OU'R LUV : 이예나

Lee Yena
about me
practical • gentle • soft-spoken • faithless 

There's something to be said about someone with a gentle nature. They're the type of person you inherently trust, and that's the sort of person Yena is. You feel compelled to trust her, and she won't misuse that trust. She holds it, dearly, nurtures it, and treats it like the precious thing it is. Hurting someone is something that she worries about, and could bend over backwards to avoid. How could you ever purposefully cause people pain? It doesn't make sense.

This sort of person is careful in everything they do, stopping to think for a moment on how their actions could impact the people in their lives. It's a blessing and a curse, because it leaves them wide-open for manipulation and yet people speak highly of them. While Yena will oftentimes make the most obvious call, the one that is good for the "most," there are times where she finds herself awash with uncertainty as she wonders if she's making a mistake. Do these people care for her the way she does them? Do they appreciate the thought she puts into her actions?

For she holds little faith in others. She has been left behind and out of things too many times. But with a voice and presence both so softly-spoken, it's hard to gain notice. It's hard to become bright and loud, and so she cares quietly and does what seems practical. Her biggest mistake may just be not advocating for herself and what she knows she deserves.
Yena lives with her son Donghan in a group home of sorts for single parents. The organization essentially owns a small apartment building and allows the single parents and their child(ren) to live in an apartment each. Yena starts her day early to get a head start on her full-time jobs- Motherhood and massage therapy. As her son is now three years old, she has to pay for daycare, and because she cannot be there with him during the day, she likes to make him breakfast and dinner at home. Yena is technically supposed to have the weekend off, but she always picks up half a shift on Sundays so a coworker can go to church. Because of that, Saturdays are dedicated entirely to her little one.

Yena is a pleasant coworker, but she doesn't make many personal relationships because of the strong stigma against single parents, particularly mothers, in the country. She's unable to receive governmental assistance, and only gets help from the nonprofit that provides her housing on the condition that she holds down her job. That job is physically demanding, and so is raising a three-year-old, so she has a hard time physically keeping up with both. She's exhausted when she goes to get her son, and she's exhausted when she gets home, but she grins and bears it while Donghan is awake, suffering on her own when he is asleep.

She is a loving and gentle mother, using words and tones to communicate, never raising her voice. She teaches her son in stories and questions, explaining the consequences of actions before actions can be taken. Because she cannot be with him during the day, Yena is very physically affectionate with her son in their time together. She enjoys staying home with Donghan on the weekend, but in order to enrich his life she chooses to take him out every other Saturday. Donghan helps her do chores around the house and is a very active child, so she has a lot to keep up with. Thankfully, he still takes a nap a day.

Yena has a few friends that she meets with every few days during her lunch, but that's the extent of her "going out." The nonprofit provides her with many of her groceries and childcare products, but if she wants or needs to buy anything specific, she'll go between getting off of work and picking Donghan up from the daycare. She doesn't have time for herself, she is always, always taking care of other people. She even works at donation drives and does "Help Calls" for the nonprofit, as a way of giving back.
just one question! 
how will your character develop through the story?
beginning: At the start, Yena is still recovering from her outburst back in high school, still trying to accept the fact that just because she has the ability to act in ways that she wouldn't instinctively, that doesn't mean she can change who she is at the core. Part of her still thinks if she does something enough, it will just become a part of her. There's so much self-doubt and uncertainty of who she is. Furthermore, it's quite obvious Yena stretches herself too thin. She works too much, she doesn't take care of her body which will only be disastrous for her health and career, she tries to hide her struggles from her son but the thing is, even kids as young as that know when a parent is hurting. She doesn't trust people but lets them walk all over her. Yena is quite literally her own worst enemy, making her choices at her own expense. All of her relationships suffer for this, as does her mental health. A person can only take so much unhappiness, and Yena feels her life has been just that- Unhappy. A simple series of letdowns and hurt and abandonment and no one caring for her but herself. She loves Donghan more than anything, she told herself she would, yet these days she sees...She sees how it could be that her parents didn't love her, and that scares her. She swore she wouldn't be like them when she found out she was having a baby, but being so poor that she has to rely on a nonprofit and a daycare to raise her son...Part of her feels ashamed.

