What COVID 19 Made Me Realize

I hope everyone is well and that your families are too.


I’ve had this thought for a while and every time I think about it I can’t help but feel sad and not sad at the same time. Okay so, because of COVID 19, we weren’t able to go out unless is was necessary. And it wasn’t too bad at first, but then even sleep became boring and there were days where I couldn’t sleep no matter what I did. It was ing frustrating and I had no motivation or energy to do anything.


Then it hit me after like 2 or 3 weeks….my life before COVID 19 wasn’t that different than my life now. The only difference was I was able to go out when I wanted without worrying about getting sick. When I say, I don’t have friends, I literally don’t have friends. I don’t need to be with someone or be out to feel happy and I think that’s the part of me that doesn’t feel sad because I’m just like that. It’s not that I can’t make any, it’s just people that I did know, I had nothing in common with so we never hung out. Some still talk to me, but they’re more like acquaintances. When I went out it was usually always to the same places. It was usually the same routine. Talk about having no life huh.Like I thought I’d get so much writing done and I wrote NOTHING!!!


*SIGH* I don’t know if anyone had some realizations during this pandemic, but this was one of mine and holy did it hit hard. I need to start doing . I feel like time goes by so fast and I’m just wasting it. Anyway, stay safe and don’t be a loner and homebody like me…


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