code colors for reference
4bb498 | 6ec3ac | 84b5b5 | 0099cc
606060 - background [dddddd] | 565656 - border | 333333 - back background [444444] | 2f2f2f - text | a5a5a5 - light text


plots: 1 Bteen (vocal?/B4 or B5), 1 Gteen (dance?/G4 or G3)

idea bank/notes:
- so far I'm just doing two, one boy and one girl. but if I get real inspired I might do a third cause uwu if I do a third it'll orobably be a girl since the boys side looks more popular rn
- fc ideas... maybe ACE Chan? or maybe Ateez's Yunho? or or or uh Hwanwoong? Wooyoung? I haven't used them yet and.... idk maybe Everglow's Mia or E:U? or OR!! Dahyun have i used Dahyun yet idk my dudes I'm trying to use faces I don't default to because I am the Actual Worst and I feel like this time I need to challenge myself a little. okay but guys. guys. I want to use Berry Good's Seoyul so bad omg but there's not as many good hq pictures of her and I'm ;; I'M GOING SEOYUL 
- talent twins... I'm not going to default to Yooa I'm not going to default to Yooa i CANNOT DEFAULT TO yOOA-- 
- but seriously. for the boy I'm thinking maybe Jun vocals/dance and Lee Know or uhh Hyunjin for rap (for B4) and a backup of... Taeyang or uhh. idk but Oneus is literally nO HELP MAN and KQ changed Ateez's profiles and??? rUDE for the girl... Lisa for dance, Jiho/Shihyeon for vocals, uhhhh Aisha? Gahyeon/Momo? for rap (G4) and a backup of....Sua for dance and Yiren/Yerin? for vocal (G3).
- the boy is one of many (in the middle) siblings (maybe adopted? maybe just big family?) and his parents weren't poor but they were always busyworking to provide for the family, and that was okay, he didn't mind it. and one year, after showing great interest in musical theater (CATS? idk) they got him voice lessons for his birthday and he just. loved it. he picked up dancing naturally just by watching tv and youtube and practicing hard. and he decided after ([year; debut/comeback to be an idol because he loved it so much and because he wanted to 1) pay back his parents and siblings for everything and 2) make their lives easier. he also likes to joke that the difference between his singing voice and rapping voice is one of his charms uwu (but if you listen to him sing in English, well...sometimes you can hear where it comes from/shifts from. it's also his weakest point, but he's working hard to become better!) but his dancing is probably what he's come the furthest on since becoming a trainee, since he actualy has lessons as opposed to learning from dance practices on youtube.
- the girl picked up dancing young. like. /young/ young. she was a busy lil bee, always getting into things, always moving, alway mobile. a talker. real chatterbug probably. but sweet, yknow. An older sibling was into dancing and wanted to be a choreorapher or teacher, and Girlie was the guinea pig. like "aight if I can teach you when you can't even sit still long enough to eat breakfast I can teach anyone" and Girlie didn't just learn, she ate it up, she learned the choreos from her sister as fast as her sister could learn and reteach them, and then as she got older, she started learning with her sister, it was something they bonded over, something they loved doing together. and then she got into singing, too because it's mroe fun to dance when you're singing along! (but she didn't get professionally trained as a singer until joining a company. ...which she probably did very young. like either early Pledis and almost into Pristin or another company where she missed the debut because of her age before moving to Pledis) (dance is easily her strongest point because she's been at it so long, and rap her weakest, but only because she likes singing more and she knows there's not as much room for female rappers in a group as there are in boy groups (example: Twice, Pristin, Dreamcatcher vs BTS, SVT, Monsta X)
- he prefers music you can sing to. doesn't matter if it's pop or rock or ballad. he just loves to sing along. catchy stuff is the best. if he can dance, too? cool. but. singing! BP's Stay and Playing With Fire, BTS' Make It Right and Idol, MX's From Zero and Underwater, Sunggyu's 60 Seconds, Pentagon's Like This, The Legend's Left Out
- she prefers music you can dance to (singing is cool too though): Dreamcatcher's Deja Vu and Scream, BTS's I Need U and Idol, MX's Oh My and Shoot Out, Chungha's Snapping, Ateez's Wave, Girls Day's I'll Be Yours

Teen:age to TWOTEEN


Seo Kiha

PLOTLINE : B4 (bu: B5)
POSITION : triple threat 

Ethnicity  :  Korean
fc  :  Ateez's  Yunho [ x ]
keywords  :  Avatar, Divergent, PoGo, Hogwarts, MBTI
stagename  :  here
fancolor  :  I'm thinking green? omg no blue like his hair it'll be the best inside joke and eventually eh has to dye his hair again for the fans so they get it uwu
l/i  :  here

"song lyrics."

Inspired by/based on: idk but I've had BTS' Make It Right on repeat all damn day so I might as well exercise those demons here

lil synopsis uwu


Kwon Eunbyeol

PLOTLINE : G4 (bu:G3)
POSITION : triple threat

Ethnicity  :  Korean
fc  :  Berry Good's Seoyul [ x ]
keywords  :  Avatar, Divergent, PoGo, Hogwarts, MBTI
stagename  :  here
fancolor  :  something annoyingly bright, like sunflower yellow?
l/i  :  here

"song lyrics."

Inspired by/based on: I really just wanted to use Seoyul as a fc.... but Yuna could totally be her choreographer sister ;w; and of course read an article praising Yooa for her dance covers and thought about her and her brother who choreos at/for 1Million and inspiration hit like lightning

lil synopsis uwu



plotline  :  here
group/position  :  ??? [???]
Ethnicity : here
fc  :  here
keywords  :  avatar, Divergent, PoGo, Hogwarts, MBTI
stagename  :  here
fanclub  :  here
l/i  :  here

"song lyrics."




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collabs woth my precious bby soooooon
after thorn's done i'm bringing tai