2020/2021 Remarks


Where I am right now, it is currently 12/31/20. 
So Happy New Year's Eve (and to those who have already reached 2021, Happy New Year!!).

2020 has been one hell of a year. For almost everyone, it has been the worst year of their lives. It has been a year where our normal has changed, and we had to accept a new kind of normal. We were faced with a virus that no one knew how to handle. It disrupted our lives and we had to learn and adapt to a new kind of world. We lost someone or know someone who did. 

It was also a wake-up call to the social and racial injustice that we are facing globally. It is being acknowledged that there IS a racial problem in America and that MANY developing countries have been set back due to western powers trying to have the authority of how that country should be or develop. 

We have seen the disgusting sides of humanity and how little compassion or understanding there is. 

I can go on and on about how ty 2020 was. But I won't. With that being said, it was also a year where we tried. A year where we tried to get out of the comfort zone and adapt and change to the changing world around us. It wasn't easy, but we tried. And that is something that I want to take away from 2020. That with all the hardships that were thrown at us, we tried and we are willing to make a difference. We were willing to make something out of a ty situation. 

With the New Year ahead of us, all the problems will not disappear or be solved. We will still be faced with the challenges we had in 2020, but in 2021 I want to continue to try and fight for the better

I want all of you to remember the little things in 2020 that helped you get through the year. Remember that you are still here, alive, and healthy. We should be grateful that we are breathing and living because many people had that taken away from them in 2020. 2021 won't be easy, but we have to try and make the best of it. We have to make sure that it is a meaningful year and get through it, just as we did in 2020. 

I hope you guys have the time to reflect on the past and think about the future. I hope that 2021 will be a better year and that we can see some meaningful change! 
I think this year, the words "I hope you have a Happy New Year" will be said with meaning and hope. So, I hope you all have a Happy New Year, I sincerely mean it



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I wish you the same.
Happy New Year to you too! ^^