Mental Health issues

So this topic. We always hear about this news right? So how about we gonna discuss about it here?

1. Depression

What you know about this, guys? Depression? Something dark, gloomy and even empty.

We've been hear bout our favourite artist had involved in this thing. We really aware about it. But, do you have ever notice about your friend ? family? neighbour? 

It's okay to not bother them but if you are close to them it's not wrong to ask their day was. Sometimes ask by their day make them feel appreciated by it. Spread love, guys. We dont know how struggling they are in their life same as us. So yeah. 

I dont know if I diagnosed by it or not . But I guess I jst full of empathy. Where I can feel them without I go through it. It may be sounds weird but that what I go through with. It's like effecting on me too I guess..

But I had felt this before where..

I dont want to get up

I dont want to eat any food

I cry often for no reason (it's not theres no reason but it just tired if its the same thing and make your eyes swollen)

And I always blame myself .


For 21 years old I live, I never feel good to myself tho.

But I do live really well. I'm not skinny, I have a good grades means I really focus . But when it come to heart story, I dont know where to start. And I still can be a listener even though I have my own problem. I dont think I can be selfish like think about my problem without helping others. Or am I too focus to people without focus to myself? I just comfortable to live like this. For real. 

Hahahaha, that some part of my story life. I dont feel I have depression tho, Im fine.

So, yeah let me know your opinion about this ! Thank you <3

Saranghae, I will update more.


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Sending virtual hugs and positive vibes
Depression can happen to anybody. no matter the things you have, how many friends you have, etc. it's often well hidden and people that may seem fine on the outside can very well be suffering from depression. I know I have for many years
I totally understand you! I'm pretty much the same. Sometimes it's good to get everything off your chest by ranting about problems and difficulties! If you need someone to listen I'm here~