
I've been battling Psoriasis for at least three months.


Pustular Psoriasis.


It's been so stressing. It's like the healing process is like one step ahead and three steps back. My doctors prescribed me a steroid medication called Methylprednisolone and whenever they lower the dosage, it came back all over again. All over my body. It itches, it hurts, painful. It is painful both physically and mentally. It hurts so much to see my skin so bad and awful and scary and DISGUSTING. I even think it looks disgusting.


The doctors have to lower my meds because it isn't good to be consumed for a long time as it has lots of negative side effects. From organs and even to the shape of my face. It caused what they called "moon face" and it's also been affecting me and my self esteem. Having such bad skin condition already lower my self esteem and now that moon face happens, it lowers it even more. WAY MORE. I feel so insecure. I feel so bad about myself. I cried myself silently to sleep, no one knows I did.


Psoriasis is not curable. Treatments help but someday it will come back. I'm going to have this for the rest of my life. Is there anyone out there who can take me as I am? I hate looking at my body right now I can't imagine how people would look at me. It's disgusting and ugly and very... monstrous, I guess. I'm gonna be high maintanence as for having this. Treatments are gonna be long journey, once it comes back I'm gonna have to deal with the slow process of healing and the stress it causes. 


Oh my god I really don't know how to deal with myself right now. For real.


ps. sorry for typos I couldn't care less tbh


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Hello, how are you? Is your skin condition like since when you were a child or you acquired it? I can sense how irritating having an itchy skin is... but i hope you can find a good oral medicine to lessen the effect of it.