#BrightWin #SarawatTine

Who watchh 2gether The seriesss?? ≧ω≦

Shiaaaa, i really like this series! Σ>―(〃°ω°〃)♡→

There are bunch of handsome ppl there ehe :'')

Their IG

Bright - https://instagram.com/bbrightvc?igshid=1stfnhdhegcos

Win - https://instagram.com/bbrightvc?igshid=1stfnhdhegcos


Kindly follow them. 




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I watched it, loved it from the first few minutes on.
It's so cute and funny at the same time and it is so hard to wait for a whole week for new episodes >-<
After seeing a lot of people talking about it I gave it a try and oh my god I love it so much ( ੭ु>ヮ<)੭ु⁾⁾
It's so hard to have to wait a week between the episodes XD