middle: There is a notable shift in how Yena thinks. Rather than "this is what I have to do" she begins to think that, maybe, "There's a better way to do this." Once someone with a straight-forward line of thinking, Yena begins to exercise creativity in an effort to maximize what she gets out of life. Rather than working as much as she can, as hard as she can, and picking up shifts for people who need it, she begins to realize that those things are harming her. She sees that the current benefit (More money) doesn't outweigh the mounting costs (Her physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing). She understands that in an effort to protect herself, she does the very thing she fears most- She hurts people. And that's upsetting to her, so she starts inviting her close circle to spend time with her and Donghan, instead of splitting her time between them separately. In that way, Yena is letting her friends see the most raw and personal part of her life for the first time. She starts to examine the way she's viewed her life up until now, and how that's affecting her. Was everything she went through the fault of other people, or are there ways she should hold herself accountable? What in her past that hurt her is worth still holding onto? Trauma can't just disappear, but it can be dealt with.

end: Yena comes face-to-face with the shame society has instilled in her as a single mother. It's not her fault that they hold a negative image of her, and that such a negative image prevents her from being allowed government assistance. There's no shame in being the recipient of a nonprofit's help in the government's place. She is finally becoming comfortable enough to let her friends watch Donghan for a few hours at least, so she can rest. She hasn't had time to rest in years. She may not be able to let him go for a whole day or at night yet, but it's a start. Yena even is searching for a new job, one that doesn't willingly let her work herself to death, and that maybe won't be as physically taxing- Her hands just never stop aching as it is. The thing is, you can't force yourself to become someone you're not, but as you learn to accept yourself you find new parts of you, too. So maybe Lee Yena is and always will be quiet and soft-spoken, but she also has a strong heart, and is brave, and willing to take on new challenges. She sees herself in a new light- Sees that she was someone worth taking care of all these years. Yena is not as alone as she's felt. There's a support system there for her, and while she's still fighting with herself to use it, step-by-step she's growing.
son • lee donghan • 3 • none • kang ha oh
At three years old, Donghan is quickly becoming his own person, Yena has noticed. He likes to do things for himself like pick out his own clothes and try feeding himself, and his interests lean more towards physical activities than creative ones. Even still, Donghan is very attached to his mother, which isn't uncommon- In fact, it's a sign of healthy development. She is his safety net, and honestly Yena thinks he's hers. Already, she feels like she doesn't get to spend enough time with him, so she always tries to make the best of it. However, the mother has an unusually hard time letting the people in her life get close to Donghan. Even her friends haven't seen him more than a few times, because Yena keeps her home life and the rest of her life separate. She doesn't trust people enough to let them into both, she's very protective of her son. She loves to cuddle with him on Saturday nights and watch movies together, and read him to sleep, and teach him how to play soccer. Donghan is at the age where he can speak simple sentences, normally around three words, but he actually understands a lot more than he can say so Yena has gotten into the habit of narrating everything to her son. She just loves talking to him, he's such a precious person to her. He's her little baby, her darling, her dearest.
nonprofit liaison • go eunsuh • 31 • nonprofit organizer • jun hyosung
Eunsuh is one of the organizers at the nonprofit that assists Yena. She's the one that Yena has worked with directly since day one, from getting the apartment assigned to her, to getting her job interview, and these days dropping off supplies. While Eunsuh is very empathetic and kind, she also is the person who holds Yena accountable the most. If she doesn't have a job, seems to be wasting groceries and childcare supplies, Eunsuh has to make the decision whether she stays in the program. This means she's also in control of Yena's ability to stay in the housing. Because Eunsuh is in control of such a huge part of her life, Yena tries to stay in her good graces. Honestly, Yena does quite well at staying responsible and Eunsuh genuinely enjoys her company. If the mother ends up in a tight spot, then she's willing to help her out.

friend • kim sunha • 21 • college student • kim bora
The youngest of Yena's group of friends, Kim Sunha is known to be bright-eyed and optimistic- And terrible at knowing the line. She says what she thinks needs to be said, and while Yena can surely appreciate the way their personalities differ, sometimes Sunha criticizes her in ways that dig deep. That's part of why they're not the closest of the friends, but at the end of the day she provides good company and has good intentions. Sunha actually has a snake named Snoopy so Yena likes to hear about how he's doing, because she's quite fond of reptiles.

