SONG SOLBI IS PINK VELVET (going for 001!!)

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name Song Solbi



 x Soleil (솔에이) is the name she adopted as her stage name while dancing, it feels like a part of her now and she introduces herself as Soleil about as often as Solbi, depending on the situation.

 x Sol; friends ; a shortening of her name that works with both Solbi and Soleil, it's the usual nickname.


birthdate October 29, 1996

birthplace Gwangju, SK

hometown Gwangju SK

Ethnicity Korean

nationality Korean



Korean - native

faceclaim Nayeon (Twice!)

backup Gyuri (Fromis_9)


height 1.59

weight 48kg


appearance Soleil is fairly short height, standing at 159cm and her weight is nobody's business. She's got a single tattoo of a sun between her shoulder blades as reference to her stage name Soleil and how she wants to live her life, as bright as the sun.

She has a single dimple and a light spray of freckles on her nose and cheeks. She used to be really self-concious of both, but now they're parts of herself that she loves and wouldn't miss for anything. She's lean and muscular from dancing, with the hint of abs that she loves showing off. She hasn't had any work done except for double eyelid surgery which she was convinced to do by her mother, and now regrets.

She likes her hair long and light, and curled if possible. However she's also not very good at doing her own hair and makeup and only knows how to do the basics, and so she gets really excited when there's stylists involved.


fashion style Solbi's style is all about freedom and comfort.. She hates restricting clothes like tight skirts, leather pants, or stiletto shoes -basically anything she'd have trouble dancing in. 

She's not shy about showing her skin, in fact summer is her favourite season because she gets to free her limbs from the confines of clothing as much as she dares. She loves wearing shorts and crop tops, the looser the better

She also loves how chic and beautiful idol clothes are! But she's not very good at actually matching things well so when they get fancy sponsored clothes she'd just wear whatever looks or feels fancier even if it's not entirely appropriate cause YOLO! THIS IS AMAZING.

"Do you want me to fight him? I'll fight him."


personality traits

Confident, secure, quick-witted, passionate, loyal, brave
Open book, carefree, temperamental
Impulsive, foolhardy, self-centered, evasive, insensitive




(+) Confident and secure - Solbi knows her dancing is fantastic, she knows exactly what she's capable of, and she's not exactly humble about it. She's also very comfortable with herself, personality and looks and all. She's made peace with exactly who she is and she doesn't have time for anyone who doesn't respect that. After so much pressure to conform, both from society and from her parents, she finally just said "screw it, this is who I am, what you see is what you get" and life has been much better this way.


(+) Quick-witted - Solbi tries not to take life too seriously and she's known the crack a pun whenever the opportunity arises, to the groans of everyone around her. Whenever she sees anyone upset she tries to cheer them up with a bit of humour and a dash of optimism. Solbi is quite sharp and she usually comes up with a quick joke or a good comeback on the fly. She also likes to lightheartedly members, but her blunt and denseness sometimes make her not realize when she goes too far.


(+) Passionate - This girl lives and breathes dancing. When she dances, really dances not just an idol dance, all eyes will be pulled to her, not just because she's good at it but because she will be completely in her element and radiant. She puts her everything into dancing, she will give everything she has to give on that dance floor, using every emotion at her disposal, to create that perfect performance. Solbi was born to do this and when she moves, everybody knows it.


(+) Loyal and brave - Solbi will go through fire for those she cares about, or more accurately, she will offer to fight anyone who harms them. While this is not always the smart thing to do, which plays into her impulsivity, no one can claim that she's not brave. She's also the first to try weird or silly variety games. Solbi's always ready to try new things, she loves the adventure of it.



( ) Open book - Solbi isn't very good at hiding what goes on in her head, it always ends up showing on her face. Even when she's in idol mode and she's trying very hard to keep it all inside, her emotions will still show on her face a little bit. She has very little patience for rude or discriminatory behaviour and less skill in hiding her displeasure.

( ) Carefree and impulsive - She doesn't always think before she acts. Solbi's goes through life just doing what seems right at the time and not thinking too far ahead. This makes it seem likes she's a lot more carefree than she is. In actual fact she just doesn't like to think about her issues and instead ignores them and hopes they go away.


