He Keeps appearing in my Dreams

well, because I messed up, because I forgot Jaejoong oppa's birthday.. I want to dedicate this blog of mine to him as my gift.. even though it's already Feb 13.. This is real... I really dream about him...


-- Jan 25, 2012 --

( Before his birthday )..


This was the day before his 27th birthday. He appeared in my dream for the first time.

I was walking near by my house. I saw a man on a suit attire ( The one in protet the boss ) was walking closely. At first, I can't clear his face but as he walked closely, it was him. It's Kim Jae Oppa! He paased at our house and there. I don't know why he appeared but I think, he just want to remind me that tomorrow is his birthday. It's so funny, on the day of his bday, I forgot about it since I was busy in my fb but when I remember about my dream *PAKK!* It's his bday!! I greeted all the "KIM JAEJOONG" in my facebook and I cursed myself of forgotting his birthday..



-- Feb 11,2012 --


( Scene 1 )..


It was in our place.. I was walking by the street to the park. I saw a car across the road. I passed and I saw Kim Jae oppa sitting on the car, lonely and I think, he's waiting for a call. I hop up on the car and sat beside him. The car drove away. I looked at him again and he's really lonely while facing his phone. We passed a photoshoot and one of them is YunHo. I looked at him again and there, proceed at the nect scene again..


( Scene 2 )


I dreamt about me and Kim Jae oppa on a danger situation. We entered a subdivison that all the teen agers who lived there was involved in a gang war. Me and Kim Jae oppa was hiding on a house but a man suddenly saw us and said " You have to hide, all the teenagers here are violent. They will kill all the tresspassing, all the people who will stepped in on their zone. I wil helped you but you need to pay.'' I saw a teenage boy that was curiosly looked at me. I nudge at Kim Jae oppa and gave him a signal to lay on the floor since the teenage boy was looking at me... and on the next scene...



( Scene 3 )...


I don't know why but I dream about myself that I was Kim Jae Oppa. That me as him. I ( me as him ) was driving his lambo car and Hyo Joo was sitting at my side ( me as him ).. I saw YunHo oppa who was driving also a car. I ( AS HIM ) texted YunHo oppa to comeback. Me ( as him ) and Hyo Joo was now in a beach. We saw some rescuers helping all the dolphins in the sea shore. All the dolphins were injured and have some suts on their body and the water was already in blood.  And proceed to the next scene...


-- It was my dreams.. I don't know why this is all appeared in my dream and lots of the scene was I was with Kim Jae oppa. Hey guys, Does dreams have a meaning? I mean, I was dreaming about him lately but all the scene was blurred. Geez, I think I was overdoes of watching his pictures that's why he appeared in my dream.. well, this is it.. I just want to share this.. have a great time!! Bye!!


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