friend • lim nayoon • 23 • secretary • kwon eunbi
Yena and Nayoon get along fairly well, as same-aged friends. They're similar in their maturity levels, and Nayoon's good at reigning Sunha and Soyul in if need be. She often picks the places they meet for lunch, and always makes sure it's somewhere really affordable but still tasty. Yena doesn't know if it's because of her financial situation, but she's thankful nonetheless. they don't have much in common beyond age and music taste but it's nice to know her. It feels good to have contact with people outside of her job.

closest friend • hwang soyul • 22 • nail artist • choi yuju
If Yena considered herself to have a best friend, it would be Soyul, but she doesn't think in terms like "best friend." She is just, simply, a friend, and Soyul will take that. Soyul is the person in Yena's life that supports her the most emotionally, as they've known each other the longest. They met through Donghan's dad's friend group, a long time before the child was born, and Soyul took a liking to her. She always made the effort to include Yena, and did not turn her back on her when the couple broke up and her friend became a single mom. She didn't make any judgments. She simply was there with smile and an invite to lunch if Yena needed some company. Yena found that she did, in those long months of wandering the street and sleeping at the bathhouses. It was nice to have someone to talk to, that wasn't going to tell her she wasn't getting that interview or government assistance. She valued the sense of normalcy that her friendship with Soyul provided. These days, Soyul pokes and prods at Yena to be more open within their small friend group (Introduced to Yena by Soyul, of course), but she doesn't go so far as to make her uncomfortable. She worries, because she thinks it's unhealthy how much the woman squares herself and her son away, but she just tries to be the same humorous, quirky friend she always has been- And letting Yena know from time to time that she is always, always there. Even...If Yena really doesn't listen.
about him
park jinho
february 12 
nonprofit volunteer, translator
lim youngminkim youngjo
patient • passionate • stubborn • overwhelming 
Some people are made with an energy that cannot be matched. It's a drive, a charm, a certain kind of casually confident passion and certainty about what they want and who they are. I think it would be fair to say some are born with it, but for many it had to be found, and Jinho found his. What he feels, he feels deeply. Jinho isn't afraid of his emotions, he embraces them. He's a person that just has it figured out. He has a sought-after answer waiting at his fingertips, because he knows what he believes and is steadfast to it.
That doesn't mean he's going to hand people his answers, though, because he knows that his life convictions won't match everyone's. Rather, Jinho patiently guides people to find their own answers, so they can live authentically to themselves. That's what he loves to do. It's his passion, it's what gives him that unmatchable energy and attractive charm. But that can be overwhelming for people, because he feels big to be around. Almost larger-than-life at times, always raring and ready to go. Always ready for the next adventure. But strangely enough, there's something equally as grounding about it. Something about the way he sits and will just listen to you. He seems like a walking contradiction, but who isn't? When it comes to people, nothing ever matches up quite right.

Jinho lives to live. He wants to experience moments and laughter and meet new people and see different things. He likes to dream and touch people's hearts, even if it leaves his raw and exposed. There's a willingness to accept the consequences of his actions, to the point of it almost being offputting. Jinho is a force all his own.
Born as the second son in the Park family, Jinho grew up in a poorer area of the city. He always felt lucky to have his brother, Jinkyu, to look out for him, because he didn't have the opportunity to feel alone. His childhood was happy, and he was cared for. As children, the brothers were friends with their neighbor Lee Yena, but later on she moved away and quickly was just another memory. Their parents were loving and he always felt that he lived a standard, common life. He was a bright child, but not particularly special. He liked doing whatever was trendy, his favorite things were his friend's favorite things, until his high school years.

In his freshman year, Jinho's uncle passed away. They were never the closest pair, but he admired the man's work ethic and had fond memories of him. After the death, Jinho felt something stir inside of him, but he wasn't sure what. It was just a tug in his stomach, that made him stare out the window during classes and think. What is he here for? How long is he here for? What are his chances? Isn't there anything he really likes or dislikes? Jinho had went along his whole life just going with the flow, letting others pick for him, but what if he asked himself what he wanted to do?

