『 𝕞𝕠𝕠𝕟 』 송찬혁

The Rejected plotline
has a close relationship with Haruhiko, who basically picked him back up when he was passed over for NnD for Kidae (which I will never not giggle about), and not only does he develop something like hero worship for Haruhiko, but he's basically the big brother and best person Chanhyuk has always lowkey wanted and needed
Haruhiko basically "think of this as an opportunity, they're going to be good, pave the way, but we're going to be the best"
Chanhyuk also develops a one-sided crush on Haruhiko (and it stays one-sided) at some point, but basically sorts through his feelings and "I love him, but I'm not in love with him, he's the brother I needed and the best friend I needed and the /person/ I needed by my side to be the best I could be; this is platonic love, not romantic love"

Chanhyuk might not fight back if you attack him, but he'll wreck you if you so much as look twice at Tai or Chaeyeong. Tai is his actual baby. Chaeyeong is his baby sister (even though? she acts older than him? usually?) he will destroy you and then probably freak out and cry afterward because he's too soft to destroy people

remember: jelly beans, duck/duckling stuffie, Chan duck, "oli", "oli saekki"

Eiichi uwu

“No-one can make you feel inferior without your consent.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
“I’ve been making a list of the things they don’t teach you at school. They don’t teach you how to love somebody. They don’t teach you how to be famous. They don’t teach you how to be rich or how to be poor. They don’t teach you how to walk away from someone you don’t love any longer. They don’t teach you how to know what’s going on in someone else’s mind. They don’t teach you what to say to someone who’s dying. They don’t teach you anything worth knowing.” –Neil Gaiman
“Maybe there’s something you’re afraid to say or someone you’re afraid to love, or somewhere you’re afraid to go. It’s gonna hurt. It’s gonna hurt because it matters.” – John Green

stage name



BIRTHNAME Song Chanhyuk [송찬혁]


Chuck Song - If he had an English name, this would probably be it. Unfortunately. (It's a running joke. See nicknames for details.)


» Chan, Channie, Hyuk | common nicknames, all taken from his name

» Chuck | used almost exclusively by Chaeyeong...until other trainees/idols at Beau hear her and ask repeatedly/annoy someone until they hear the story (and then it's a free for all) | While the family was living in Hong Kong, a then exceptionally tentative and shy Chanhyuk was trying to introduce himself in class, but was too quiet to be properly heard. So the teacher, who had misheard his introduction, repeated it aloud for the class. But instead of calling him "Chanhyuk", he was introduced as....you guessed it: Chuck. At present time, it no longer bothers Chanhyuk as much, especially when used in a joking or greeting manner. (But if ever asked, he's quite vehement in his "no, Chuck is not my English name.")

» Chuckles | taken from "Chuck" (by Chaeyeong, of course) and played with a little, used more than "Chuck" but still fairly infrequent | A play on his giggly state of mind, and the fact that Chaeyeong, who happens to excel in English, made a funny one day and decided to keep it. Like Chuck,  it's okay when used in a joking or greeting manner.

» Giggles/Mr. Giggles | bestowed upon Chanhyuk by the  older trainees (most of them now in NnD), used affectionately by just about everyone in the company | Chanhyuk has a tendency to giggle to himself. Yes, he laughs, those full body, deep belly laughs, especially when he's comfortable around someone, but more often than not, he's going to giggle and duck his head and try to hide it because he's a shy and frequently self-conscious thing, and he's trying to avoid drawing attention to himself. But because he's still a precious and giggly child.... Giggles. Or Mr. Giggles when they're feeling formal.

» Whiplash | bestowed upon Chanhyuk by the older trainees (NnD boys and Haruhiko), used fairlly regularly, but most often during practices | (after opening up to a person or becoming comfortable) Chanhyuk has an alarming duality to him that quickly becomes apparent in practice situations. When Chanhyuk buckles down to practice, he goes at it, and he goes hard. And when he's not practicing -- when they're resting on a break or they're at the dorms, he's often the soff-est and quietest kid in the room. Additionally, this nickname plays at his duality when performing -- when he's wow on stage and what off stage. And the simple differences between when he's rapping and when he's singing. Get you a guy that can do both.

