What happened to me this past 1 year

The title says it all, but i should probably start from Jul19

July 19 i started streaming on my twitch channel https://www.twitch.tv/wcpro123468 part time and i made more new friends. I got accepted into the speedrunning community too and i was super super excited.

Aug19 Prepared to sell my gaming PC as i had a dream.... An inspiration and a fictional character.... She is named hyojyn syfone or known as Hyo for short.

September19 Started building gaming PCs for others and kinda setup a hobbyish business like email using my personal email as a contact point.

October 19 Prepared to build a gaming PC that i named Caustic (cause poisonous liquids are white in my dreams) and gave it away the month after. Was a good experience

Nov19 Got promoted to Senior and the job got tougher. Gave caustic away to a friend's friend for xmas present.

Dec19 celebrated xmas overseas and had a relaxing trip.

Jan20 COVID started my order was delayed and prices began to rise... Troubling me in the process.

Feb20 yay i am 26 somehow

March2020 order came in and started making a blog and started instagram to post my photos of my PCs and all....

April2020 Now


Everyone do stay safe and healthy.... Peace out



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I’m so proud of you, bear :)
I’m so proud of you, bear :)
I’m so proud of you, bear :)
I’m so proud of you, bear :)
Wow so productive 👌👌
Welcome to the SNS world old dude
Glad that you have been doing great and have a fruitful day . Congratulations for your promotion as a Senior . Keep up the good work . Well done. Stay safe whenever you are .
good luck buddyyy
glad to see you've been well! please stay safe amidst the pandemic. all the best in your gaming PC!