Why Not?

If anyone reads this, I just want to say thanks.

At any rate, I like to make (possibly) obscure references/homages? in most of my stories. If you ever spot them, comment on one of them and I'll say it you got it right or not. Some are obvious, and some I'd like to say I cleverly snuck in. A good chunk, I think, will be looked over. At least, I got the giggled when writing them :p

They are lyrics to songs by Epik High, Infinite, Lovelyz or others. Some are references to intellectual properties outside the sphere of kpop that I like, such as "Kamen Rider" lolwut.Quite random, I know. :p

If any people who are subbed to any of my stories read this post, thank you for your support and hopefully you enjoyed my dabbling in writing.

Writing's hard, ain't it? But you can't help but enjoy it because it's in you, you simply love it and want to share, thinking, hoping to bring someone a nice distraction while also fulfilling your own joy.

Over and out!


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