» Birdkeeper | an inside joke from Chaeyeong, the NnD boys, and the Moon boys, used by them when he's showing his colors and his fondness for feathered friends | Once upon a time, Chanhyuk arrived for late for a general (male) trainee practice with a baby bird in his hoodie pocket... [see trivia for further details]

» nickname | explanation

» nickname | explanation

BIRTHDATE August 26, 1997

BIRTHPLACE Daegu, South Korea

HOMETOWN Seoul, South Korea




» Korean | fluent | native language

» Mandarin (Putonghua) | near-fluent | lived in Hong Kong for several years during his youth, and learned Putonghua out of necessity

» English | advanced conversational | lived in Hong Kong for several years during his youth; English was interesting  (and useful) and very common in Hong Kong, but it was harder for Chanhyuk to learn; since joining Beau Ent, however, he's made strides to better his skill in the language

» Japanese | conversational | he's seen enough anime (subbed, obviously) and hung around Haruhiko and [name]  (and of course Nikuro) enough over the years to pick up a decent piece of language, and he practices with Haruhiko, [Name], and Melinda whenever he has a chance in order to improve his fluency. Not to impress Haruhiko though. No. Course not.

“Don’t ever mistake my silence for ignorance, my calmness for acceptance, or my kindness for weakness.”


FACECLAIM Mingi (Ateez)

BACKUP Yunho (Ateez), ???


HEIGHT 183 cm

WEIGHT 61 kg



anything different from the faceclaim? tattoos, piercings? scars? etc. pictures are welcomed.


just a short description. you may include pictures here as well.


“Be the one who nurtures and builds. Be the one who has an understanding and forgiving heart. Be the one who looks for the best in people. Leave people better than you found them.”

ISFJ-T / Earthbender / Instinct / HuffleDor

#songsiblingsunite #realmenwearpink #listenfirst #talklater #daydreamer #nightthinker



reliable, loyal, hard-working, passionate

humble, observant, analytical, empathetic

shy, reserved, stubborn, dissemulates


must include traits! four positive & four negative! neutral are welcomed! you may format this however you want! min of 2 paragraphs.


remember to read the cheatsheet! min of 2 paragraphs!



“How people see the world is often a reflection of how they see themselves. If they think that the world is just a cesspool of lies and deceit, then they themselves may be full of lies and deceit. Watch out for those people who are always telling you just how corrupt the rest of the world is. As the saying goes, ‘It takes one to know one.'”









» his "resting face" is actually a resting pout


» spiders
» silence




» favorite color: golden yellow (like a sunflower)
» favorite number: 
» favorite food: 
» favorite drink: 
» favorite artists:  
» favorite song: 
» favorite sound: 
» favorite book: 
» favorite word: 
» favorite city: 
» favorite season: summer
» favorite time of day: noon
» favorite flower: sunflower!!!
» favorite animal: birds (specifically a ???)
» favorite
» A year or so after joining Beau Ent (solid date tbd, late spring?), after making a name for himself as someone that shows up on time and works hard, Chanhyuk arrived late to practice. After much dodging of curious and worried questions and being extra squirrelly about being touched and poked and prodded, Chanhyuk lets it slip: he has a baby bird in his hoodie pocket. The trainees immediately latch onto it and demand Chanhyuk show them. And sure enough, Chanhyuk reaches into his pocket and caaarefully pulls out this tiny, ruffled, angry indignant sparrow that's obviously a little too young to have left the nest. Chanhyuk explains he'd been on his way to practice with Chaeyeong and they'd spotted the bird cornered by a cat. (At this point, all the boys just sigh, because Chanhyuk is a soft touch for animals, particularly birds.) He'd been unable to just leave and let it go, so despite Chaeyeong's protests, Chanhyuk had picked up the bird with his jacket sleeves and spent a few minutes looking for the nest. When that had failed (they surmised the nest was higher off the ground, somewhere on a window ledge of a building), Chanhyuk decided to rescue it and raise it until it was old enough to take care of itself. And so he'd taken his new adopted to work-- err, practice with him. Chanhyuk named the sparrow Tori (no, he's not original), and it lowkey became a mascot for the boys over the next couple weeks. After that first day Chanhyuk was careful not to let anyone else touch Tori, and he was careful not to touch too much, either. Over the following weeks, Chanhyuk spent most of his time outside of practice feeding Tori and trying to keep the bird as healthy as possible, and eventually teaching it how to fly.
» A few weeks after Chanhyuk rescued Tori from the cat, he was able to release Tori back into the wild. (Yes, the trainees were all there. ....yes Chanhyuk also cried. A little. Shut up.)
» Because Tori was old enough to not imprint on Chanhyuk, and because he was careful not to touch excessively or begin domestication, the release was successful. There is, however, a sparrow that lives outside of the Beau Ent building that will come for a visit (and food, there'd better be food involved) if Chanhyuk stands outside long enough. 
» When he sleeps at night, there has to be a little bit of white noise from something/somehwere. A fan left on, a heat in the winter, someone breathing, a clock ticking. There has to be a little bit of noise or he won't be able to sleep.





“Each friend represents a world in us, a world possibly not born until they arrive, and it is only by this meeting that a new world is born.”



include the most important peeps! you may format this however you want!


idk how i'm doing this yet but we're using sunflowers for the stock icons while i set things up. because sunflowers



yes, actually sunflowers



because sunflowers


to add:
fam: parental units, Chaeyeong,
label: NnD, Eunoia, Noire, Melinda?, uhhhh I need to look at the staff page-- Rap Man, Dance Dude, Vocal Coach, manager
moon: overall group? idk, Tai, Haruhiko, Aroon, Hwimin, ???



“When you’re struggling with something, look at all the people around you and realize that every single person you see is struggling with something.”



optional. make sure to add hangul. and explain why this is their stage name.


make sure to explain as well!


PLOTLINE The Rejected

POSITION triple threat

FANCLUB include hangul, hex code, and explanation of why that's their fanclub!



vocal & dance twins are necessary for all positions! rap twins are only if you have a rap position. you may include other twins like talk, variety, acting, aegyo, etc.

» rap : Mingi?

» vocal : lower voice? higher (to offset the low rap)? lead or weak main)

» dance : uhhh Mingi? DOES HE STILL WORK? KQ Y U RUDE

» talk : Mingi uwu

» aegyo : twin

» other?? : twin



TRAINING YEARS 5 yrs max with beau ent, they may have trained with another company


include if they trained in another company.



any prior experience? modeling? acted in a music video or drama? etc. totally optional.


any scandals or news articles go here! past, present, and future! make sure to include some scandals, but it's okay if you don't.


will they go into acting or modeling? any sub unit ideas? maybe a solo or two? any variety shows? etc.


“Love is friendship that has caught fire. It is quiet understanding, mutual confidence, sharing and forgiving. It is loyalty through good and bad times. It settles for less than perfection and makes allowances for human weaknesses.”


LOVE INT Eiichi (Sien's boy) [bio]

FACECLAIM name + group (if an oc)




you may format this however you want! totally optional!


a short paragraph or two of their personality.


how they met, how they interact, how they fall in love, the whole shebang.








BACKUPS list any possible backups, just in case...


I pulled all of the quotes from this ISFJ quotes page and the Chanhyuk vibes are ridiculous. If you ever have an issue getting a feel for him....that's the page to hit up, honestly. Also, Chanhyuk's bird story is actually something I did a few years ago. I ended up releasing the bird in my backyard and it returns to a nest it made in our shed every year. 


any scenes you'd like to see?


did you read the cheatsheet??


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ack mingi
after my own heart