


▪ #2 - 두리 means 2 in Korean so Doori always laments that she's an eternal second place. At least when it comes to the show she's totally committed to using it. "Lee Doori for #2!" is her catch phrase. "I don't have to be #1, but please make me #2"

▪ Joke/Mistake - Her older brother often haggles her about being a joke and a mistake because she was born on April Fools. It's all siblings being siblings, though Doori would be lying if it didn't hurt a little bit.  

BIRTHDATE April 1 1999
BIRTHPLACE Naeseok, South Gyeongsang
HOMETOWN Naeseok, South Gyeongsang
▪ Korean: native
▪ English: Very basic but she's the kind of person who will try so hard if there's someone who only speaks English. She will stutter those words, she will make the biggest gestures, she will have the worst but most earnest pronunciation ever. She will try!
BACKUP FACE CLAIM Dahyun from Twice
HEIGHT 161cm
In one word: cute! Doori has this natural charm about her, she has a smile of such sunshine it could power a small city and she's more often smiling than not. with her big doe eyes and her easy smiles Doori was one of the most charming and pretty girls in her village. Style wise Doori is used to more rough and boyish clothes, half the time on the field she was dressed in horribly oversized dungarees and cute pink rubber boots after all, she never really learned how to dress herself beyond utility with maybe a few cute frills (often mis-matched to the rest of her clothes). Still she adores cute and feminine things and as soon as a stylist comes to call Doori will be ECSTATIC to wear whatever amazing things they'll lay out for her! Finally she'll look as good as she was always meant to!!!




(+) Enthusiastic, energetic, sincere, good natured, creative, passionate
(/) Totally shameless, extrovert
(-) Naive, self-centered, dumb, whimsical, dense, stubborn, simple, insecure

Doori loves people so much, loves being around them and talking to them, and her charm is magnetic. She's super chatty, too chatty a lot of the time, and totally too dense to realize when she's not wanted, she'll just blabber on about whatever she's passionate about this time while the other person could be sweating buckets trying to get away from her. Even when someone is blatantly being mean to her, Doori is honestly too dense to notice, she'll just keep chatting happily not understanding the serious shade being thrown. Wait, that was sarcastic? Even still, she'll never take something personal, Doori is incapable of holding grudges. She'll tell herself she'll stay mad but the next morning she gets up and sees that person and goes GOOD MORNING, already forgetting whatever she was mad about.

As you might have noticed so far, Doori is harmless and goodnatured to a fault. She doesn't know how to be mean and she doesn't know how to recognize when someone's being mean to her either. Meanspirited sarcasm? It goes straight over her head. She just assumes that the people she likes like her too. It does mean that people can take pretty easy advantage of her and it wouldn't be the first time that has happened. As much as Doori loves people she's not super good at people. Part of that is just honestly that she's quite self-centered without even knowing. She doesn't mean to be but her brain just goes me me me all the time and she doesn't take the time to consider what others are thinking. Her brain is going a mile a minute about whatever she's up to, she'll ramble so much she forgets to breathe, and meanwhile not a single second she considers if the other person even cares. She'll be suuuuper apologetic if it's pointed out to her, she never means wrong, but it just happens!

Doori is crazy sincere in everything she does, she really does believe what she says and does and she's so passionate and energetic. It's so easy to get Doori to become enthusiastic about something, she just has this joy in life and everything she's doing, she wants so hard to find the next thing to believe in with all of her heart!! Her emotions are all big and loud, she doesn't just just a little bit, she doesn't do middle grounds, and she's always 2 seconds away from grasping a task with a passion like it's been her only wish in her entire life to do this one photoshoot, like this is definitely THE BEST DAY OF HER LIFE. That is, until the next best day of her life rolls around. Doori's life is a self-created roller coaster that only consists of ups and downs, if she gets hurt it's the end of the world, if it goes well then this is the best thing that has ever happened to her! She can be really exhausing to be quite honest, but hey it makes for good variety and television.

