SOWON / kim seulgi

replace with fc. 134x200

kim seulgi

Name. kim seulgi

Other names. 




Birthdate. 1993.01.23

Birthplace. seoul, south korea

Hometown. seoul, south korea

Nationality. korean

Ethnicity. korean


— korean → native language.

— japanese → conversational | fluency brought on by extensive study for sowon's japanese songs/debut. confidence speaking came with their time promoting in japan.
mandarin chinese → basic | she was taught phrases by yibo throughout the span of their friendship. she also learned a few phrases and words to drop into conversation so she could surprise him.


Faceclaim. son naeun

Backup. bae joohyun


Height. 168cm



seulgi prefers to keep her hair long and dark. if she does dye it, and gets to pick the color, she tends to go for shades of brown. she has dark brown eyes and light freckles that dot her nose and cheeks but disappear under makeup. 





— day-to-day looks

studio looks


date night looks


award show looks






Personality traits.


| rooster | aquarius | istj |


( + ) independent, capable, sincere, conscientious, honest, direct, strong-willed, calm, practical


( – ) impatient, critical, eccentric, selfish, inefficient, detached, stubborn, self-blaming



❝just because my path is different, doesn't mean i'm lost.❞  — gerard abrams.



although seulgi was raised as the baby of the family, having been born the youngest twin, she has grown to be quite independent, probably brought on by her years in the entertainment industry beginning at a young age. she prefers doing things on her own and not relying too much on others to provide for her when she can just as easily provide for herself. at the same time, she can be quite selfish but practical and tends to think of herself before she considers others. she likes to make sure she is taken care of before she attempts to take care of others, explaining that she needs to be okay before she can help others be okay. she knows her limits and usually doesn't push them in case of injury, physical or otherwise. despite that, seulgi is  stubborn and strong-willed, making it difficult for anyone to change her mind once it's been made. she believes in herself and her choices so its an uphill fight for anyone to attempt to persuade her otherwise. 


seulgi is a capable young woman who, although she may not always push her boundaries, does know when to stretch them. she isn't shy to opportunity. however, she is impatient in general and tends to be inefficient in work. she doesn't like to have to wait for things, be it professional opportunity or something in her personal life, such as online shopping. she definitely prefers instant gratification in any respect. because of this, she has been able to forge and create her own opportunities in her life, such as utilizing social media sites to create intimate relationships with fans or creating vlogs to let people see the real girl behind seulgi's stage persona. she's conscientious and tends ot be very idealistic, wanting to believe in the good of the world and wishing to do what is right.


seulgi has never shied away from hard work. she's sincere in regards to work and does her best to be in her personal relationships as well. she tries to always put her best foot forward, although it sometimes ends up in instead. she doesn't always understand social cues and requires explanation or translation to understand what is expected of her in a specific situation. she can be honest to a fault and, more often than not, is too direct in her phrasing. regarding her work, both solo and as a member of sowon, she is highly critical. if/when the finished product isn't exactly how she envisioned it, she feels as if she had failed. because of this, she has a strong work-ethic and pushes others to be the same, sometimes rubbing others the wrong way. she does find that she apologizes to others a lot (she is proud of how good she has gotten at it over the years, if she can be honest!) at the same time, seulgi tends to self-blame when the going gets too rough. she thinks, if only i was better, if only i was stronger, if only i was more like that, if only..., if only..., if only....  because of this, she tends to feel a lot of anxiety and can have depressive spirals. 


seulgi is known for her eccentric yet calm personality. she likes to have fun and is always up for a (well-planned) adventure. it doesn't seem as if she feels any fear (until she meets yibo, who shakes up her world to its core) and is willing to try just about anything once. she's calmly analytical in her understanding of a situation and doesn't mind taking the lead when she has to. however, she can come of as being too detached, making her the member that was difficult to like in the beginning. she has grown to become better at being visibly vulnerable with fans and has collected a small but passionate following amongst sowon's fanbase.





❝everybody is a genius. but if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.❞ — albert einstein. 


1993-1998 (0-5yrs)→ seulgi was born the youngest of a set of twins, four minutes after her sister seulah. the twins, like most twins, were inseparable and quite reliant on each other. even at daycare where there were other children to play with, seulah and seulgi were always off by themselves playing together. seulah was obviously the dominate of the two, resulting in seulgi not developing the same skills as quickly, such as talking or self-care. who needed to talk or learn to wipe their mouth when they had a big sister like seulah to do it for them? seulgi didn't start speaking until she was almost four years old and even then seulah spent most of her time (happily) helping her sister communicate with the world. 


1999-2003 (6-10yrs)→ although her parents were ecstatic to have twin girls, the excitement turned into worry when seulgi remained reliant on her sister to speak for her well into grade school, which quickly became a problem when they weren't placed in the same classrooms, and had a hard time relating to people outside her immediate family. their parents assumed it was symptomatic of being a twin but as seulgi grew and she still wasn't able to make or maintain friends, they decided they needed an answer. eventually, however, seulgi was diagnosed with high-functioning asd. after her diagnosis, her parents immediately shot into action: they got her a therapist and everything else seulgi needed to thrive. when she turned eight, she nearly brought her parents to tears when she asked to have a slumber party for her birthday. seulgi began to find things she enjoyed because she enjoyed them, not because seulah did or because of her parents' influence. she found music she loved, from artists like h.o.t and s.e.s, which she says really influenced her to try to connect with the world around and to become a performer. she began dancing and singing, and although her movements were stunted and her voice cracked more often than not, she looked genuinely happy. so her parents did everything in their power to encourage seulgi to continue her passions, even signing her up for piano classes, getting her a vocal coach, and letting her join a dance school. 


2004-2009 (11-16)→ seulgi was always the child that was described by teachers as being "a pleasure to have in class". she was studious, quiet, and got decent grades without trying very hard. she tutored classmates during study hour and after school. although, seulgi still found it hard to make her own friends and often gravitated to her sister's social circle who accepted her and they always included her when they had parties or went out together. seulah's closest friend, a boy named changmin (who later became seulah's boyfriend then her husband in 2012) became one of seulgi's first true friends. in 2006, seulgi was scouted by yi entertainment while messing around dancing to some song playing in the mall with seulah and her friends. her parents were skeptical at first, concerned for their daughter's future and her safety, but after seeing how happy the promise of being able to sing and dance made seulgi, they reluctantly agreed to let her become a trainee. she moved into the dorms and double downed on her studies to prove to her parents she can do it. it took three years of grueling hard work and dedication before seulgi was placed in a lineup to debut, at the tender age of 16.






❝sometimes it is the people no one can imagine any of who do the things no one can imagine.❞ — alan turing 




moomin→ its so cute! she found the comics online and quickly read all of them. her favorite stuffed animal her sister gave her is a big moomin toy.


coffee→ she drinks at least three cups a day. easily her biggest addiction. she loves iced coffee the most but does drink hot sometimes and she prefers sweet, milky coffee over bitter.


flowers→ she loves bright, colorful flowers. her favorites are daisies and daffodils. she oftentimes spams her social media with pictures she takes of flowers she finds or with reblogs from floral themed blogs she follows. 


pastels→ she finds the soft colors soothing and soft. much of her closet is filled with pastel colored clothing.


candles→ her biggest weakness besides coffee. when she travels, she almost always brings a candle back with her. however, she refuses to burn them. if she uses them at all, she has to use a heat plate or she's terrified she accidently leaves them burning too long or that she's burned down the house. 


animals→ animals don't judge and are full of love. her favorite animals are dogs, horses, and dolphins, but she doubts there's an animal anywhere she doesn't love. 


american tv→ she doesn't watch a lot of tv, but she enjoys queer eye, schitt's creek, and rupaul's drag race. she also likes the webshow buzzfeed: unsolved. she may not understand all the jokes, but she enjoys the storylines.





— loud noise→ sudden loud noises to be specific, such as sirens, horns, alarms, and the like. 


denim→ she strongly dislikes the rough, chilly material and will go out of her way to avoid it at all costs.


velvet→ like denim, she goes way out of her way to avoid velvet. she can't touch it without having a physical reaction, such as gagging or coughing. its not that she's allergic to it, there's just something about the feeling of it that she can't stomach.


pasta→ if there's a concrete reason seulgi doesn't like pasta, she's not sure what it is. its not particularly the taste or texture, she just doesn't like pasta. 


sour candy→ she doesn't like the texture, mostly. and she doesn't appreciate how the hard sugar crystals cut her tongue and the top of , so she avoids them. if she's ever gifted these, however, she's gracious about receiving it but gives them to a bandmate later.


comedy→ although she likes to laugh, she never feels more disconnected from the world than when everyone is watching a funny movie and laughing, and she doesn't understand why. more often than not, seulgi doesn't understand jokes unless they're explained to her which, according to  friends and colleagues, removes all the funny from the joke. so to avoid awkward moments and conversations, seulgi avoids comedy altogether.





— flapping her hands→ her most obvious stim. she usually does it when she's feeling extreme or intense emotion, such as excitement or happiness, but can also be seen when she's feeling sad as well. 


