The Return

It's been almost a decade since my last blog, because "vlogs" (from YouTube) are now in and not the former lol.


And as you can see thankfully and gratefully, I'm still here--alive and kickin'.


Sooooo many things changed, experiences happened, and people boombazled my half mundane and half jinxed life:


1.) I graduated highschool


2.) Kinda slayed college life


3.) Moved to another place (More like returned to hometown.)


4.) Entered law school ( Finished my 1st yr, 1st sem and not thinking of going back for 2nd sem. It was darn hellish as well as its tuition fee.)


5.) Survived life and death situations (And still trying to): Anxiety attacks, Earthquakes, Insomia etc.


I have been to AFF since I was 2nd year in Highschool (2012) and now I'm in the stage of life of adulthood (2019) and so dazed and confused. Now I figured that the career path I've chosen (mor e like forced by my mom)- which is becoming a rich- priveleged lawyer- is unattainable due to my not -so-genius IQ and different interest, I'm starting to lose purpose in life. So what now? I can't apply in any company and any work due to my college course being enclosed only to becoming a lawyer. 



Will I go broke? And homeless and useless in the future?


With no husband and kids--a family?


Will I be the sole disgrace of the family?



Life is truly unfair and absurd. If only I was born with silver spoon, great looks, inhumane intelligence, and superficial personality I would be so much MORE :(.



As for AFF, I would like to write again here. To check if there's an improvement or deterioration in my writing shenanigans. Contacting and rekindling with my old "pen pals" here would be nice too ehehehe. The only problem is, I lose inspiration for my imagination hence I'm not that "gaga" over EXO anymore. Currently searching a Kpop Idol aspiration to ignite and tickle my imagination. In the meantime,g oodluck to me, to us as we tackle real life obstacles.


Till I get the chance to rant here again. Toodles for now~ Don't let depression bite you (us). The world is so vast and has still plenty to offer. If you're losing strength, make God the core energy to recharge ;)


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