What prizes make it worth joining a contest?

I'm just curious here. I offer a lot of karma points for my contests but I have noticed that participation isn't as big as it used to be. It might be a number of things behind that (less traffic on AFF, I'm less popular than I used to be, I limit the kpop groups, my genres aren't as interesting, etc) but this question came up in my mind as I was mulling over another contest idea.


What makes you want to join a contest? What's your incentive?


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I'm usually drawn in by interesting groups and prompts, as well as karma. But the biggest thing to me is the challenge it gives me personally to push myself to enjoy writing.
I like entering ones that are only a few months, I usually don't like when it's like half a year to write it or something. And Kp prizes are the best in my opinion. I've seen people do merch giveaways but I don't like the idea of giving strangers my address for shipping lol.
And I think aff is just a lot quieter these days
I usually go for the groups - if I can’t write the two groups that are the only ones I write, I kinda opt out uwu It’s not that I dislike other groups but I’ve once written a fic about an idol I didn’t know and I don’t want to butcher another one as bad as I did that one (even if I have grown miles as a writer). It’s just a matter of feeling comfortable writing uwu

And then I usually opt out of contests that are OC only (I don’t write OC’s), straight only (this is an agenda-thing and people can have their preference but I simply refuse to engage with stuff that doesn’t allow all ualities) and I also usually avoid contests that ban genderbending. Genderbending is something I can overlook, mostly because I know 99% of AFF hates it - but I am fond of the genre and even fonder of it to make my fics diverse or my characters even more complex. But I can understand that ban... Even if I don’t agree with it lol.

But I don’t care for the prizes. That’s the last thing I go into a contest for hahaha.