⋈ happiness!I'm JIA!

replace with fc
replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc

birthname. Kang Minji

— Koala ; The Red Velvet members called her that when she was a trainee to annoy her, and it stuck
— Jia ; Her friends back in Australia called her that, and she tells all her friends to call her that now
— Mia Kang ; It's her Autsralian birth name that she used when she was back in Australia

birthdate. December 27, 1999
birthplce. Busan, South Korea
ethnicity. Korean

— English ; Native ; She was born and raised in Australia
— Korean ; Conversational ; Her korean has mproved alot since she had moved to South Korea

faceclaim. April' Naeun
backup fc. LOONA' Heejin

— Minji' hair colour is brunette with purple ends but she would love to try other colours such as black and pink. She has no tattoos on any of her body just yet, but she has two ear piercings on both of her ears. She has a long brown scar of her collarbone, due to the accident she was in with her sister and mother. Her height is 167cm as 5'6" and she weighs 110lbs which is 49kg which is not too healthy and not too unhealthy.


— She wears casually fitted clothing with bold designs. Her clothes are usually not feminine, though she does sometimes wear girly clothes for some events. Her dressing sense is versatile, she wears clothes ranging from sporty themes to grunge skateboard style clothes. Her favourite colours to wear are neutral colours like beige, white, black, grey and denim blue. She wears diamond studs in her ears. She also wears multiple rings each holding symbolic value to her (a silver one with a jade stone - her mother’s, a silver one with a heart - a matching one with her sister, a simple golden band - her first boyfriend’s gift, a platinum one - given to her by the gang leader, a silver one - a gift that Cheer Up had gotten for her)

(+) Independent, Scatterbrained, Upbeat, Goofy
(-) People-pleasing, Quiet, Worryful, Disorganized

Having grown up having to take care of herself on her own, Minji finds it really hard to accept help from someone else. She is really self-sufficient but sometimes goes overboard, doing too much work that is almost impossible to do on her own. Even though Minji can be super dedicated to things she is passionate about, put her to work on something she isn't interested in, and she will quickly get distracted and forget about it all. Although she is the youngest of her friends, Minji takes it upon herself to make sure everyone is happy. She cares for people around her a lot and puts their comfort above her own. She is always cracking jokes and wisecracks, to make others smile. Others smiling makes her happy, so she can always be seen acting like a clown. Sometimes, she does take the joke too far, since she sometimes doesn't realize if someone is sad.

Minji strives to be liked, by everyone, and this usually ends up with her acting 'cool' when that isn't really her. She's been told many times that changing herself for someone else is bad, but she can't see the habit stopping anywhere in the future. When she’s around people that she doesn’t know, she gets self-conscious and silent. She can be really outgoing with friends, but other people make her go into her shell. Would happen after she acted being close-minded or after practices. She'll feel sorry in the end of what she did towards her teammates and would worry if she has gone too far. About practicing, she'll be worryful because she thought it isn't good enough and make herself tired. Minji is a disorganized person, like really. Her room is a zone, her schedule is always messy, and she promise that will be more organized, but, never does. She is like this since she can remember and her mother had always fighted with her because of that.

bckground. Minji was born in Busan, to a family of two parents and a big brother. When she was 5 years old, they moved to Melbourne, Australia because her mom got a new job as a teacher there. While she grew up, she had a lot of energy, and her parents put her in taekwondo and swimming lessons in a hope to work out her energy, but then it became the thing that took over her life for a while. She did swimming and taekwondo for years, but when she was 10, her swimming teacher recommended she take a dance workshop happening in the same youth center. She attended the workshop, and immediately fell in love, she constantly dance and sung whenever she had time, and although she still loves taekwondo and swimming, she had her heart set on being a rapper. When she was fifteen, she got an offer from a professional youth swimming team in Korea, and her parents happily let her go, knowing she loved the sport.

After living in Seoul for a few months, and competing in multiple swimming competitions with her team, she was dared to audition for S.M by a friend. Never one to step down from a challenge, Minji auditioned, fully expecting to be cut, when suddenly the official came up to her and told her that she'd been accepted. As a trainee, she still swam with the team, but when she debuted she had to quit, although she still swims for idol championships and just for fun.