So he started trying new things, just to see what suited him. From trying sports clubs to volunteering at shelters, getting a part-time job to learning how to drive, eating new foods with his brand new income and going to libraries and making new friends, Jinho wanted to and did do it all. He found he had a thirst, simply, for new experiences. That in itself, was the thing he liked most. That was why "going with the flow" had worked for so many years, because he was trying new things along with everyone else- But now he had the confidence to do it all on his own, and go his own way.

After high school, Jinho decided to attend college online, majoring in practical English. That gave him the freedom to continue what he was doing, this time bringing his friends and family along for the ride. He found his passion for helping others, and that's what led him to becoming a volunteer at various nonprofit organizations.
The lifestyle Jinho leads lacks a lot of structure. He lives in a small apartment on his own, though his elder brother Jinkyu is a frequent visitor. He works as a freelance Korean-to-English translator for various businesses and as such, all he needs is his laptop and an internet connection to do his work, and it's a fairly steady income- There is never a time when someone doesn't need something translated. A well-paying job with only deadlines and no specific hours is exactly how Jinho manages to have such an open lifestyle. He generally wakes up at eight in the morning, but after that, what he'll do is anyone's guess.

He's the type to eat out for most, if not every meal. There isn't a place where he frequents- Rather, he just picks something up on the way from point A to point B. He likes to spend his freetime volunteering with various nonprofits and organizations, because he is absolutely fascinated to learn people's stories. He gets along easily with people, likely because he's a good listener and conversationalist. Jinho works with people, animals, plants, you name it, he's worked with some sort of volunteer service. People like him, he's charming, and he likes socializing.

His apartment is fairly messy, because he doesn't spend a lot of time there so he doesn't see a point in picking up. Jinkyu or his friends have to convince him to do it. He has all kinds of friends from different backgrounds, because he spends so much time getting to know people.
just one question! 
how will your character develop through the story?
beginning: Jinho feels like he's done all of his growing up by the start of the story- And that's exactly why he still has growing to do. There's a sort of misguided arrogance to him, because he's certain of who he is and he thinks he can help everyone. It's overbearing and overwhelming for some. So while he's easy to get along with at first, the more you get to know Jinho, the more you see why the people in his life hold an affectionate annoyance towards him. His willingness to lend people an ear or shoulder, while appreciated, sometimes crosses the line. Beyond that, Jinho has yet to ever experience permanent in his adult life. There is no doubt that being a free spirit has its own positive aspects, but there's no discounting that a form of structure and consistency has its benefits as well. Jinho feels that as he finishes his twenties, goes through his thirties and forties and beyond, nothing has to change. He can keep doing this forever, and sure, maybe he could.
middle: Okay, so maybe Jinho's not all grown up and as mature as he thought. Because when he sees the life that Yena is living, he starts to feel a familiar tug in his gut. A call, of sorts, that feeling of needing to ask a question to himself before it's too late and that opportunity slips away. Up until now, he's been satisfied and fulfilled with everything he's done. He loves his life, but now there is a longing. His time jumping from place to place has been a blast, but what if there's another life that suits him better? A different kind of new experience, one that could change everything for him and what the center of his universe is? Because up until now the center of his universe was him, and maybe it's not anymore. Jinho realizes that doing the same-old "whatever he wants" won't be fun forever. He realizes that not everyone is willing to take his advice, and they don't need to. He realizes that there's more to life than what he's experienced, and in fact he's cut himself off from an interesting portion of it.

end: Jinho has known who he is all along. He's funny and he loves helping people and trying new things. These are all still true, but that sense of adventure he felt was all to lead him somewhere- To lead him where he'd want to be for the rest of his life. Jinho was trying all these things out, going from place-to-place, and what was the common denominator? Helping people. So what if, maybe, he tried to do that, but for a living? So that way he doesn't overstep his boundaries and helps people who genuinely wish for his assistance. Jinho resolves to return to college to get the education necessary to become a therapist. He feels like he finally found his calling, after being blind to it for so long. And what a breath of fresh air that is.
love story
beginning : first meeting
Lee Yena and Park Jinho were neighbors as children. None can recall the specific first meeting, they just seemed to be there in their early childhood memories. Jinho and his brother Jinkyu were very important people to Yena, however, as they were the only people she ever considered to be her friends growing up. They were her closest interpersonal relationships, and had an impact on her. The simple kindnesses that were walking her home or wanting her to play, they were the happiest times in her early life. She was quiet, took care of herself, didn't have much to offer, and yet they chose to spend their time with her. They knew what it was like to have little money. They seemed to understand her. Perhaps the friendship was not as important to Jinho, but he remembers it fondly. They were good moments in his life, and while he hasn't thought of Lee Yena in a long time, she isn't forgotten by any means.
middle : development?
Imagine that your friend moved away. It's been, quite literally, ten years since you've seen them. And the way you see them again is when they come to drop off supplies that a nonprofit is donating you...Because you, as a single parent, are unable to afford them yourself. Yena feels, well, mortified, as she stares into the eyes of one of the only people who made her feel cared for in her entire life. Her hair is in a hasty bun, her three-year-old is chanting for food in her arms, her apartment which was literally paid for by the nonprofit is messy, and she's looking Park Jinho of all people in the face. It wasn't uncommon for volunteers to drop off donations if Eunsuh is visiting other parents...But it was literally Park Jinho.

For Jinho's part, he takes it all in stride as Yena invites him inside and walks him to her kitchen to set the bags down. So in stride, she's not even sure he recognizes her, but he's quick to reassure her otherwise when he says "It's been a while, huh?" Did he necessarily expect to see his childhood friend in those circumstances? No, but he certainly didn't think any lesser of her for it. Who was he to judge? In fact, Jinho was excited to see her again, it was like those early memories came rushing back to him with a stronger clarity. Almost immediately, he begins to reminisce, but before long he notices the way Yena is holding herself, Donghan having never once left her arms, with her shoulders turned slightly towards Jinho, a smile that doesn't quite reach her eyes resting quietly- She's uncomfortable, and he apologizes for taking up her time. Before he leaves, he mentions he hopes he can catch up with her soon.

Yena agrees, verbally, but inside she's panicked. When she shuts the door, she feels so...So...She doesn't have a word for it, or maybe she doesn't want to say the word, but it hurts in her chest and she could just collapse- But she can't, because Donghan is here and she has to hold herself together. And she does, even if it's tough.

She doesn't think she'll see Jinho again, really- Volunteers are always switching around, Eunsuh is her liaison and thus the only person she sees from the nonprofit regularly. But it turns out Eunsuh had to leave town for a few weeks to take care of her mother, and Jinho returns. And she's not...Unhappy to see him. She remembers him fondly, he was one of the best parts of her life, but the fact that he showed back up in such a personal way...Well, even her friends these days don't see Donghan much, if ever, certainly not her home, much less when she's not put together for the public, and Jinho suddenly saw...All of it. At once. The moment he came into her life. Yena couldn't believe her luck, or maybe lack of it. But Donghan was rather friendly to the man, and how could she say no to Jinho's simple invitation to lunch? It couldn't hurt.

So she went, and she listened to Jinho talk about what he'd been up to since they'd last seen each other, and then came the part where she was expected to give that same information. She danced around everything she could, not really giving much information, only really telling him what her job was and what she liked to eat these days, because Yena couldn't trust him. What if he was waiting to find out the truth about Donghan to see if it was something he could judge her for? What if being nice was all an act? She had no way of knowing, and she had to protect her son.

Through the whole meeting, Jinho hadn't set off any red flags in particular, and he wondered if they could exchange numbers, stay in contact. Yena took a few moments but she agreed- Perhaps she could use another friend like Sunah, Nayoon, and Soyul. The thing about letting Jinho back into her life, though, was that he couldn't be like the others. Because he'd returned to her through the nonprofit and so he kept seeing her in the moments she hid from her other friends, like when she'd pack all of the clothes Donghan outgrew into a trashbag and handed them over to be donated to one of the other parents, or when she needed a ride to see another single parent being supported by the organization who was struggling and thinking about giving up. He saw Donghan. Her son knew Jinho. He was just different, he saw it all.