— touching her face→ for some reason, she finds it grounding. she oftentimes rests her chin on her hand, puts her hand over , etc etc. she taps her nose when she thinks she's said something particularly clever or funny.


biting her lips→ usually a sign she's in her own head but can also be a sign that she wants to say something but isn't sure how to phrase it. because of this, her lips are almost always chapped and has to carry around chapstick with her. in case she forgets, their manager actually has one just for seulgi in their bag.


looking at people's foreheads/chins→ seulgi finds it difficult to make eye contact and  has learned to compensate by looking at people's foreheads and chins. its not that she particularly likes these features, its just that it's the closest she can get to maintaining something akin to consistent eye contact. 


opening and closing → seulgi tends to unconsciously clench her jaw so to release the tension there, she sometimes just flexes her jaw/opening and closing . it's an odd thing to see and she does try to make sure she covers when she does it. this habit has made it into interviews, especially when she's just standing in the background and not the focus. 





knitting→ sometimes, she feels the need to be creative and create something tangible that's not a song, album, or music video. her family and friends all have her handmade hats, scarves, and sweaters and she's begun to sell them online under a pseudonym. 


dancing→ who doesn't? seulgi finds its pretty easy to calm down after a stressful day if she just plays a random song and zones out while moving to the beat. in these moments, she doesn't particularly care what she looks like and just focuses on her breathing. 


gardening→ she maintains a little garden on the balcony of their apartment. its a hodgepodge mix of different types of plants, such as succulents, flowers, tall grasses, and little trees. she also keeps a little bamboo plant in the window of her room.  


barre→ seulgi owns a collapsible barre that she stores in her bedroom closet and brings out when she needs to relax and going to the gym isn't an option. she's quite flexible and enjoys pushing her limits. she also enjoys yoga, pilates, and zumba. 


skateboarding→ she's picked it up from yibo, who was more than excited to teach her. he bought her her own (pastel blue) skateboard for her birthday, which she treasures. when she skateboards, she demands to wear a helmet, elbow and knee pads (which yibo outwardly thinks is adorable).


vlogging→ she thinks that by showing a more normal version of herself she will earn fans' understanding and acceptance. she likes filming her everyday life, so her roommate ends up being featured on the vlog more often than other members of sowon. she sometimes brings the camera with her while partaking in other hobbies, such as skateboarding and gardening. she also likes to do time-lapse videos of her knitting projects. 


hiking→ sometimes, she just needs to disconnect from the world and recharge and hiking on the outskirts of the city is one of her favorite ways to do that. although she has hurt herself on the trails, this is one hobby she never wants to give up. 





actually autistic→  seulgi was diagnosed as being on the autism spectrum, with what was formerly known as aspergers, at a young age. she is high functioning and has been able to adapt pretty well to allistic/neurotypical society. she stims and has some sensory sensitivity. most of the time, at places like airports or otherwise loud places, she wears special noise-blocking headphones and dark sunglasses at bright places. 


little sister syndrome→ as the younger twin, seulgi grew up knowing she didn't have to do much because her sister would always be there to help her and provide for her. she didn't start talking until much later because seulah always spoke for her, for example. even now, when they get together, seulgi hangs off her sister's arm and can't be separated until they absolutely have to. seulah enjoys taking care of her sister and seulgi loves being taken care of by her sister. 


— loves puzzles and puzzle-type games→ who doesn't love a good challenge?


— owns a library of books→although these days, she tries to buy the PDF/mobile versions of books, she still owns a large collection of physical books as well. topics range from world history to culture, from fiction to nonfiction. her favorite title is les miserables


requires subtitles when she watches tv→ whether in her native or foreign language, seulgi appreciates having subtitles on when watching television.


meltdowns→ seulgi doesn't have many (obvious) meltdowns, but when she does, it doesn't always look how people expect. most of the time, she gets eerily quiet and answers to any questions or attempts at conversation become simply "i don't know". because this has happened a few times during televised interviews, fans have dubbed her the "i don't know" or "know nothing" queen. if this hurts seulgi (it does), she doesn't show it. afterwards, she's remarkably tired and retires to somewhere where she can nap. 


can be a nag→ seulgi can be a little overbearing in looking out for her friends, pointing out things like needing to wear seatbelts, wear helmets, take time off of computers or tv, etc. 


maid-of-honor at her sister's wedding→ when seulah and changmin were preparing to get married in 2012, they included seulgi whenever they could. they even planned the sort of bridal shower and bachelorette party that seulgi was able to attend (ie. something private, so not to catch the eye of the paparazzi, and relatively tame). 


