My cat died

I just dont know where to express my sadness, frustration, agony over the terrible death of my one and only cat... I told my family in the group chat and they made fun of my cat's death... I just—


So, here's what happened.

My cat was very old.... I dont remember when he first came to my home, but I remembered I used to post about him when I was 15, and now I'm already 23... 

He used to be very cold toward us back then, but since last year, he had gotten soft with us. I mean, before, he didnt even want to play with us or be cute or whatever, but later, he even loved to kiss us and kissed our feet as a greeting... 

When I lived alone, he was always there. He always waited for me when I arrived home from work. I... I really miss him.

Lately, we always left home for some days, leaving him alone, because of convocation, staying out, and recently, I went for a training. So he always alone. I felt really sorry whenever i thought about that...


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I'm sorry for your loss. May your cat rest in peace. Stay strong
Sorry i cannot continue writing