(-) Self-centered - Solbi has been going at it alone for a long time. She's not used to being in a group and looking out of other's interests too. She can get lost in her own troubles and forget to look out for her members too. When making choreography she would struggle a lot with making sure that what she creates can be danced by less experienced dancers. She has a habit of making super cool intricate dances which can then not properly be performed by anyone who's not an extremely skilled dancer. On the flip side she'll get really frustrated if what she ends up having to dance is way below her skill level and is really boring.


(-) Evasive and deflecting -  Humour is her go-to method to diffuse awkward situations, but also to distance herself from anything hurtful. Solbi doesn't like to confront her emotions, she would much rather hide from them, crack a joke, and run away. There's much less chance of getting hurt that way.


(-) Blunt and insensitive - Solbi's filter doesn't always work very well, she tends to say exactly what she means without thinking of how it will affect anyone else. This way she can say some pretty insenstivie things without meaning to hurt anyone.


(-) Temper - Despite the fact that Solbi tries to deflect anything that comes too close to emotions with jokes and nonchalance, she can't exactly stop her emotions from being there. She tends to bottle things up inside of her, but there's a limit to how much bottling a mind can take. Then if things get too much for her she can blow up over a completely unrelated thing, blowing it way out of proportion, much like the trantrum of a child.


(-) Difficult - She can be a bit difficult when it comes to following instructions and doing what the company tells her to do. Because part of her life has been her parents dictating everything she had to do, and the other part being figuring out exactly who she was after all that careful moulding, she's not a huge fan of conforming again. Solbi really wants to stay true to herself, and that's not always a desirable thing in the idol industry. 


background  Solbi grew up in Gwangju. Solbi's parents were very demanding of her, they always wanted her to strive for excellence, but only in the way that they dictated. From a very young age Solbi was put on ballet classes, something that was elegant and prestigious and thus acceptable. Solbi never really liked ballet, it was far too stiff for her, but all her parents cared about was having recitals to attend and getting to brag about her to the rest of the family.


Her mom especially was really overbearing. She was always telling Solbi off for being too loud and wanted her to behave like a proper lady, and won't she put on more makeup and really must she eat another plate of dinner, she'll get fat. Her brother was allowed to be cool and dance hip hop, why did she have to be a proper lady?? So, her brother helped her, teaching her what the teacher had taught him and watching how Solbi picked it up way quicker than he had, she was a natural dancer. 


As she got better she got more and more involved in the dance crew her brother had joined called Neuron. She was the youngest one there, at first just Sangsik's little sister, but when she showed what she was capable of she was integrated into the team and they all got along great. She got on particularly well with a certain Jung Hoseok who was a great friend of her brother's and a wicked dancer. 


Of course her parents weren't very happy to hear that their daughter was going out and dancing on the street for everyone to see, that wasn't proper at all. When they found out there was a huge fight that culminated in Solbi packing her bags and leaving. Everything was falling apart, Hoseok had moved to Seoul a few months prior to become an idol, her brother had gone off to college in Daegu, and Solbi left her parents' house at 16. She moved in with her brother for a while and got a job teaching dance to kids and for a good long while that was her life. 


She shyly kept track of Hoseok's trajectory just to see how her old friend was doing, from cringey debut tracks and little success to their fanbase and song quality growing and growing and growing. She felt pride to see him do so well and somewhere inside her there was a desire to try herself, to see if maybe she could stand on stage again.


It took her a long time to gather the courage but, finally, when she saw an advert for Big Hit aditions in 2017 in the little school she taught at, she decided to take the plunge herself. Maybe it wasn't too late for her after all?



> Dancing of course, dancing is basically her life. 

> Singing, which did surprise her. She didn't think she'd like it quite this much.

> She's a huge fan of Lia Kim's choreos and loves learning them. This one is her favourite.

> Rain, sometimes when it rains she likes to go out and feel it on her skin and smell the ozone.

> Cocoa, and she makes the best kind, with whipped cream and cocoa powder on top.



> Heights, she's actually really scared of them and will freeze up if she's too high.

> People seeing her cry, she'll go through great lengths not to let that happen.

> Anyone telling her how to live her life.

