I can't believe this!

I can't believe how many Kpop idols are in this scandal. I only remember it was Seungri and Jonghun. Now, as I was looking at my phone, they named Junhyung (Highlight) and Jonghyun (CN Blue). Man, talk about ruining a career. I know many of the fans are asking for those to leave the industry. Now, I don't know much about what happens after everything blows over.

Will they be allowed to go back into the industry?

Will they be able to go back with their band?

I'm not sure. But, everyone is pretty much upset about all this. I'm just surprised about how many are in this scandal now. 




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We shouldn’t allow them to come back. As idols, they have a lot of influence over their fans. Look at how these idols are able to manufacture lies, manufacture their image, make fans believe that they’re someone who they’re really not. If they say something, fans will do it, sasaeng fans will believe it, fans will fight for it. We can’t let that happen knowing that there will victims again in the future. Accepting them back is a spit on the victims, on those who were hurt, on those who were used. Think of them. And it means that no matter what they do, these men can get away with it because there will always be fans who are willing to have them back with open arms. Look at JJY, he’s been involved with ual assault before and yet he has never felt guilt over it through these years.
They absolutely will not be allowed to return. If they try to they'd receive lots of (justified) hate from Koreans. I believe Seungri, Joonyoung, Jonghun, and Junhyung has officially retired from the industry. When you retire, you don't ever go back. Jonghyun also needs to retire, FNC is screwing up by trying to protect and keep him.
The entire thing is just a big mess. I feel bad for the bandmates and families of the ones involved, as well as the artists themselves. Is really sad.