What do u think?

Do u think people who are always criticizing yourself can be called friend?

They are few people in my office keep criticizing me about not getting married yet. They want to know everything about me, but as simple as I can know, I work here 10 months already and they didn't even invite me into their group chat.. 

'They' means a group of girls in my office..

I know it's only simple thing, and why I hold grudges only because of that but I feel left out a bit.. 

I should not feel like that right? 😕  I only new freshly girl 👧 


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That’s crazy. Just focus on your life. I’m a 34 female soon to be 35. People say “I should’ve gotten married in my 20’s.” Or “You’re too old to get married now. Nobody wants a thirty-four year old.” I just ignore them and live my life. So, just focus on yourself and enjoy life.
Buddy dont bother about their opinion of you... You do all things according to your timeline ... Do whatever gives you happiness... Other people s opinion does not matter... Its fine if they dont add you in their group... Dont get disheartened... Always think you are special and way higher of their league... Enjoy your life right where you are... They must be jealous of you thats why they criticize you... So stay happy and keep shining... Dont pay attention to their criticism actually they want to be like you but they cant so they are reacting like this... God bless you...