Hwang Minki is Confronting the Faceless! (Another long personality I´m so sorry...)

hwang minki


BIRTHNAME : Hwang Minki

— Pretty boy
He´s pretty and he´s a boy. It started out mostly as a taunt, but has since evolved into a name that he even uses for himself.

— Min
Just your average boring nickname. Literally all his friends call him Min

— Michael
It´s his English name, however he very much dislikes it and prefers going by Minki, his korean name. Don´t use it. Just don´t. It was his legal name until he turned 16 and changed it to Minki by deed poll (You can appranetly change names legally at 16 in England? I did some research on it.)

DATE OF BIRTH (AGE) : 13th of March 1980 (17)
HOMETOWN : Bradford, UK

BLOOD STATUS : Half blood


FACE CLAIM : Hwang Hyunjin (But Stray Kids survival show era Hyunjin - Because he doesn´t look young anymore)
HEIGHT & WEIGHT : 179 cm and 64 kg 


— Minki is the resident pretty boy of Ravenclaw. He´s tall and lanky without much muscle and he´s very, very attractive. So much so that he´s gotten the nickname "pretty boy" in fact. While his hair is naturally black he prefers it dark brown and as such has gotten used to dying his hair. Perks of being half-muggle and growing up in the muggle world. His eyes are a dark brown almost black. Despite his lanky body, he´s fairly broad shouldered and he does also have abs, mainly due to his low body fat. Not that he´d ever really show them off. But they´re there. He has his ears pierced with your standard lobe piercing in both ears.


— Despite being a ravenclaw, Minki really doesn´t wear his uniform that well. He wears his white button down and his robes but typically leaves his robes unfastened and never bothers with the tie. Honestly he just doesn´t know how to tie a tie which is the main reason he doesn´t wear it. He typically wears small hoops in his ears and often also a necklace that he tucks under his shirt. His mother gave it to him for good luck when he departed for Hogwarts for his first year and he has worn it everyday since. It´s a small silver chain with a silver four leaf clover at the end as the pendant.
In his free time he typically just wears whatever is at the top of his stack of shirts with black or light wash denim jeans. It´s typically solid colored t-shirts, hoodies and sweatshirts. He doesn´t really care much for fashion.


"Learn from yesterday, live for today, hope for tomorrow. The important thing is not to stop questioning."

PERSONALITY : Minki is an INTP also known as the logician, the philosopher, the architect or the dreamy professor. There´s nothing he´d be more unhappy to be than being common. He prides himself on his intentiveness, his creativity, his unique perspective and his vigorous intellect.

He´s known for his unrelenting logic. He views the world as a big, complex machine, and recognize that as with any machine, all parts are interrelated. He excels in analyzing these connections, seeing how seemingly unrelated factors tie in with each other in ways that bewilder most others. These connections are the product of an unrelenting imagination His ideas may seem counter-intuitive at a glance, and may never even see the light of day, but they will always prove remarkable innovations. He loves patterns. In fact you could even go so far as calling spotting discrepancies between statements a hobby. This means that lying to Minki is a very bad idea. However his ideas should always be taken with a grain of salt. Not because he is dishonest but rather he tends to share thoughts that are not fully developed and uses others as a sounding board for ideas and theories in a debate against himself rather than as actual conversation partners. This may make him seem unreliable but really there´s nobody more enthusiastic and capable of spotting a problem, drilling through the endless factors and details that encompass the issue and developing a unique and viable solution than Minki. So long as you don´t expect punctual progress reports. He isn´t interested in practical, day-to-day activities and maintenance. Now Minki couldn’t make these connections if he thought he knew it all. In fact he´s highly receptive to alternate theories, so long as they’re supported by logic and facts. In more subjective matters like social norms and traditions, Minki´s fairly liberal, with a “none of my business” sort of attitude – peoples’ ideas are what matter.
He may appear to drift about in an unending daydream however his thought-process is unceasing, and his mind buzzes with ideas from the moment he wakes up. When his interest is captured, his absence goes beyond social matters to include the rest of the physical world. He becomes forgetful, missing even the obvious if it’s unrelated to his current infatuation, and he can even forget his own health, skipping meals and sleep as he muses. This constant thinking sometimes makes him look pensive and detached, as he will often be conducting full-fledged debates in his own head but really he is quite relaxed and friendly when he´s with people he knows, or who shares his interests. However, this is replaced by overwhelming shyness when he´s among unfamiliar faces, and friendly banter can quickly become combative if he believes his logical conclusions or theories are being criticized. While his intellectualism yields many insights into his surroundings, his surroundings are ironically considered an intrusion on his thoughts. He´s quite shy in social settings. More complicated situations such as parties exacerbate this, but even close friends struggle to get into his hearts and minds.
When a new idea piques his interest, Minki can be very enthusiastic. Despite being reserved another person sharing an interest can make him downright excited about discussing it. Usually though the only outward evidence of this enthusiasm is Minki´s silent pacing or him staring into the distance. When he´s particularly excited, his conversations can border on incoherence as he tries to explain the daisy-chain of logical conclusions that led to the formation of his latest idea. Oftentimes, he will opt to simply move on from a topic before it’s ever understood what he was trying to say, rather than try to lay things out in plain terms. Minki takes pride in his knowledge and rationale, and enjoys sharing his ideas, but in trying to explain how he got from A to B to Z, he can get frustrated, sometimes simplifying things to the point of insult as he struggles to gauge their conversation partners’ perspective. The ultimate insult comes as he gives up with a dismissive “never mind”. However the opposite tends to be true when people explain their thought processes to him in terms of subjectivity and feeling. Imagine an immensely complicated clockwork, taking in every fact and idea possible, processing them with a heavy dose of creative reasoning and returning the most logically sound results available – this is how the Minki´s mind works, and this means that he has little tolerance for an emotional monkey-wrench jamming his machines. He´s unlikely to understand emotional complaints at all and his friends won’t find a bedrock of emotional support in him. His analysis, creativity and open-mindedness aren’t the tools of some quest for ideology or emotional validation. Rather, it’s as though he´s a conduit for the truths around him, so far as they can be expressed, and he´s proud of this role as theoretical mediator. He doesn´t go around intentionally hurting feelings, but he believes that the truth is the most important factor, and he expects that to be appreciated and reciprocated. He would much rather make a series of logical suggestions for how to resolve the underlying issue, a perspective that is not always welcomed by his more sensitive companions. Oftentimes he gets so caught up in his logic that he forgets any kind of emotional consideration. He dismisses subjectivity as irrational and tradition as an attempt to bar much-needed progress. Purely emotional situations are utterly puzzling Minki, and his lack of timely sympathy can easily offend. This extends to most social conventions and goals as well, like planning dinners and getting married, as Minki´s far more concerned with originality and efficient results. These social struggles are partly a product of Minki´s desire to bypass the rules, of social conduct and otherwise. While this attitude helps Minki´s strength of unconventional creativity, it also causes him to reinvent the wheel constantly and to shun security in favor of autonomy in ways that can compromise both.
The one thing that really holds Minki back is his restless and asive fear of failure. He remains so open to new information that he often never commits to a decision at all. This applies to his own skills as well. He knows that as he practices, he improves, and any work he does is second-best to what he could do. Unable to settle for this, Minki sometimes delays his output indefinitely with constant revisions, sometimes even quitting before he ever begins. He´s prone to reassessing his own thoughts and theories, worrying that he´s missed some critical piece of the puzzle, that he can stagnate, lost in an intangible world where his thoughts are never truly applied. Overcoming this self-doubt stands as the greatest challenge Minki faces, but the intellectual gifts – big and small – bestowed on the world when he does makes it worth the fight.

BACKGROUND : Hwang Minki was born on March 13th 1980 in Bradford, United Kingdom to a muggle father and a mother who was a witch. He lived a fairly normal childhood. He went to muggle school and generally lived a muggle life. In school he did extremely well and his intelligence was recognized very early in his life. But for Minki this wasn´t enough. He had, at the early age of 5 been introduced to dance. Ballet in particular and this had immediately piqued Minki´s curiosity. However he was too young to start learning and so he didn´t get to start taking ballet classes until he turned 8. However he started ballet the moment he turned 8 and he absolutely loved it. His parents weren´t thrilled however they saw how happy it made the young boy and decided to stick with it. And Minki quickly became quite good. And so Minki kept up the dance along with his schoolwork, excelling at both.
His mother had expected him to start showing magical abilities and when he hadn´t at the age of 7 she considerted him a squib although she never told him this. With his intellect she had expected him to start showing magical abilities quite early but he never did. And so he kept on living his life completely like a normal muggle would have, going to muggle school and doing his dancing.
His life was simple. Until he turned 11 that is. Here he, much to his mothers surprise, recieved a letter. A letter of acceptance for Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. His mother was shocked to say the least. Minki was a squib? Or at least that´s what she had thought. But apparently not? Despite him never having shown signs for having magical abilities. Apparently he did have magical abilities? But then why hadn´t they shown? Despite her shock his mother was overjoyed. But Minki wasn´t. He didn´t understand. Him? A wizard? It wasn´t until his mother showed him some of the things she could do that he started believing it wasn´t just a prank. He started believing but that didn´t make him happy about going to Hogwarts. He would have to give up his dance if he went and really to keep doing ballet was all he wanted to do. But he could see the happiness his mother radiated. And the young boy wanted to make his mother happy. So he went to Hogwarts. He was promptly sorted into ravenclaw almost the moment the hat touched his head. And he excelled despite never having shown any magical abilities before arriving at Hogwarts. His intellect and drive to learn kept him from slacking off and so he learned. And quickly at that. And he stayed at Hogwarts despite never losing his passion for dance. Every summer break he would take dance classes.
His fifth year rolled around and so did Minki´s O.W.LS. In his third year he had chosen Arithmancy, Study of Ancient Runes and Muggle Studies and so he also had to take OWLS for these. Unsurprisingly Minki did quite well on his OWLS scoring all Os and Es except for in potions and astronomy. He recieved an outstanding in transfiguration, charms, arithmancy, study of Ancient Runes and muggle Studies and an exceeds expectations in history of magic, defence against the dark arts and herbology. He did recieve an OWL in both potions and astronomy however he only just passed with an acceptable in both. This meant that Minki finished his fifth year with 10 OWLS, achieving one in all his subjects. He went back for his sixth year, taking charms, transfiguration, arithmancy, study of ancient runes, muggle studies, defence against the dark arts and herbology. And then the summer break between his sixth and seventh year rolled around. And Minki wondered whether this was actually what he wanted to do with his life. He still loved dance and wanted to pick it back up. But was that really even an option for him now that he had been away from it for that long? He felt like he owed it to his mother to go back for his seventh year. And his intellect and want to learn kept telling him that going back to Hogwarts was the right choice. But he doubted. Because his heart was telling him to stay in the muggle world and start his dance back up again. Now the question that´s left to answer for him is what he´ll do. Follow his heart and stay in the muggle world and live out his childhood dreams of dance? Or follow his head and go back to Hogwarts to finish his education?