— She has a younger sister called Jane Kang
— Her favorite day of the week is Tuesday
— She plays a lot of video games
— She's been swimming since she was 5
— She wanted to be a vet when she was younger
— She's been doing taekwondo since she was 7
— She considers any aussie idol her friend automatically
— She plays the guitar and violin
— She's not a big fan of sweet foods
— She has a border collie puppy called 'Kuro'
— She's killed plants by smashing them will her elbow by accident
— She wants to go to Europe before she turns 25
— Wants to appear on variety shows with the other members possibly Running Man and Idol Room the most


— Father : David Kang / Restaurant owner / silly, cheerful, helpful / 10-10

She comes to her father for good advice and begged him for months to become an idol. She told her father that she will send him and his mother money when they need it. When her mother was down, her and her father were the first people to cheer her up with silly antics

— Mother : Sue Kang / Teacher for college / hard-working, clever, bright, happy / 10-10

Minji and her mother have a good relationship. Before her mother started working for a classroom teacher she did everything she could to help her and her father's financially. She told her that one day when she gets a job she will buy a new home for the family

— Younger sister : Jane Kang / High school sophomore student, actress / loving, kind, friendly / 10-10

Jane is a actress starring in a kdrama when in a interview she was asked about her sister Jia she said that she’s her pocket of sunshine and sends her a text everyday to make sure she’s okay and to see if she needs anything

— Members : Red Velvet / High school sophomore student / variety / 10-10

Although Jia spent most of her time training with Red Velvet, she did spend some of her time training with the boys that would become NCT. She trained with their band brothers, EXO, too, but most of her time was spent with NCT, because they were performance individuals, like her.

stage name. Jia
plotline. Red + Indigo

talent twins.

— Vocal : DIA' Somyi (Apink' Naeun)
— Dance : DIA' Somyi (Apink' Bomi)

trainee years. 3 Years at S.M Entertainment
trainee life. 

— Jia got scouted by S.M Entertainment through the streets where she was busking, a staff of S.M came up to her and gave her one of those business cards with their email on it. Jia decided to audition for the company with two videos of her singing and dancing as she fills out the application neatly and tidy, a few weeks past and she gets an email saying she will be training with S.M. Entertainment by next week. The training of S.M was about to start Jia was the only trainee who was on time and was pretty much early later the other trainees came in and looked around at new faces on who they were going to be with for the next couple of weeks. As the weeks went on Jia was calm about her training since she's so confident and active to be training 12 hours a day every week, she does take a 1 hour break so she can re-energise herself again. Before making her debut in Red Velvet, Jia appeared on a magazine for Cosmopolitan Korea for the beauty tip section.

please introduce yourself.

— "G'day mate it's you're safari queen Jia here to guide you on a journey"

your feelings on debuting.

— "I feel nervous because I've never debuted in my live before and I get to be on stage and show my confidence and talent to other people"

how do you feel about joining red velvet.

— "I feel nervous and excited at the same time because it's Red Velvet I love everyone especially Wendy and Irene they are my biases, Irene is a visual goddess she's a beauty I mean they are all beautiful and Wendy because she has good high notes"

any goals or things you hope to do/try out.

— "I really want to appear on variety shows so I could get my name out there and promote Red Velvet too"

replace with love intreplace with love intreplace with love int

birthname. Vernon Chwe
backup lv. Boo Seungkwan


— Vernon has different personalities depending on his mood, from what we have noticed. He can be extremely charismatic, serious or what you call it, memesol. We've always known him as memesol as that's my favorite side of him! He is literally relatable with his expressions & his body language.


— They both met each other because she was hanging out with hoshi and she got confused looking for him in the company. So then she bumped into Vernon and Vernon helped her out and they started to talk getting to know each other. Well at first they were really awkward with each other and they were too shy to talk to each other. They became best friends later on because they will always be hanging out and doing pranks on each other. But they will always be flirty with each other. One day when they were hanging out together. They were watching a movie together until Yubin started to stare at Vernon. Until Vernon notices it and turns to Yubin and he cups her face and kisses her. They pull away at the same time and they confess to each other at the same time and they started to date that day.


— At the end of the story they ended up dating and going out more and seeing each other too

comments. hello hope you are safe and well :)
password. Lion

— n/a



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