Do you wanna be my New Friend?

Thank you have always there for me. After I wrote about my condition (but I'm not sure too is it). But the one reason why I curious if I get it or not, cuz in 2016, the only my best friend passed away cuz cancer. And we have the same depression and ubnormal xxxx. 

But, You know, I'm so happy cuz now I know that there are some of you really care about me even just in this blog. 

I always feel sad cuz ,, I don't know I feel weird all day. I feel sad even I do what I want. I feel always can't breath and my heart like so hurt. My fingers feel so hurt and so on. I always wanna cry. I don't know what happen.


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Menurutku, kamu org yg sangat kuat sampe bisa lewatin sejauh ini. Suatu hari nanti mungkin kamu bisa jadi inspirasi bagi banyak org. Maaf karna selama ini aku ga bisa bantu banyak. Aku selalu berdoa yg terbaik untukmu. Semangat, ai!
I've had that hurt finger feeling too. I still get it sometimes. One of my boyfriends died in a traffic collision almost four years ago. If you need someone to talk to, I'm here.
it's okay to want to cry. it's okay to be sad and worry.

but remember one day all will be good. and even within bad days, there are good moments.