godmother of her niece→ although neither seulgi or seulah practice a religion, changmin is christian and to honor him and his religion, seulgi agreed when he asked her to be his daughter's godmother. she's not sure what the role entails, to this day, but she feels very honored and is very proud of the fact she's soyeon's godmother.


love of her life→ seulgi swears music and dancing saved her life. it helped bring her out of her shell and gave her a way to express herself before she had the words.


money matters→ the first thing seulgi did when sowon started becoming successful and started to make some money was buy her parents a house. next, she paid for her sister to go to school and put money aside for her parents so they don't have to work so hard anymore. now, seulgi doesn't have much to spend her money on (her parents are well taken care of by now and her sister is also quite successful), so she donates the better half of it to autism charities and other mental health organizations.


gender construct→ although seulgi doesn't fully understand gender, she does present as female and prefers typically feminine things. however, she identifies herself as nonbinary and doesn't limit herself to any one uality.


her favorite songs


eoeo uniq / 이것만은 알고 가 before you go tvxq / don't stop me now queen / 无感 no sense wang yibo / happiness h.o.t / without you 1tym / 陪你到世界之巅accompany you to the summit of the world wang yibo / victorious panic! at the disco / ugly 2ne1 / 颜值说face to face xnine / 이러지마 제발 please don't k.will 





replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc

family | kim seulah | 27 | choreographer | protective, supportive, independant, unorganized | twin sister


seulah is seulgi's older twin sister and her biggest fan. her and yibo playfully bicker over who's a bigger fan. seulah's fiercely protective over her sister and is willing to fight anyone who treats her poorly. she has been noticed online snapping back at antifans and ignorant people making comments about seuulgi and has been dubbed a mother hen by seulgi's (and a lot of sowon's) fans. seulah and seulgi's relationship runs deep; they are each other's best friends and believes it takes the pair of them to feel whole. when they get together, they are almost stereotypical: they are inseparable, they finish each other's sentences, and seem to have their own language. 


replace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fcreplace with fc

family | baek changmin | 27 | stay-at-home father | charming, friendly, organized, plain,  | brother-in-law


changmin is seulah's high school sweetheart and seulgi's brother-in-law. they married as soon as they graduated from school. changmin is one of seulgi's only friends and seulgi appreciates him because he's never treated her with kid gloves like most others did. these days, while his wife is reaching for the stars, he's staying at home to raise their daughter soyeon. they meet up every now and again so seulgi can see her niece and he always makes sure to treat her. changmin likes to take care of others and seulgi is no different. some people have commented on how close they seem, teasing that maybe changmin can tell the difference between his wife and her twin, but neither they or seulah are concerned. 


family | baek soyeon | 4 | kindergardener | curious, artistic, independant  | niece


soyeon has given herself the title of seulgi's head cheerleader and seulgi says she's the president of her fanclub. born in 2015, soyeon is the apple of seulgi's eye. there are dozens of pictures online of the twins with soyeon, most of which have seulgi holding the toddler. and although she's only four, she is very aware that her aunt is a little different than most but loves her all the same. to her, seulgi is the fun aunt (compared to her father's side of the family) and the one that spoils her the most. seulgi does her best to make sure she has a gift for soyeon when she visits but when she can't, she buys her something special while they are together. one day, she dreams of bringing soyeon to disney world -- they even have their outfits planned already (soyeon will be elsa, seulah will be ana, changmin will be prince charming, and seulgi will be ariel, all as dictated by soyeon). soyeon says that, when she grows up, she wants to be just like  aunt seulgi and, after hearing this, seulgi cried. 




bandmate | go iseul | 28 | idol | sociable, creative, spontaneous, excitable, practical, adventurous, accepting, attention-loving, talkative, sensitive, warm | friend


seulgi and iseul have learned to coexist very well and seulgi does consider her a good friend. in the beginning their personalities clashed as seulgi tends to prefer planned adventures and planned spontanity versus impromptu anything. these days, iseul tries to give seulgi a heads-up when she can and seulgi tries to be a little more flexable. iseul tends to speak up for seulgi when she needs it and seulgi tries to have her back, but finds she doesn't really need her to.



bandmate | park hana | 25 | idol | loyal, sensitive, manipulative, intelligent, calculated, creative  | friend


while they are not each other's best friends and they tend to go to others first when they have problems or need advice, seulgi and hana have a good relationship and get on well after years of being together and working together.


