that toxic situation soon and that things get better!
pinkydinky21 #2
Wishing you all the best!
Sorry to hear about your situation but I hope it gets better. Sending you lots of love & light!