Money money money

I actually work as a teller in a currency exchange/remittence business. And today i made another mistake which resulting me to pay for it.

Im very tired of this... This is like fifth time i made a mistake and i have to pay up to RM1000 till now, because of my own carelessness/stupidity...

Im very sad, like....

Do i even have anything that i can do right?

Why am i like this?

Why am i so bad?

I keep paying money for nothing

My father wants me to quit...

I want to...

But it hasnt been even one year working...

And i havent found any other job besides this... I keep applying but none calling for me...


I want to quit...

I really want to...

I really want to quit and just do online job or something, but i dont have any talent that will get me money...

Im so stressed with my own self...

I love writing but it is just a hobby..  I wouldnt get any money for that... I did this only because i want to see feedbacks from people reading my writing, but still... No comments whatsoever... But yeah, thats not their fault... Its my own fault... Other fics always get many comments, and why not me? Because i couldnt write nicely so people want to comment... 

Then what should i do...

I dont have anything that i can do well... Not even this...




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