friend | kim heechul | 36 | idol | outgoing, bold, protective, stubborn | friend


while seulgi is acquaintances with many idols, heechul is the only person outside her direct family and band that seulgi considers a real friend. they met backstage at a comeback performance and kept in touch. he looks out for seulgi and doesn't let anyone pick on her, especially not for cheep laughs. he has done his research and does his best to support seulgi and educate people on autism, especially when they appear together on programs. he explains jokes and comments to her and makes sure she doesn't feel left out. seulgi adores heechul and looks up to him. before yibo, he was her first crush. she promotes his work on her social media and he often makes appearances in her posts. 



bandmates | members of sowon | various | idols | various | friends


while seulgi isn't always sure how to put her emotions and feelings into words, she's pretty sure she loves her bandmates. they've been with her through thick and thin and help her adjust to new environments. except for the few times members have left, seulgi is positive she will be with these girls forever and would do anything to ensure their happiness. 




❝i don't want my thoughts to die with me. i want to have done something. i'm not interested in power or piles of money. i want to leave something behind. i want to make a positive contribution.❞ — dr. temple grandin


Stage Name. seulgi
Member Colour.   


      #ffb7b2 melon pink             #b5ead7 mint green           #a4c4e3 cerulean blue   


Plotline. free spirit / the variety queen


Vocal Twin. yuri (yeri)

Rap Twin. hyoyeon (yezi)

Dance Twin. chungha (minzy)


Trainee and Idol Life.


trainee life (2006-2009, 3yrs) → 


seulgi struggled a lot as a trainee, as many tend to do. from being in a new environment to being surrounded by highly critical people, she considered dropping out plenty of times and if it hadn't been for her sister cheering her on, she probably would have. seulgi had a hard time connecting with the other trainees in the company and ended up spending most of her time on her own. when she was placed in a tentative girlgroup line-up, what ultimately became sowon, and having something in common with these girls (this group and the desire for success), she felt more in tune with them than any of the others.


as a trainee, seulgi didn't have a lot of gigs. she landed a few commercials with adidas and a modeling contract with skinfood. she also spent a lot of her time as a backup dancer for other groups under the company. 


idol life →


when she finally debuted with sowon, seulgi thought it would be like a breath of fresh air -- able to work publicly, making a name for herself instead of being a nameless, faceless model/back-up dancer. she had this idea of being able to be expressive onstage, find her voice, but found it was actually the opposite under yi entertainment. she quickly became disillusioned and discouraged then yujin and yuri left and seulgi was sure sowon was done for. 


in the meantime, seulgi became a popular discussion topic online as fans tried to determine if she was mean or just plain rude. fancams emerged of her deadpan stare and blunt answers and it became a scandal not once but twice - following her from 2010 to 2011. yi entertainment refused to let her disclose her autism, instead they apologized for her behavior and promised she would do better to improve herself - going as far as to have seulgi issue the statement herself, surrounded by yi suits and sowon's direct management staff. after reading the statement and all but kowtowing to fans, seulgi became more reclusive. she became hard to spot outside of sowon's official promotions and a couple commercials. aside from members of sowon, super junior's kim heechul stood in solidarity with seulgi. he got ryeowook to bring her on kiss the radio along with a couple other sowon members and even invited her over while filming we got married with puff guo where he wasn't shy about their friendship. 


despite everything, sowon pulled through and even saw the day that they were able to leave yi entertainment and establish their own agency. one of the first things that seulgi did was pen and  hold a press conference where she apologized to fans and told them the truth about her autism. 


since organizing their own company, seulgi felt like she could finally breathe. she felt more comfortable in her own skin and felt the freedom to express herself the way she always dreamed. she made more and more appearances on variety shows and felt like she was able to connect with more people than she had been before. her newfound comfort was perfectly depicted on her episode of i live alone, where she invited the camera crew into the apartment she shares with another sowon member. 


seulgi had been able to keep herself scandal free since 2011 but that all came to an end when photos of her and uniq's chinese member wang yibo were posted anonymously online. not long after, her phone was hacked and screenshots of her text message history with yibo was also published online. within a few hours, it was featured on all major kpop news outlets. 




2007 | skinfood model.

2007 | backup dancer.

2008 | backup dancer.
2008 | adidas model.

2008 | backup dancer.



2011 | chamisul cf.

2013 | kiss the radio guest.

2013 | we got married guest appearance.

2014 | shin ramyun cf.

2016 | running man guest.

2016 | masked singer guest.

2017 | kangta's starry night radio guest.

2017 | lets eat dinner together guest.

2018 | maybelline model.

2018 | i live alone feature.

2018 | snl korea guest artist.

2019 | featured in kim heechul's <old movie> mv.




