How busy am I? Very is the answer. I am currently working two jobs. One of which is the graveyard shift. I am taking classes as well. I am so tired and exhausted. I get anywhere between 1-4 hours of sleep a day during the week. On the weekend I sleep 7-12 hours a day. I am so exhausted but I am enjoying it. I have a few months left at both jobs before I move. There is so much change happening in my life and its all positive. I am excited for the new move. 

Also I get a week long break from work and school soon due to this virus that is everywhere. Thankfully we only have one case locally. As precaution schools are closing down for a while tho so I hope to do alot of the things I didn't get to do like write and watch some dramas. Reconnect with family because I only see them when I get home and somestimes I go a couple of days without seeing them but I would like to see them alot during break. 


Also if I have any BTS Fans I will be attending 7 of their shows in the US if they don't get cancelled. I am attending NJ, DC, Toronto and Chicago. I am so excited also I am graduation this May so it is going to be a good graduation gift. I've been saving money for it. 

I've been travelling alot as well. Giving speeches here and there. meeting with important people. Trying to make a difference. Its all so amazingly crazy and yet so welcome. Anyway Fantasy INC update coming soon,. 



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