Questions for Fanfic Writers

Questions for Fanfic Writers

Rather than posting on Twitter, I decided to answer all of these questions here.

  1. How many fics have you written? There are 254 works posted on AO3, but I've written stories that are not posted there. (I still know of a time before AO3...) Now, I try to crosspost everything, to try and reach a wider audience.
  2. Average length of your fics I'd guess 2,000 words, because that's the common minimum for fic fests I join. I'm a short story writer, anyway, so I'd be surprised if it was more than that.
  3. Favorite trope (i.e., theme or motif, AU) to write animal transformation or soulmates
  4. Favorite part of writing Coming up with ideas is probably my favorite part of writing as well as the easiest.
  5. Easiest part of writing ^^^
  6. Writing pet peeves The worst is when an idea or scene or anything really good comes to mind at a time when I can't write it down, i.e, in the shower, in dreams. I don't have a great memory and have lost a lot of really really good things that I can only remember I liked.
  7. Writing habits Procrastinating is my habit in writing, drawing, reading... I always put these off, even though I enjoy doing them. Usually.
  8. A line from a WIP (Work in Progress) “Because death would not be fun,” he tells one of the cats, who trills and bumps Baekhyun’s chin with its head. (Wingarbyun Leviosa fic WIP)
  9. An idea for a fic you have Merfolk and sea creatures are fun; I write them a lot. For this one short story, it takes place entirely on a ship, probably pirates. They captured a human-ish sea creature (mermaid) and are taking it to port to sell. On the voyage, crew members keep disappearing, and the captain's investigation lead him to believe the creature is at fault. (Spoiler: She is.) He goes to confront her but is dragged into the barrel they'd put her in, dropping him into a magical space that's bigger on the inside._
  10. A favorite line from a fic “The only arrest on my record was in college, and that was only for belligerence.” (Where We Love)
  11. A favorite scene from a fic Between one and one twenty in the afternoon, Sehun is out of class and walking towards the cafeteria. Baekhyun knows this, having memorized Sehun’s schedule, and waits. Oh Sehun is tall, broad-shouldered, and handsome like a model. Those qualities all in one person hurts Baekhyun’s pride a little, so he likes to ruin the image once in a while by making him laugh until he’s squeaking and clapping like a seal or by scaring him and drawing out a shriek.

    Today seems like a scary day. The sun is shining; there are no clouds except far on the horizon; and birds are throwing water out of their stone bath in the new butterfly garden. Baekhyun takes a seat on one of the pebbled benches, partly obscured by a voluminous bush, and waits.

    His mind wanders as person after person passes. There’s someone on a skateboard, then a couple bikes, even two girls on rollerblades.

    Then a pair of legs wearing denim with more holes than material.

    Baekhyun sneaks from his spot and sets a brisk pace that narrows the gap between them. His arm closes the gap entirely.

    His hand catches cheek and squeezes. Sehun usually jumps, spins away, and covers his with his hands, looking totally affronted and adorable with a brilliant blush to his cheeks.

    He doesn’t this time.

    The cheek tenses beneath his hand, and he hears a whiny why?!, and he pulls his hands to his belly to lace his fingers nervously.

    It isn’t Sehun’s .

    He’s probably seen the guy around campus, but he’s still a stranger, and he has cheekbones that could probably cut Baekhyun’s fingers and lips curled like a cat’s. They’re not smiling, but they’re still curled, and it’s really attractive. Baekhyun hasn’t seen lips like that.

    “Can I help you?”

    Baekhyun drops into a bow so deep he nearly smacks his forehead against his knees. “I am so sorry! I thought you were my friend!”

