College admissions scandal

After seeing what South Korea is dealing with on the scandal, America is dealing with a college admissions scandal, where a well-known actress and her husband amongst other individuals used their money to pay for their kids to get into USC. So, sad, the woman Lori Lochlin was an awesome actress in the late 1980s. 

Now, she's in the news along with her husband and other individuals who paid millions of dollars to get their kids into USC, which pretty much could end her career. Already Hallmark pulled a movie that she was working on, and her daughter has been fired from Sephora. 

I also read that her daughters are leaving USC, not sure if it's due to the fact that their mom paid to get them in there using bribery or if they are upset that they didn't get in by just the help from their parents, but by bribing someone in the school to allow their daughters to get in.

There are probably a lot of people out there that wish their parents could pay for their admissions into really GREAT schools, but most of them have to "work" at getting the money to pay for the admissions. Like me, I had to get a job in order for me to get into my college, but granted my college is only a community college, it's not like Yale, Harvard, USC, ISU, or any other expensive college. 

But, what is sad that there are many kids who were going to try out for USC, but have decided to look elsewhere after the scandal came out. Money always seems to have an effect on people and sometimes it's the wrong way. 

In a way, I'm glad that I took care of my college admissions when I was going through college. Financial Aid is my friend during college. And my college is pretty lenient and fun, where going to a 4-year college will cause you to grow up and either pass the exams or get kicked out of the school, which is pretty much the reason why I'm not planning on going to a 4-year college.

I didn't even know about it until I was looking at my phone a couple days ago and saw that while the scandal in South Korea is going on, there is a scandal going on in America as well. 


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I hate it when this happens. I know people who were able to graduate even though they didn’t deserve to. It’s all because they had connections, their parents are politicians, deans, university administration officers, or rich fxckers. It’s unfair.