2010 | true/false/complicated | SOWON'S SEULGI HEARTLESS WITH TEAMMATES. soon after their debut, rumors began to spread that seulgi was unfriendly and needlessly harsh with her bandmates, labelmates, and other idols. while the company released a statement or two regarding any specific events, neither seulgi or her bandmates acknowledged the rumors. fans began to pick sides: pro-seulgi or anti-seulgi, a division which still exists on the fringe of the fandom. every now and again, seulgi recieves hatemail.


2011 | true/false/complicated | SOWON'S SEULGI NEEDS AN ATTITUDE ADJUSTMENT. whether due to the group's silence on the matter or seulgi's straightforward personality, rumors of her harsh attitude perservered. fans demanded a public apology after a percieved slight to another idol backstage, which seulgi did via social media and yi entertainment's offical channels. 


2015 | true/false | SOWON'S SEULGI COMES CLEAN WITH DIAGNOSIS: "I'M AUTISTIC". after sowon successfully formed their own company and left yi entertainment, one of the first things seulgi did was draft a letter to her fans in which she explains that she is autistic. she also explains how it sometimes manifests in ways that look unfriendly or otherwise difficult to understand by non-autistic people. in response to her letter, seulgi's and sowon's fans organized a large donation to an autism awareness campaign in her name. to this day, seulgi gets fan letters from around the world from people with autism who tell her how her truthfullness in the matter inspired them and lifted their spirits. 


2018 | true/false | SOWON'S SEULGI IN A LONG-DISTANCE RELATIONSHIP WITH UNIQ'S WANG YIBO: CLICK HERE FOR THE FULL STORY! although its just speculation in a gossip magazine, seulgi began to feel the heat under the intense scrutany of diehard fans. her comments sections on social media were flooded with both hostile and supportive messages from yibo's fans and her fans respectively. 

2018 | true/false | LEAKED: THE CUTE AND INTIMATE TEXTS BETWEEN SOWON'S SEULGI AND UNIQ'S WANG YIBO CONFIRMED WHAT WE ALREADY KNEW. just a few months after the speculation of their relationship began to simmer down, it was reignited when their personal texts were captured and published online. among the things that were released were also some selcas they took as well as their voice recordings and videos. both companies condemned the leak but were hardpressed to deny the obvious. as a result, seulgi asked yibo to take a break from their relationship and yibo putting his career on hold to temporarily move to seoul to support her. 


2019* | true/false/complicated | WHAT'S THE TRUTH? IS WANG YIBO DATING KIM SEULGI OR EMILY QI? when online sleuths published their 'proof' of wang yibo dating (or as they defined it: intimately texting)  the heiress emily qi, fans quickly placed themselves in various camps based on who they thought were the true couple: yibo and emily or yibo and seulgi. fans of seulgi demanded the truth from yibo and a public apology for disrespecting seulgi. in response, yibo's fans denounced seulgi, sowon, and her company, leaving rude comments on seulgi's socials. from there, the scandal exploded: seulgi's and sowon's fans retaliated to the abuse from yibo's fans by doing the same - leaving harsh comments on yibo's socials and leaving rough criticisms on videos featuring him on youtube. 

2019** | true/false | IS SOWON'S SEULGI PREPARING TO DEPART FROM SOWON? after the confirmation of their relationship and the spottings of yibo around town (sometimes with seulgi, sometimes on his own), fans began to speculate. matters weren't helped when yibo was spotted/photographed in a jewelry store. fans began to wonder if he was preparing to propose. while some were horrified at his young age ("he's too young to get married!" "what if he changes his mind later and its too late?") others began to wonder what it meant for sowon's future.


*can be ignored



❝showing kindness towards those who are different and embracing our imperfections as proof of our humanness is the remedy for fear.❞ — emma zurcher-long


Love Interest






Name. wang yibo.

Backup. huang zitao





| leo | ox | isfp |


( + ) generous, confident, natural-leader, reliable, patient, charming, passionate, shy.


