Maybe not all of these are gonna come by but I want to bring back my old sjlk bubs and maybe also have some return that were planned for rival groups/didnt make the cut but im certainly going to die with all of these babs help

- #32
- Marelaine Li
- truly iconic
- triple threat
- flirty queen diva
- SNS - sourz, captain, triple threat (jennie/jeongyeon)

- #02
- Jin Byungwoo / Mystic
- rap oriented, cant dance for
- tries to be the dad figure but he'll just end up causing chaos and making the kids misbehave
- his weakness is fly
- Tarot - Wheel of fortune, co-producer + lead rapper (Syoya/Kuanlin)

- #99
- Jasper Kim
- crazy kid but he tries so hard to be happy
- amazing power vocal + model
- got his vocal talent from being in a rockband
- actually he was made Korean just because the plotline needed him to but IF the plotline allows me to I might revert him to the OG Jasper who was Chinese with fc Yang Feitong? or is this guy too iconic for you)
- MLSM - Thunder, Lyricist + main vocal (rock) (junhoe/jungkook/jihoon cause hello rock voice, this is a rock kid, this plotline is probably momo saying that she wants jasper in thunder and not mystic lsmkdjfdls)

- #44
- Song Jaewook / Fly
- shy fluffy mama bear
- vocal oriented as well oops
- lives for teasing Mystic
- (I assume that Pyrite's not returning?? If a rival group of sjlk is coming then he'll be thrown in there but if thats not the case he'll appear in the opposite group of Mystic)
- MLSM - Hail, choreographer (idk how he ended up being choreographer but I dont want to shoot at 's birds) (Huening Kai/bic/donghyun/jaehyuk)

- #69 (yes, she did it for THAT)
- Lee Yoonhee/ Iyuni
- vocal oriented
- little sis of an esports pro (cause we were lacking one of those lol)
- humor, sass and grudges
- has beef with both taeyong and yeri
- has an esports LI (of course) but its actually quite dramatic cause it'll get revealed early in her career in 2021. LI used to be teammates with her big bro.
- gems - producer, lead vocal + lead dance (Yujin)


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also hi i'm here to collab, i'm bringing my original trio (keumsan, kyler, nick) + another chaotic boy and a cutiepie girl back-