> Discrimination of any kind, be it gender, race, or uality, she's a social justice warrior

> Conservative attitudes



> When there's anything with a beat on, be it music or even the soundtrack of a movie or a game, Solbi will be at the very least tapping along.

> Sometimes when she's doing mundane tasks like grabbing breakfast or cleaning up she'll start making a dance out of it. Music is optional, if there's none she'll just hum or sing herself.



> Jazz dance and lyrical hip hop are the names of her game.

> Creating choreography for songs that she likes and learning those of others, especially the 1MILLION dancers.



> Fading into irrelevance
> Heights


special talents

> Being hella flexible



> If asked who her ideal type is she will respond that she doesn't know of anyone who might keep up with her. 

> She will take any opportunity to show off her dancing.

> Solbi is biual and unashamed. While she's not dumb enough to be open about it to the public, to her group mates she is. She often jokingly comments on both cute guys and cute girls.

> She can't cook at all, if she so much as looks at something that's cooking it will spontaneously burn. Honestly it's a wonder she's survived so long on her own.

> Despite her dad being a mandarin interpreter, she purposefully never learned the language to spite him.


> She's always been on herself and rather poor so one thing she adores about idol life is all the pretty clothes and fancy jewelry they get to wear!


name says/does

> "Oh he did not just say that I'M GOING TO FIGHT HIM!!"
> "Let's crush these fools!!"
> "My ideal type is any person who can keep up with me."
> "Wow, this is what we're wearing?! Being an idol really is something else."
> "Oh my gosh have you seen *insert idol*??? They're even more beautiful up close *O*"

> "I'm sorry don't kill me but I burnt the rice ;o;"


—  Brother ; Seok Byungho ; 25 ; Accountant ; Rebellious, spoiled, nosy, smart, sarcastic, sassy ; Yeah the brilliant dancer ended up becoing an accountant, how tragic.right? Solbi thinks so. She still regularly talks to him and he's the only one in the family she's in contact with. He's supporting her from the side lines and often wonders how his good friend Hoseok is doing, they haven't talked in ages but it's still nice to know he's doing well (and making bank). 


—  Mentor ; Shin Jineul / Jason ; He was one of her mentors before debut, he mostly focused on her singing and her presenting herself on stage since she had the actual dancing down already. She likes him when he gets his sass on and not so much when he gets his team mom on. She's not the best pupil.


—  KNG ; She gets along with the rowdier members great! She loves hanging out with Kino and getting up to no good, loves getting on Sean's case (he's def not a better dancer than j-hope sorry bro, also never lets him forget the curtain incident). Tae is... a process, some days they get along great, some days he's being an and she can't stand him.



stagename Soleil 솔레이

persona The brightest sun

plotline 001 (006/009)

positions Main rapper, lead vocal

fanclub please include the hangul and do give an explanation! it doesn't have to be philosophical. 


personal introduction "I'm Soleil, the brightest sun, here to blind you with my charisma!"


talent twins YooA (Momo/Yuri)


training years 2 years


trainee life Solbi's trainee life was mostly learning how to sing and finding she has a really nice pleasant voice! She also tried to get to know all the other trainees asap, if she's going to spend a good chunk of her peak life with them better get to know them. She has strong opinions, she always has strong opinions.


predebut experiences 

Some dance videos can be dug up, as well as some videos teaching the little students.



Netizens accuse Pink Velvet's Soleil of being rude


Solbi runs and is an open book, if she doesn't like someone it'll show, I'll leave it up to you how this works out!!


If her and Hoseok get into more scandals is entirely up to you! Surprise me I'm just here to swoon!!


news articles

Pink Velvet's Soleil revealed to be J-Hope's childhood friend?

You know Solbi by now, she cannot keep shut, fo course she ends up blabbing about this and the news makes a big deal out of it. She might get hate from rather... passionate ARMY's for it... i don't know if this isa scandal now or not lmao


future experiences

Up to you!

hello, soleil! could you introduce yourself?

Hi! I'm Pink Velvet's Soleil, the brightest sun, here to blind you with my charisma!"


as a member of bighit's new girl group, how do you feel?

I'm PUMPED! This is such an incredible opportunity and we're already getting such amazing opportunities, and do you see what I'm wearing?! Isn't that nuts??? I can't believe I'm here right now!


what's your relationship with kng and bts like? 

