This is my life...

It has been a huge rollercoaster ride since moving to California. Lots of new laws, new regulations, and a huge learning curve. Schools are different. I have officially diagnosed with Diabetes, which is something I didn't need but with all the stress I've been under, I'm not surprised. Juggling three kids two of which are special needs, a new place, living with in-laws, trying to find work and being unsuccessful, applying for all the help we can get, trying to keep touch with family, and now starting my own business...I've already had a nervous breakdown. Writing is my escape from all the madness around me.

California is beautiful, the mosquitos not so much. I haven't been the beach as of yet (again no time or money) but I'm hoping that will be resolved soon. I'm going to try branching out into blog and story writing for money. I'm doing web design. Check out my webpage.  If you need a webpage built or want to know how to build one and want to promote your business...hit me up. I'm willing to teach anyone my trade that I've decided to delve in.

If anyone knows of anyone looking for a web designer, tell them about me. I need all the help I can get right now.



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Osekop12 #1
Good luck dude. I hope everything works out well for you