Akkergo's thought.

Well.. hi..

Most of people that read my story know that i decided to take a break from writing due to the devestated news since few days ago..

this news affacted me so much, not just because i'm a MeU since 2009, but also because i'm currently struggling.. well.. i'm a kamilia too and maybe some of you know the news about hara who nearly did the same thing but glad she still could be save. and i was went through that kind of thought too for countless time so.. seeing this news keep coming again and again kinda trigged me. don't know why..

i'm not saying i have mental illness.. i don't think i could stated myself like that because i'm not as severe as other people who's struggling with it. i'm just.. struggling with myself. yea.. i think that's the best word i could state.

I have tons of nonesense insecurities and anxiousness. well. that's normal right? everyone felt that too.. i won't really state what kind of insecurites i have because well..it's plenty. even writing this, and making story...

And well.. other than that, i always feel lonely and not wanted. i have friends.. but.. i don't know they seems not really think me as their friend? i always left out especially about personal problems.. okay this may look childish.. but imagine if you are in a circle of friend, and you are the only one who didn't know .. but well there still tons of thing that made me felt unwanted..

and i also have problem in my family.. i don't have to say it but well.. it's not as happy as it looks like. myb once or twice i will make a joke about my mom/dad in twitter.. but it was just when they decided not to fight. lol they bickered a lot.

so.. i feel empty inside my house, don't have anyone there for me outside my house.. so... writing is my gateaway. but still... when sad things like this happened.. i can't produce anything and just feel like ...

lol i don't know why i even write this... and i don't even know this blog even have a structered words or not because i just randomly type what inside my head.. i need place to like voice it out because i don't have friends that really listen, i don't even want to talk about this with my parents.. so.. yea.

i'm sorry for posting a negative content like this.. but let's hope i can fresh up my mind soon.. and to everyone who's struggling, we can do it.


See you guys soon ^^


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You're coming out telling us about what you feel is the right thing to do.
I know that we're not really know each other. But I feel your pain because to be honest I'm fighting with the same ..
But It's not wrong to feel like that. We don't choose to have those kind of feelings but sometimes we can't do anything about that.
I hope you get better friend..
To be honest I'm struggling a lot too with family issues, work and college, and reading is my way to escape my reality, at least for a moment

I know it's hard, I know that sometimes it feels like everything is going wrong, but we're here for some reason, and there's no problem that can't be solved

I hope you can fill that void soon and remember that here you have a loyal fan, reader and friend that wishes the best for you

If you want to talk to someone, about anything, here I am to listen to you and help you in whatever I can, and of course we can do it

Please keep up the good work and I'll be waiting for your stories n.n