I love both of their music of course and both groups helped us so much with preparing for our debut. It was also like crazy great to see Hose- eeeh J-Hope again, I've known him since he was a dancer in humble Gwangju, how insane is that?? He hasn't changed a bit let me tell you.


who are you closest to in bts?

Hoseok of course, I don't think it could be any other way, the scamp.


who are you closest to in kng?

Well, Jason is the one who was involved with teaching me the ropes of idoldom! But, honestly, I think it's Kino I get along with the best, don't tell Jason okay?


could you show us your most charming point?

Ok boy can I.


Soleil does a body roll and lifts her shirt just enough to show the abs underneath.


If you want more you'll have to wait for our debut stage (;


thank you, stagename! any last words before you leave?

Thank you for hearing me out! Please check out our debut and cheer for us at least twice as loud as for our sunbaes I'm not saying there's a competition there but I must win it.



name Jang Hoseok

backup Min Yoongi


personality Hoseok is a giant extroverted dork. He's very optimistic and cheerful and is usually cracking a joke or being some kind of idiot. He's also easily startled and scared which Solbi sometimes takes advantage of. He's quite good at gauging the moods of others and tries to keep things light and friendly and is quite observant. He's able to look through Solbi's deflection and notice when she's hiding from her problems and when he does he feels the need to proble and get involved. This really annoys Solbi, she'd much rather ignore her problems, but he means well. He tries to get involved and fix everyone's problems but fails to see that sometimes that's not possible or wanted. On the other hand he has his own insecurities and self-esteem issues that he doesn't want to bother others with.


Hoseok is also caring and a bity naggy. He tends to nag at his friends when they have bad habits and he can be quite protective of them, but again he doesn't realize when his help is unwarranted and can seem quite meddlesome. 


first meeting They first met when she was 12 and he was 14 and she was tailing along with her brother to the Neuron crew. As she hung around them and got integrated she became good friends with him in a very sibling bickering relationship. Then when he moved to Seoul when he was around 18 and she left home when she was 16 they didn't see each other again until 2018.


development Seeing each other again was totally crazy, it was this moment where Solbi was like hey, eh, remember me and Hoseok was like ... computing... HOLY . They hadn't seen each other in so long so it was very much trying to figure out what they are to each other now (and it doesn't help that holy he grew up fine and holy she grew up fiiiine). He's a star now, but underneath he's still the funny dork she'd cat and mouse with when she was a kid and she was a sarcastic and liberal and temperamental woman now while deep down inside she was still the sassy little girl who upstaged her own brother at every turn.


Except not cause they were adults and also oops they're both hot.


For both of them it's a lot of "oh no he/she's hot" and a lot of confusion and Solbi already isn't in tune with her own feelings but why does her heart beat fast every time he's sitting close he's Hoseok for sakes, silly dumb old Hoseok! 


What follows is like straight up rom-com material honestly you know what's up.


interactions He makes her laugh, he's just such a giant dork, and they share a love for dancing. They understand each other in ways that their non-idol dance crew friends don't and even though there are qualities they don't like in the other, they just get along very easily and smoothly. They often jokingly complain about the parts of the industry they don't like, such as stylists putting them in terrible clothes. Most of the time when they hang around they just goof off and have fun and Solbi just lets loose. It's simple and it's good, well, most of the time anyway.


Honestly if you'd told her at any point before the kiss that she'd end up making out with Hoseok she'd be like "What? That idiot?? Never!" But there they were, in the practice room, working on a couple choreo and it just... happened.


But how does she let go of that independence she prides herself on so much? How does she reconcile that with the weak-kneed giddy girl she becomes around him? Is that less feminist somehow? But he makes her feel so good! Aaah, conflict!


status Feelings in development

ideal ending Make me swoon with cuteness! Give me those rom com feels please!


relationship trivia

Him as her mentor is... something. Solbi just can't be serious around him, she never has.


Please let them do some dance collabs we stan our main dancer queens

bonnyread / bonny / 75%


comments Hiiiii I hope you like her! I'm so invested in her already oh my gosh I'm really looking forward to this!


scene requests

romance scenes! Make me swoooon!!


password Twice - Fancy! Or Dance The Night Away!


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