And that meant he saw her in the moments she'd set her child down and massage at her achy, pained hands with tears blossoming in her eyes, never to be shed. He saw her in the moments Jinho was crying and Yena felt was at her wit's end. He saw her when the kid was asleep and she looked around her apartment like she was a caged animal, desperate for answers to questions he didn't understand. So Jinho tried to be there for her, his dear childhood friend, to offer a shoulder to cry on, to be a soundboard for ideas. Yena was reserved, expectedly. How couldn't she be? She just didn't know what trust was, even if Jinho's trustworthiness was proven to her over and over. Again and again, he was steadfast and responsible, not once had he disappointed her, and she still refused to break down to him.

That hurt Jinho. He valued his rekindled friendship with Yena, and she seemed unable to do the same thing. He understood there were things he just didn't know about her, secrets in her life that could explain so much but they were things too heavy for her to share. He could see she was scared, but they'd known each other for so long...Despite the separation, couldn't she just trust him? He wanted to communicate with Yena. He liked being with her, he liked her taste in music and how warm a person she felt and the quiet twinkle in her eyes. Jinho feared she wouldn't last much longer with the insane amounts of stress she put on herself.

One day, Jinho receives a call from Yena's cell, and yet when he answers...No one says anything on the other end. It could have been a mistake, she didn't mean to call him and didn't know...But what if something was wrong? When he goes to her apartment, he meets Yena right outside her front door. He's out of breath, sweating, but he's not the only one he notices...She's holding tightly onto Donghan, but her eyes are glossy and unfocused. He asks if she's okay, and Yena doesn't reply. He can see by her clothes she's on her way to work, but a hand laid across her forehead tells him she's far too feverish to be working. Jinho manages to get her to go back in, and he spends the day between taking care of Yena in her bedroom and Donghan in the living room. He gets his brother to drop off some medicine and food. Yena's out of it for a lot of the day, and Jinho finds himself following whatever Donghan wants to do through the day to keep the toddler entertained. He's never really taken care of a kid before, but what choice did he have? He had no clue where the daycare was or how long the kid was supposed to stay there, and he wasn't an incapable adult.

Yena slept through dinner hours soundly, but when he returned to her side after laying Donghan down for the night (A process that took a handful of storybooks), she was awake, and in tears. His heart hurt, seeing her sitting up in a mess of covers with flushed cheeks and just crying. "Yena...What's wrong?"

He listened. To everything. From her parents to her fears to her feelings that sound an awful lot like shame even if she wouldn't admit it. Jinho was, finally, her shoulder to cry on, and he was touched that out of everyone, she chose him. He couldn't help but cry with Yena, something that flustered her, but he assured her it was okay. He was there for her, and he was happy she finally felt like she could be honest with him, he was grateful and wouldn't betray her trust. And hearing that changed something in Yena's heart towards him. Those words made her heart move and feel something so soft and pretty. If someone asked Yena to name the moment she fell in love, she would say it was when a man cried and with tears still shining on his face, told her it was because he was grateful to be there for her.

It could have been a fluke...But that same pretty feeling came when she got out of bed the next morning and saw Jinho playing dolls with Donghan. And again when he smiled at her, and again when he said her name, and again and again and again. She knew what she was feeling, but there were a few problems...One, she had to put her son before all else. Two, no one would want their son to date a single mother. Three, she didn't know if Jinho would feel the same.

But the thing was, Jinho had opened her heart. And though it wasn't perfect, it was trying to do better. Yena slowly but surely began letting her friends into her life, she began to turn to them for advice, trusted them with intimate thoughts..She had begun her journey to grow as a person. And she wasn't the only one- Jinho had been growing too, and somewhere along the way he realized who he had to thank...And how he was beginning to feel about her.