— His laughter is the most pure thing in the entire universe (He laughs like Hyunjin - compilation vid HERE)
— He had trouble with non-verbal spells at first but has since gotten the hang of them.
— He took apparition lessons in his sixth year and is pretty damn good at it.
— He can´t produce a corporeal patronus (yet)
— If he ever can produce a corporeal patronus it´s gonna be an octopus (because they´re smart and so is Minki)
— He´s fluent in Korean as well as English
— I may add more trivia but my brain is slow (I´ll shoot you a pm if I do)



— Father : Hwang Kiha / 40 / distant but still loving
Minki and his father have a very distant relationship. Minki knows his father loves him but they aren´t close in any way. Sure Minki loves his father and his father loves him but he also doesn´t really understand Minki. He´s a muggle and so he doesn´t understand the problems Minki has with his magical abilities and his love for dance. They really don´t talk much and when they do it´s very superficial.

— Mother : Hwang Minyoung / 37 / loving, supportive
Minki and his mother are like two peas in a pod. They´ve always been extremely close even before Minki got accepted into Hogwarts and she was supportive of him and his want to do dance. She was the one who pushed her husband into allowing Minki to even start going to ballet classes and for that Minki will always be eternally grateful to her. She´s the most loving and doting mother you will ever find and she was so proud of Minki when he got his Hogwarts letter. Minki would do almost anything for his mother and she is the reason he even went to Hogwarts in the first place. If he decides to go back part of it will also be because of her.


— Can we do the same thing as we did with Gabe? Give him some friends please? Because again brain slow and also I hate writing relationships. I feel like him and Luna would get along though.




— "I´m still unsure I even want to do all the wizarding crap and considering whether to go back to Hogwarts for my 7th year. So no. I really don´t want to join any war in a world I don´t have a big interest in being a part of."

Are you worried about possibly being one of the casualties of war? : 

— "Depends on whether I go back to Hogwarts or not. If I do then yeah. I don´t want to be a part of the war and I certainly don´t want to die in a awar I don´t want to be a part of. But if I don´t go back to Hogwarts... Well then no. My mum lives a muggle life and I could as well. Nobody would have to know about my mother and I and we could live as muggles. Happily. Without our lives being in danger."

Do you think you could kill someone for any reason? : 

— "I have absolutely no idea. I don´t think I could but also you´ll never know. I doubt it though."


still ninsie : still ninna : turn in

COMMENTS : So as you can see I haven´t decided whether he´s going to be Hogwarts student or not when it comes to his faction alignment. I´m going to leave that up to you because I´m honestly not sure he would go back for his 7th year. I could see him going back if anything just because his intellect and want to learn drives him to, but also I could see him not going back and just trying to live his life as a muggle while the wizarding world goes down in flames and war. So yeah this is Minki. I´m not as happy with him as I hoped I´d be but oh well. I still really like him.


— Depends on whether he goes back to Hogwarts or not... If he goes back I kind of want a scene of him just rambling about something that catches his interest and his conversation partner not understanding at all and just being like "Uhm what?" And Minki being like "... Oh whatever." and being all dissapointed.

PASSWORD : I´m less attached to him than the rest. But also I don´t want to see him die. Idk. This answer really isn´t very good is it? I guess yeah if he absolutely has to die for the story then sure. But also I don´t want to see him dead.



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