    “If that’s how you greet your friends, maybe I should be.” He laughs, a distinct ha ha ha! that has Baekhyun meekly lifting his head, and oh. The sunlight’s highlighting his hair and cheekbones and line of his Adam’s apple and Baekhyun feels the familiar stirring of infatuation. (Carpe Natem)

  12. Your most treasured fic I guess The Man Behind the Masks is one I'm really really fond of; I don't think I'd consider any of them "treasured." This one was written for a horror themed fest, and I'd never really written horror before. It got some good reactions.
  13. Methods when writing Always start in the middle with the big action or scene. Everything else comes later.
  14. Favorite character Since I write primarily for EXO right now, I'd consider Jongin my favorite, but I think I use Jongdae and Baekhyun more. They're all fun to write. Outside of EXO, Kuroo is my favorite it from Haikyuu!!.
  15. Favorite title Call us an Amazon package, because I ship us.
  16. Most used tag Alternate Universe
  17. Most used rating PG13/T
  18. Something all your fics have Readers often comment on my details. I often add environmental details that don't necessarily add to the plot but do seem to build up the setting and make it easier to relate to or experience. (Honestly, I do that to meet minimum word requirements.)
  19. Most important part of writing The actual act of writing is the most important part. No matter how many or how good the ideas are, how ideal your environment is, or how much time you have, there's nothing without actually writing the story. Telling us a gist is great, but it's not telling the whole story.
  20. A fic that best represents you as a writer I don't know of any of my fics that represent me as a writer. My stories are often idealistic and simplified or involve things that I have no experience or exposure to.


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1. How many fics have you written?
On AFF it's 19 and on AO3 it's 21, so that's 40 fics I've written and published ^•^

2. Average length of your fics?
Interesting questing - I've found on AFF it's 2,000 to 4,000 while on AO3 I've gone from 100,000 and higher.

3. Favorite trope to write?
I'm not familiar with the term "trope" but since you mentioned animal transformation and soulmates, it's another word for au? I like soulmates and high school AUs and Disney AUs too

4. Favorite part of writing?
I like describing an intense scene like whether it's a battle or heartbreak - I listen to intense music for those specific "scenes" to get as much emotion so I can type it out and perfect it in any way I can.

5. Easiest part of writing?
Coming up with ideas is the easiest part of writing for me.

6. Writing pet peeves?
Writer's block - I got an idea in my head and then I just can't proceed with how to write that scene or what should go with it

7. Writing habits?
Procrastination is probably mine too. Another one is once I come up with another idea, I start writing out things for that story and then I forget about what I was writing about before - this is why I have so many problems with updating my fics that are yet complete. The disadvantage of this is that I also lose my stream of thought for the older stories and then I have to go back and try to rethink what I wanted for those stories - outlines have helped

8. I'm sorry I'm not familiar with WIP

9. An idea for a fic you have?
I want to try something that has to do with space since I'm a big Star Wars fan. I've even considered a Star Wars AU, but I'm not sure. I definitely want to introduce something galactic into a fic

10. A favorite line from a fic?
"And you're even more beautiful." (Love Me for Who I Am - a Jikook fic)

12. Your most treasured fic?
I really liked how I wrote my first Sibum fic "Remember Me" because it was really angst and it dealt with sad subjects (I was young writing that btw) and I'm surprised I had come up with that. I also liked "Genesis of Forbidden Bonds" and "Monstrosity" - my two Yunjae vampire stories - I thought for those I let my creativity out and I go back and am proud of what I presented for my readers.

13. Methods when writing?
My mom gave me the advice to write the ending first so then it's there and then you building everything up to that moment. I've done this more than four times and it's worked - but I haven't done it too recently.

14. Favorite character?
I feel like Jaejoong definitely - not that he's easy to write, but these similarities between us as in personality - so it's kind of like a 'how would you react to this situation?' Jin is a fun one since I love portraying him as the Umma of BTS and that means he's bickering or yelling all the time - that's fun. Our sunshine boy Hobi. Those seem to be my favs

15. Favorite title?
Little Bets, Major Consequences

16. Most used tag?

17. Most used rating?
Funny thing I kept using Rated M because it's somewhat major and sometime around there's little cursing but my stuff is pretty PG

18. Something all your fics have?
I've been told by readers that my descriptions of things are pretty well detailed. Recently I've been told that one of fics was well organized which made my heart soar.

19. Most important part of writing?
I agree with what you said. I mean ideas are ideas unless you create the story. It's fun adding stuff here and there, but it should be like almost watching a movie. The story is there so you should be able to imagine it playing in your head.

20. A fic that best represents you as a writer?
I'd have to say all of them because there are some things in there I've experienced myself or things I've yet to - like romantic love for another person. But the loving moments between two characters, I feel in my heart that I'd be as loving when the time comes when I find that special person.

This was really fun thankyu very much for this ❤️