When Jinho confesses, Yena wants to accept. She does. She wants to be with him, he's helped her in ways she doesn't even think he comprehends, she's just so in love with him, but- "What will people think? How would your family feel? Society doesn't accept people...Society doesn't accept people like me." The funny thing is, where Yena cares about society, Jinho's not so concerned- What do other people matter, if being together brings them joy? Brings them growth, laughter, precious moments? If you ask Jinho, he doesn't think dating would be that different from all the time they spend together, anyways- Just maybe some more hand holding and kissing, should Yena allow. And of course it's his charming wit that gets her. She is just a girl in love, after all.
end : the end
I imagine Yena and Jinho are in a steady relationship by the end, with Jinho taking a not-so-parental spot in Donghan's life. He's more like an uncle of sorts. They still live separately and aren't anywhere near marriage, but they find that having a relationship makes them happy, and despite the judgment of others, that's what matters.
just a few questions! 
who liked who first?
Surprisingly, Yena fell for Jinho first. She hadn't been in a serious relationship in years, but it turns out it's kind of hard to not fall for someone who, for as long as you could remember, made you feel secure. He made her feel important and loved, and when even your son likes talking about someone...How could her heart not yearn for his?
did any problems occur in their relationship and were they able to overcome them? 
One of the biggest problems was Yena's inability to trust anyone, including Jinho. It hurt the both of them, but after a notable, illness-induced breakdown, they began to work through it together. There a couple of ups-and-downs through the process, but it ultimately doesn't stop their blossoming relationship. Another minor problem is Yena's occasional indulgence in cigarettes, which Jinho doesn't approve of. It's not detrimental to their relationship, but there is a solid disagreement over this.
how has their relationship affected them as a person?
Yena and Jinho help each other grow. In the case of Yena, she needed someone to nurture a bud of trust with. It's a slow and arduous process, but it yields beautiful results. He helps her see that people can be trusted, they can care for her, that there are people who care for her already. She can put her faith in them. He helps her learn to value herself, so she can take care of her mind and body. Meanwhile, Yena introduces the idea of permanency into Jinho's life- There's beauty in things that can't be changed. Seeing her dedication to one thing, her son, alights admiration in him. He matures after meeting her, realizing he's ready for the next part of his life. They strengthen each other, and are all the better for it.
massage therapist
park haeyoon
kim sejeong
Fairly poor, Yena's parents couldn't be around for her. She had no choice but to raise herself, and she did- Though she does fondly recall some teachers helping her growing up. In her elementary school years (Notably, she started school a year late), Yena became close to her neighbors, the Park brothers. They were the type of boys to come to her house to ask her to play, to offer her an after school snack, walk with her to and from school, they were just good to her. However, Yena's family moved before she started secondary school and she lost contact. In her new school, Yena had a hard time. She was an easy target for bullying, and bully her they did. Kids would pretend to be her friends only to do cruel things in the end. This put a soft sadness inside her, but strangely that sadness was stronger than the one she felt when her father died when she was sixteen. She felt little, if any, grief, and for a while she questioned that. Her father was dead, why did she not feel sad? But in the end she knew- It was because he didn't care about her once in her life. Once her mother remarried, Yena found it to be a good excuse to act out. To try and be someone else for a few years, to smoke and sleep around, creating a bad name for herself in the process. Her reputation was shot, and as soon as she graduated her mother kicked her out. Yena was alone, and clung to her boyfriend at the time- One that, too, would leave her in the end, but this time with a son.
That boyfriend was Kyung Minjae, a college student studying engineering. He was pretty, enigmatic, and willing to deal with her and her traumatized self. For a few years, they had a relationship and, really, Yena needed Minjae. He was all she had. There was no one else. So she moved in with him and got to know his friends and coworkers and was generally known as "Minjae's girlfriend." She was...Happier than she'd been, in the past. Her boyfriend took care of her, for the first time since the Park brothers, someone actually considered her. It was nice...And then it wasn't, because she still didn't feel like she could trust him. Her lack of confidence in him tore at their relationship, causing fights, and by the time Yena ended up pregnant, Minjae had reached his limit and cast her away with cruel words. "Haven't you done enough to pull me down?" "I've already given you all my time, I won't give you my whole life." "I'm not that kid's dad." "Get out of my house." And what could Yena do, but leave? She spent her little money to stay in jjimjilbangs at nights, while during the day she desperately tried to find a job and/or financial assistance. About halfway through her pregnancy, she finally was able to get in contact with the nonprofit that has given her, literally, the foundation of her life as it is now.
Lee Yena is so quiet and unassuming, you would think she lives nothing but the average life. But the reality is far from your expectations- Yena must navigate through struggles of motherhood and work all alone. With mounting doubts of her abilities and who she is inside, Yena feels she is starting to drown. She has no choice but to find herself before it's too late for her and her son both.
ur character trivia
• yena's favorite food, band, color, & place to be: kimbap, sweden laundry, pink, near a lake
• yena's least favorite food, color, & place to be: peas, yellow, dark hallway
• occasional stress-smoker
• dislikes any heavy drinking
• wants to own a snake one day
• typically found smiling
• doesn't feel like she has enough time to keep up with current trends, and feels more left out as a result
• isn't fond of strong language
• buys herself ice cream at corner stores as a treat if time allows
• favorite weather: rainy
• normal makeup style is natural, but donghan has a habit of getting into her makeup when she cooks dinner so she put it up and hasn't remembered to put it on much recently
• in the future, wants to start advocating for change in how the government chooses to "assist" single parents
• has no contact with donghan's father
• the nonprofit gives hand-me-down clothing from other single parents in the system whose kids have outgrown them
• yena does pay a small amount of money each month to the nonprofit, the money is to assist the other parents. it is a whole system of single parents that are supporting single parents
• finds doing the laundry to be rather soothing
• fond of shakes
• takes donghan to children's cafes
• suffered from postpartum anxiety for a couple of months, mostly due to germs
• dislikes the combination of peanut butter and chocolate
• she no longer  recalls where her father's memorial site is
• "help calls" are what happens when a single parent that is assisted by the nonprofit call for help. they are considering "giving up," be it their life or their child. at times, their liaisons call other parents for assistance if they feel it could be beneficial. yena is on roster for these calls.
When you know who you are, it's pretty easy to live life the way you want, and that's just what Park Jinho does. However, in Jinho's case, what he wants is to spend time assisting the people and causes who need it most. He's a curious case of a man, interested in everything and nothing at the same time. He's neither here or there, he's everywhere. Jinho thinks he has it all figured out, but as it turns out, there might be growth still waiting for him. 
love interest trivia
• jinho's favorite food, band, color, & place to be: sushi, april, green, jeju-do
• jinho's least favorite food, color, & place to be: white beans, yellow, alleys
• doesn't like to cook as he's never made anything good
• recently has started to believe in star charts
• always has earbuds in his pocket
• fan of disney
• also a fan of day6
• talks about his older brother a lot
• enjoys drinking tea
• plays with stray cats
• while he volunteers at various places, you'll see him most often working with the animal shelters
• is the friend everyone calls to get a ride
• wants to plant a windowsill garden but feels he's not home often enough to care for it
• generally playful to help tense situations
• habit of biting his lip, there's often an indent because he does it thoughtlessly
• doesn't drink much alcohol, he doesn't like hangovers
• sometimes called a crybaby, but he just doesn't see why he should hold back tears if they're forming. it's okay to cry.
• dreams of visiting paris and california
• enjoys snow
• does not enjoy smoking
• the type of person to call out "dog!" if he sees one on the street
• pouts without realizing it