Doori has no shame. Zero. None. Doori falls flat on her face right as she comes onto the stage and she's laughing harder than anyone else as she gets up, dusts herself off, and walks right over to where she needed to be. She can go up to anyone she's never met before, flash her signature smile, and totally ask for a favor. And don't even get me started about how she accepts any and all challenges levelled at her. Don't think she'll eat dirt if you tell her to? THINK AGAIN. It's impossible to humiliate Doori when she has no shame to begin with.

Doori is a queen in thinking out of the box, she has boundless of creativity, half of her ideas are total whack and half of her ideas are absolutely brilliant. Take a chance in a crazy Doori idea and you just might soar high. Or you might crash and burn, it's about 50/50, either way Doori will be having a blast!

Okay, so we've got this far, and the picture has been painting of this simple, joyful, passionate girl, and it's a very true picture. But Doori is not exempt of her own insecurities, even though they're deeply hidden under this actual human golden retriever. Doori's biggest weakness is that she doesn't feel like she belongs here. She's way less talented than all the other girls, Pledis has been a burning mess ever since she joined them, does she even want to be an idol? Is she cut out for the spotlight all the time? Is she ever going to amount to anything? Will anyone remember her when she dies or will she just be this inconsequential little small town girl who asked too much of her life and should have just settled down with some farm boy and not have delusions of grandeur?



She's just a small town girl living in a lonely world, she took the midnight train going straight to Seoul.

Doori was born and raised in a very small town in the mountains of south Gyeongsang to a very traditional family of a mom and a dad who hardly talk to each other except when it's time to work or complain and one (1) ty big brother named Minseo (why did he get to have the normal name?). It was a lot of everyone knowing everyone and nobody having real high expectations. Her family owned a struggling farm and she'd work the farm during planting and harvest seasons and her mother had been planning which village boy she would totally marry since she was just a bunch of cells in her body. Doori was fine with it, for the most part, it wasn't very exciting but it was all she'd ever known. She didn't even know idols all that much, her best friend was a crazy EXO stan and Doori liked their music but her mom liked trot so the house was mostly filled with trot. Idols were just far away glamorour stars with catchy music and ain't nobody have time to follow those when there were turnips to be harvested.

And then Produce 101 became a national sensation and changed her life forever.

Even the Lee household in far off Naeseok wasn't immune to the craze, even they tuned in one fateful Friday evening to check out what the other kids and ahjummas in the village had been crooning about. Here on tv were girls just like Doori, girls who didn't looks so glamorous. They were struggling, crying, smiling in relief, crying even more but now from happiness... they looked real... they looked human... For the first time Doori had a sense that these were just regular girls, these trainees, that they weren't untoucheable goddesses yet! And some of them at singing and dancing! She at singing and dancing! But she was super cute and they were super cute and oh my gosh maybe just maybe she could do it???

It took some time to convince her parents and they had to wait until harvesting season was over but the family made their first ever trip to the capital jut so Doori could audition for every company ever. They told her she had one shot, either she was picked or she wasn't.

There was only one company who asked her to come back for another audition: Pledis. And then they offered her a contract. And then Doori was crying. 



▪ Things they don't tell you about farming:

- It's horrifically smelly and dirty

- Nobody looks cute while farming. Doori tried SO HARD, don't get me wrong, but nobody looks cute while farming.

- IT'S SO SMELLY. Sometimes things just rot in the fields, sometimes you pull up a potatoe and its rotted goo, sometimes you put a tray of tomatoes into the shed and you come back and it's COME TO LIFE AGAIN.

- Rotted potatoes make for fantastic ammunition to throw at your brother for being an

- Unfortunately more rotted potatoes can be found for said brother to throw at you

- Rotten potatoe smell does not wash out

- You'll walk around smelling like rotten potatoes for two weeks and nobody wants to sit next to you in class for at least a month.

- It was totally worth it.

▪ Despite her Ariel-esque want to get out of that village and see the world, Doori did like farming. It was easy and simple and it's what she knows.

▪ She LOVES glitters and sequins. ANYTHING SPARKLY. She's a magpie. 