( - ) unpredictable, competitive, blunt (honest), stubborn, arrogant.



wang yibo seems to have been born with natural star-power. he exudes confidence and passion, both on and off screen. its because of his passion that he has been so successful in such varied fields of work, including acting and racing. he isn't outwardly concerned with his public image, if he is at all, so he is unafraid of pushing boundaries when he wants to -- thus explaining him becoming an ambassador for a chinese make-up brand and wearing skirts to events. 


he is a natural-born leader and isn't afraid to take hold of the reigns if he has to. however, his confidence sometimes comes off as arrogance - which he probably is a little bit. especially in the eyes of people unfamiliar with him, he comes of as arrogant and overly confident. he is also incredibly stubborn, once yibo has set his mind to something, there is no use in trying to convince him out of it (which he thinks allowed him to maintain and develop the relationship he has with seulgi).


he is a reliable friend who is always available for a chat if he's needed but he can be too blunt, even with his friends and people he's close to, not just in interviews. he is typically generous to a fault with his friends, willing to give the shirt off his back if he's asked to. 


yibo tends to be wildly unpredictable, which is a trait he has attempted to reign in when he's around seulgi who is known to become stressed by unplanned and/or sudden changes. although he seems to be unpredictable and impulsive, he swears there is a method to his madness (even when there obviously isn't). 


Love Story.



wang yibo had been a fan of seulgi's since her debut with sowon in 2009 but did't get a chance to meet her until october 2014. it was a moment he swears he'll remember for the rest of his life: it was backstage at m!countdown and was his debut performance with uniq. sowon was promoting their latest single (one he loved and already knew all the words to). they met in passing; yibo only had time to introduce himself before they had to go on stage and by the end of their performance, sowon had already departed for their next gig. 


yibo got seulgi's contact information through a mutual friend and drafted half a dozen messages to her before ultimately going with "hi, this is wang yibo. ___ gave me ur number. congrats on your last perf" (to this day, he's mortified that's what he chose to send). they began talking over kakaotalk, mostly business related, like yibo asking for tips and the like, but the conversation quickly became friendly. 


the next time they met in person, they had a little more time to chat. it was already months since they had began talking and yibo gathered all his courage and asked seulgi out for a date, to which seulgi said no. he respected it (but was disappointed nonetheless) and gave her some distance while maintaining a close friendship.


yibo somehow managed to get passed seulgi's defenses and became her best friend - ranked just below her sister and her husband. they seemed to be dating in all but name; they hung out together (usually just the pair of them) when they were in the same city, they texted nearly all the time, and they even used nicknames for each other.


yibo would go on to ask her out two more times and both times she changed the topic. despite the disappointment, yibo wasn't deterred and assured her that their friendship was solid.


seulgi refusing yibo became a huge talking point between their friends, who were all confused by the situation. although they may have understood her stance (being afraid of fans' reactions, being afraid of damaging their current friendship, being afraid of causing trouble for sowon, among many other worries), they warned her that she was being cruel to yibo by showing him affection then dismissing him, even if it was unintentional. they told her to either tone down their skinship or even end their friendship altogether to avoid leading him on. when she thought about never seeing yibo again, never talking to him again, never seeing him smile at her again, she felt heartbroken. so, when he tried one last time (unbeknownst to her, he had decided it was the last time he would ever ask), she said yes. 


their first date was a simple coffee date which, if you ask seulgi, was quite funny because they always went out and got coffee. falling into a casually romantic relationship with yibo was the easiest thing she thinks she's ever done so when uniq members began to explore their own careers and yibo came to korea less and less, she was once again heartbroken at the realization they would have less time together than before.


through the distance, yibo does his best to make it feel like they aren't so far apart. he makes sure to call her every evening, whether over video or just voice. he sends her good morning texts every morning and sends her photos of his day when he can. seulgi sends him pictures and records voice messages for him. she's even scribbled silly little songs for him.


despite their mutual infatuations with each other, yibo and seulgi are not an official couple. both are too nervous to risk losing what they have to try and take the next logical step in their relationship. although they are not exclusive boy/girlfriend, they haven't considered seeing anyone else.


when their private messages were leaked online, yibo immediately and repeatedly called seulgi. when she finally answered and he saw her red eyes and tear-stained cheeks, the only thing he could say was "i'm sorry" and "i love you". then he apologized again for saying he loved her for the first time like that. however, fans reacted the way you'd expect, forcing both of their agencies to deny the rumors. ultimately, they were forced to come clean when a photo explicitly showing yibo and seulgi holding hands and standing close to each other was leaked online a few months later. (for them, "coming clean" meant yibo holding a small press conference admitting his feelings, their history from his point of view, and their exclusive-but-not-official status. from seulgi's side, her agency backed yibo's conference, but seulgi has yet to say anything more than a confirmation post on social media). 


however, seulgi nearly crumbled under the pressure of being public. after just a few weeks, she asked yibo to take a break for a while until things died down and in response, he put all his projects on hiatus and flew to korea to be with her and support her in person. 


*despite yibo's announcement of his feelings for seulgi, fans have begun to speculate about another possible tryst with emily qi. like in the past, fans pointed to her social media and coincidences taken out of context as proof that they were together. 