relationship trivia
• a lot of the time they spend together is also spent with donghan, but often in the context of the nonprofit.
• jinho likes to lend an earbud to yena and let her listen to whatever he's playing. he doesn't know it, but that touches her because she feels included.
• yena is interested in teaching jinho how to cook.
• yena thinks jinho is just about the funniest person she's ever met
• he makes her feel warm. he's like a weighted blanket, the ultimate comfort.
• jinho has never had any strong feelings about kids, but donghan's pretty cute and fun to be around.
• yena wants jinho to teach her english, his skills really impress her.
• she thinks it's amazing how in-touch with his emotions he is, and aspires to raise donghan to be comfortable enough to cry as freely as jinho does. emotions are natural, after all.
• as much as yena admires jinho, he finds her even more amazing. she works so hard and does so much without even realizing how impressive she is. it's a bit saddening, but he commends her all the same.
• the type of people to watch howl's moving castle and cry over howl the entire movie together
• in fact, that happens. multiple times. because...howl's moving castle.
• they have the same favorite disney movie- cinderella.

scene requests?


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Link to original app: https://www.asianfanfics.com/blog/view/1114361
I tried to find a good balance between detailed and giving you plenty of room for creative freedom, because for me nothing killed my creativity more than having to constantly go back to the apps to verify I wasn't accidentally writing over some extreme specification. So a lot of their story is more their emotions with specific situations left up to you, I hope you don't mind! Their love story is also heavily tied to the personal growth, so apologies if some parts seem repetitive. Best of luck with the revival!