▪ She hates coffee and tea equally but she loves cocoa

▪ She likes dancing a lot even though she's not very good at it. It's like WOAH how the body moves and it feels really good and it looks really cool when she does it right!

▪ Her academic record is.... unimpressive

▪ One of the trainees taught her how to skateboard and while she's not very good at it she's VERY ENTHUSIASTIC about it!!! Also hurts her knees a lot.

▪ She has surprising upper body strength from her farming days. Looks small but will surprise you at arm wrestling.

▪ Her fashion sense is so blind she might as well be colour blind. Hell she might as well be blind blind, those patterns do not match-

▪ She's SUPER EXPRESSIVE and very good for reaction shots her face just does things man

▪ She's a very huggy and touchy person, loads of skinship, does not have any boundaries

▪ She can also be pretty gross in the belches at the table and grins proudly kind of way

▪ She has a bad case of home sickness most of the time, she misses the simplicity of the village even if she tells herself that being in Seoul and doing this is all she ever wanted. She does want this! Gosh, she wants it so very bad! But she just misses home, you know?


She hates him, she loves him, he's the absolute worst person ever. They have a real cat and mouse relationship, siblings that yell at each other a lot. He makes fun of her, she doesn't notice until she does and then flings rotten potatoes at him. She would never admit it to his face but he's the one she misses most while away from home. If there's any kind of phoning family time he's the one she would talk to.

This could be you if we collab!!!

trainee info

So, Doori had moved into the dorm, oh my gosh she was in Seoul as a trainee!!!! Oh no she was in Seoul as a trainee!!! Training was definitely not easy for Doori, no amount of charm and pretty looks could prepare her for learning how to sing and dance from scratch.

What's more, it took Doori a while to find out that Pledis.... wasn't.... great........... At first things were fine, IOI was doing super well, Pristin was gearing up to debut, and then Pristin debuted, and then they came back, and then nothing and nothing and nothing and nothing. The trainees were far from immune to the feeling of dread coming from the Pristin girls and their own futures started to feel less and less certain. 

It they debuted with Pledis, would they be shoved aside too?

And these were Doori's heroes!! The girls she had seen on her old little TV in her small village that had shown her what she could be. To see them brushed aside like that was horrible for her! Her trainee contract still has 1 year to go but what will she do? She wants to leave but probably no other company would take her, she heard the other trainees talking about age thresholds and she was already 20 now...

And then news of the survival show happened and while other might have grumbled about having to compete for a spot, Doori was ecstatic! This was it, this was her shot! It wouldn't just be a Pledis group, it would be a survival show group! They had to promote them, right? RIGHT????? This was her out. She had to get into this group or all of this will have been for nothing. But does she really deserve to?


vocal - 3/10
▪  rap - 0/10
dance - 3/10
performance - 9/10
variety - 10/10

OTHER TALENTS She is very good at farming, at finding a rotten potato with just the amount of structural integrity to make it gross to be hit with but not too gross to hold, feats of surprising strength, gives the best hugs

cute - She's an absolute natural. Doori lives and breathes cuteness, she's got this, even though she often wishes she wouldn't get penned into just cute.

▪ y - She'd certainly give it her all even if it wasn't her best suit. Doori's thing is that she's great on stage no matter what concept you give her, sure she's a natural at cute, but she'll do her best to portray y if she must and, honestly, she'd have a blast doing it.

▪ girl crush - This is her favorite concept for sure, she really really really wants to try doing girl crush. It's so cool!!! She loves how confident the concept looks!!!! She's just like *o* whenever she sees it performed and she wants a piece of that pie.

other - Whatever concept you throw at Doori, she's at least going to try her damned hardest to ace it

I don't suppose we've got an Invincible Youth Farm Concept??


last words

COMMENTS Wow it's sO HARD to find a talent twin who has a ton of charisma but nothing else lemme tell ya, like treat it as Sixteen!Somi pls
PASSWORD Doori prepared a feat of strength, which she does by going around trying to lift other trainees and spin circles like they do in Weekly Idol. FARMER POWER!!!



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oof id totally be up for collabs but-
my girl's fc is chuu also oof

but ur girl is super adorbs!