looking for kyungchul roleplay partner(s)!

hello everyone! to get directly to the point, i am looking for someone to roleplay with! as for platforms/apps, i prefer either kik or kakaotalk! 

basically i am wanting a kyunghoon for my heechul or vice versa, either way is fine! theyve become my newest guilty pleasure and its actually really hard to find them in more mainstream rps, which i find so strange since theyre talked about alot. lol

preferably 3rd pov, but i tend to slip up and use 2nd! but i mainly use 3rd!  i write in paragraph style, not really interested in one liners (unless we'respeaking in ooc then thats different). i'd also prefer it being set in a alternate universe, instead of them being idols. something unique! if you have any ideas we can talk about them once we add each other! we can also discuss kinks too--there's not much i'll say no to. 

if interested, please send me a dm or comment! thanks <3



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