Shocking news from Chen...

So, today Chen just revealed that he's gonna get married and that he's already a father. :(


Honestly, it hurts a little for me, as a fan but as a fan also, you gotta support your idol.


But the sudden news will kinda affect me as a shipper as well and as someone who writes a story. I mean, now that he's getting married, I'm getting the feeling of awkwardness in writing a XiuChen moment. Now I am wondering if that's a bad thing. Should I keep writing the ship or not anymore? Wow, because I'm starting to like writing but I don't want this kind of feeling. It's killing the mood.


I just wanna share my thought. It's bothering me since I read the news all over Facebook. Haha


I wish Chen congrats though and hope the baby will grow up fine. ❤


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