
I came back here to write fics again. I know that it shouldn't matter how many viewers, subscribers, upvotes, or comments you get. But I can't help but freak out about those things. I put a lot into my work and I just want people to enjoy it as much as I enjoy writing it. It feels discouraging when things are just kind of dead. Am I being too foolish? Too sensitive? I do appreciate the small amount of supporters I have. Lets all try to rise to the top, together. Okay? I just have to remind myself that I enjoy writing the stories and its okay if I don't make featured author or get a lot of subs. Its just fanfics. 



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Lovexiu16 #1
Couldn’t relate more!
I appreciate what I have but there’s always that lingering feeling of “oh am I just a bad writer?”
It’s discouraging but keep on writing, even if it’s one, that’s better than 0.
I totally understand where you're coming from. I also feel discouraged not seeing comments, views, or subscriptions either. I think its just the fact that we put so much into our work and we definitely want to share it with everyone you know? It might be a sensitive thing (I am oversensitive XD) but I think that's not bad to feel that way. Be appreciative to your supporters of course, but it makes sense where you're coming from ❤️❤️❤️