Status.  dating.

Ending status. author's choice 





— a boy in love→ most people to have been in the same room as the couple will tell you -- they're so gross together. yibo looks at seulgi as if she hung the moon and the stars in the sky just for him. his face always lights up when seulgi enters a room and he immediately goes to her side. he tries to videochat with her every night when they're apart and they often fall asleep together while on the call. he sends her little tokens of his affection often, to try to make up for the distance between them.


— older girl, younger boy→ yibo is four years younger than seulgi and loves to remind her of that. he likes to call her jiejie or unnie when he's trying to be cute or ask her for something. he likes to joke that shinee's replay is their couple song.


— couple→ seulgi was unsure of yibo at first and denied his request for a date at least three times before finally agreeing. she was nervous about being an idol in a relationship, especially one where her partner was so much younger in comparison to her. he eventually won her over by just being a reliable, trustworthy friend.


— i can hear the bells → yibo's been ready to marry seulgi since the beginning of their relationship. now that they are already a few years into it (and he's a little older now), he actually has a ring prepared for her. he knows he's moving a little fast (his friends have made that abundantly clear, warning him to cool it down a little so he doesn't scare her off or anything) but he feels as if he's loved her forever and can't see a future without her.


a perfect match→ although seulgi has some issues connecting to others and feeling connected with others, she doesn't seem to have that issue with yibo. she's comforted by the fact he doesn't judge her for her isms and lets her go as slow as she needs to be comfortable in their relationship. hes been her consistent, standing by her side long before they became an item. seulgi's sure she's found her soulmate in yibo and is terrified of somehow ruining what they have. [and if you ask yibo's grandmother, she'll tell you that, according to the chinese zodiac, they are a perfect match (rooster & ox) and are meant to be.]


partners in life and work→ seulgi dreams of having an opportunity to work with yibo, be it in a recording studio or on the set of some movie or drama. 


fangirl→ seulgi never considered herself to be a fangirl until she met yibo. since they became friends, seulgi can't stop listening to his music, watching his dramas or programs, or cheering him on during his races.


the couple name→ a popular version of their couple name in korea and china is seulbo but internaitonal fans typically tend to use yiseul.


the soundtrackgirl on tv lfo / 너 같은 사람 또 없어 no other super junior / maybe we will noah schnacky  / 爱你就够了 loving you is enough bii / 커플 couple sechkies / best shot jimmie allen / 其实我们值得幸福 we deserve happiness rainie yang / i'll be loving you forever nkotb / 너 아니면 안돼 it has to be you yesung / heartbeat carrie underwood / one more red light cassadee pope / replay shinee



wang yibo trivia


more than just an idol→ yibo is multitalented: he's an accomplished dancer, actor, and mc, but he's also a talented motorcycle racer, skateboarder, and model. 
jobs→ he's an mc on tiantian shang xiang and a dance coach on china's produce 101.

the boy→ he enjoys video games, skateboarding, legos (he has a very impressive collection), bowling, and basketball. he is a fan of big bang, rihanna, and beyonce. born in luoyang, china. fluent in korean and chinese. 179cm. fans nicknamed him yebo when he wore a pineapple pin and a coconut tree pin (椰 yē - coconut, 菠 bō - pineapple)

an unashamed fanboy→ yibo was a fan of sowon since the beginning. he still owns some of their fan merchandise, including their lightstick, photobooks, and a poster. 




❝i've never thought of wanting to reach the peak. i just want to do what i love.❞  —wang yibo


replace with fc. 134x200



i hope you like her! i gave her a lot of my own isms and stuff lol if anything is confusing, i can clarify!

i tried making her different from normal and different from my other girl but feel free to ignore whatever you want or take creative liberty with her. 

also, sorry i wrote, like, a lot


the edit is in this color (⁀ᗢ⁀) i know its probably too predictable to make her know mandarin, but yibo speaks mandarin so i think it makes more sense haha


thank you for liking her!



nothing i can think of, sorry :(

Password. shooting stars (or crystals?)



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Hey again Lotte! Thank you for another wonderful character. Honestly I feel like you wrote her wit such respect and even though I personally am not on the spectrum, two of my siblings are so I really appreciate it and admire the care you took. I feel like if chosen, Seulgi could add not only something wonderful to Sowon but also kind of bring awareness to some readers who may only have the very stereotypical view of autism.

Anyway before I ramble on I wanted to let you know that there is only one small issue with Seulgi. Could you please specify if the Chinese she knows is Mandarin or Cantonese? As that I such a small thing I have decided to go ahead and accept Seulgi! Thank you for a lovely character!