BEAST concert pics~

So I'm totally lazy and just copied this from my unnie Lovelywriter. With the addition of some more pics.. lol


As promised here are the pictures my Sisie (Yas__22) and I made. We were not allowed to take our good camera's so these are a bit crappy, but at least you can see who's who. ^-^































(Breath - dance)














(Where did all the smoke come from XD )














(Just look at Kiki's pose at the top ^-^)














1: First Kikwang was like stare.... and then my Sisie went like *click ~ HUGE FLASH*

2: And then Kiki was like where the hell did that Flash come from and he looked at my Sisie and she went like 
* click ~ HUGE FLASH again XD
(too bad that the focus -__-)

Yes, he really did look at me.. xD



Seobie <3








DooDoo was friggin' adorable with those ears on! ♥♥

Junhyung was awesome as always! His rapping was just utterly amazing.

This is my fav pics out of the bunch. I don't know why, I just really like it! Maybe because it's the sharpest of the bunch.. XD

Where is Hyunseung looking? XD

Ok those were pretty much all the decent pics~ I'm still p'ed off that they confiscated our camera's.. I would've had such awesome pics if I had my proper camera.. -.- But oh well, can't change it.. And the concert was amazing. That's the most important thing!

Unnie (Lovelywriter), next time we're gonna go again!! No doubt about it. I had a blast hanging out with you! I was kinda surprised how well we got along from the first moment. Like I said before, we were just meant to be friends. lol ^^ Unnie, can't wait to meet up with you again~ I miss you already! T.T ♥♥


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Wow, so great. I heard that he was in pain back there. So bad.
But that was so awesome!
YourEmoAsianGurl #2
You guys got to see BEAST??? Where did they perform?