How to move on?

I shared something about how I confessed my feelings to someone which is my friend. I just saw her awhile ago with her boyfriend. I was really happy seeing her, also happy. But, I felt like crying. Literally, I can feel my heart aching so so much. Idek how to stop this. Right now I just wanted to just cry and cry and cry and cry and cry and cry until I can feel the numbness. Have you ever felt this also? Hehehehe. I just want to cry, feeling this aching pain in my chest. How can I stop this? Also, I need to stop this feeling because I dont want her to be awkward with me, especially we still see each other everyday at work. I dont want her to notice that I am in great pain. Can you guys give me some tips? Please?


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It's going to be hard, trust me. Seeing someone you love with someone else was one of the most painful experiences I've gone through, and it's tough. There is not really a way to get over it quickly. It's all a time process.

This is a form of suffering that doesn't involve poverty or anything of the sort, more like an intrinsic suffering that you cause upon yourself, to be blunt... I don't want to sugarcoat, but I understand what it's like to "can't help liking someone." Time is your friend. But first comes acceptance. To accept that she is not interested in you, or that you guys are not together is the first step, as being in denial might lead you guys to drift apart due to misunderstandings, or might make things more awkward than they have to be. Once you have accepted that, try focusing on yourself and what you enjoy. Sometimes, you spend too much noticing someone else that you forget about the things that make you happy. Additionally, you can continue to establish a great friendship with the other person, though I find that distancing could also be healing (though I feel like that won't be possible if you guys are to see each other every day at work).

I know things may be rough and I know how much you are aching inside because I have been in your shoes before. I think the main thing for me when it comes to moving on is to do the things I enjoy and seek company either with myself or with other friends. Good luck, and I know you can do it. Just give it some time c: