I made a new trailer for my story




Hello guys! I hope everyone's doing fine despite what's happening around. 'Tis been quiet, has it not? Or is it just me? Anyway, I wanted to share the new trailer for my story "The Imaginary One", I was planning to finish this by December but KAI is debuting soon so what better time to finish it? Support KAI!

Honestly, before I started making this, I thought to myself, “What’s the point of making this? Who’s gonna watch it. AFF is dying.” 😂 But no, I said to myself, “this is not why I make trailers” 😂 I had to do it for the story. Because, truly, truth be told, in all quite honesty, I’ve fell in love with TIO XDD. This is kinda embarrassing for me to admit actually (since I don't have a heart). 

When “Parasite” director Bong Joonho quoted Martin Scorcese in his Oscar speech, he said, “The most personal is the most creative.” At first, I forced myself to relate to such a quote because I thought to myself, “Hey, I’m pretty creative, am I not?” haha. But as I was writing TIO… Damn, this quote haunted me again and I started to understand what he meant, and it digs right into my soul. It’s *chef kisses* magnefique! I'm so corny.

So anyway, before I get carried away, let’s talk about the trailer. I really wanted to make TIO a new trailer because the first one is almost 5 years old! And I wanted to do something nice for the story. Though I had a dilemma what the trailer is going to be about...

The first trailer already gives a good idea what the premise of the story is going to be about, and it still looks pretty good to me. So, what’s the new trailer gonna be about? I didn’t want to tell too much about the story because where is the fun in that? So, I came up with making an “abstract” trailer instead! So this trailer is something about so abstract—which is how the story FEELS for me. How I feel for the story. This is like the “umphf” of the story —the energy. One of the readers called it “essence”, so yeah let’s call it the essence of the story. You don’t have to understand the trailer, you don’t have to know the storyline behind it, but I hope you could “feel” what I want to show about this story. And hopefully whatever you felt about the trailer is also what you’d feel about the story. And since I call it “abstract”, just like an abstract art—you have to look closely to understand. So yeah, if you look closer, I’m still trying to tell a story here. 

There are no dialogues, no fake subtitles, no texts (only minimal) whatsoever because that is the point—No words, just pure imagery.

I hoped you enjoyed watching the new trailer! I would really love to hear your thoughts or reactions about it, even simple ones will make me happy <3 Thank you <3 

I want to believe this story for everyone, you just have to give it a chance. 



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Wow, this trailer is both very artistic and alluring. You are really artistic and it's such a pleasure to see your works here in aff.
You don't have to ask me to watch your masterpiece. You don't know how many do I already have watched it. IT's super cool, no more than just cool, it's an ART win in ART.
Everytime Jae posts something new I always click fast and read all the words like it's my favorite story. I don't know. It's just that I found it interesting how she explain her experience in writing and the things she shared always made sense to me. I also have to say she made the best trailer I've seen in this site. Her poster are always unique and I'm sure the story too.

"The most creative is the most personal" got me. Maybe I have to find out what that means for me.