» Minjun is Sunny Charisma «


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birthnameHwang Minjun
other names

— None


Soft Boi / Minjun from the very beginning has been one of the contestants who the fans want to protect at all costs. A nickname used by the JYP stans.
Pinkie Pie / A nickname that came about due to his hair color. No relation with the my little pony series, I swear.
Minnie / A cutified version of his name, used by everyone in team JYP. (minus Jinseok)
Golden Hands / Since Minjun is a prodigy, anything he touches turns to gold. Meaning that Minjun has talent in writing music and playing instruments.

birthday 01 October 2000 - 18
birthplace Seoul, South Korea
hometown Seoul, South Korea
ethnicity South Korean
languages spoken

Korean / His native language, the one Minjun is most fluent in.
English / Minjun can hold a conversation, but reading or writing in English is his downfall. 

face claim na jaemin
back up face claim bae jinyoung
height & weight 176 cm & 60 kg

— Nothing has changed as of now.


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personality traits (negatives) Transparent, Introvert, Independent, Quirky, Sensitive / (positives) Soft, Creative, Calm, Humble, Friendly

— Minjun is what someone's mother would call "perfect son-in-law", as Minjun is a well-mannered ball of sunshine. Minjun has adopted the word "soft" into his whole being, and it's hard to hate someone who is genuinely being sweet and nice. He does not like to participate in conflict, but when a fight does break out, everyone can count on Minjun to be calm about it. To Minjun, there is no point in worrying about the little problems, since as a team, they can work it out together. Minjun is a humble guy who really does not want to take credit where credit is due. He has a team mindset, his success is only really successful because of the team behind him. When it comes to songwriting, Minjun is the one who writes the lyrics in the team. His imagination runs wild and he sometimes gets lost in his own head while trying to write. His creativity is endless. 

— There is a reason for Minjun not being the #1 of the program, and most people assume it's because of his transparency. Minjun does not have a secret talent that he can throw out or is in anyway spontaneous, he's just Minjun. What fans see is what fans get. Minjun is a friendly guy who will treat others kindly and welcome them with open arms, but in reality, he is actually an introvert. He keeps to himself and just fades into the background if he is not trying to go into the spotlight. While Minjun does credit his team for almost everything he does, Minjun would much rather be the one who carries them. He is an independent guy who doesn't want to rely on anyone. He feels bad when he has to ask his team for help. The perfect guy also has ti gave some weird quirks, which is one of Minjun's negatives. Minjun can just be weird sometimes that makes his team go "huh" to him. He says things that are offputting and ends up with people wanting to move five feet away. Minjun, lastly, is a sensitive guy who can feel for others and understand their emotions. He doesn't comes across as a hard or angry person, just a soft boy. It's easy to target him because of it. 


— Minjun was born the first of October, 2000 in Seoul, South Korea. His parents were middle class, and he grew up with a normal life. He went to school, got good grades, listened to his parents, the whole son-in-law package. What his parents were most proud of was the fact that Minjun was spectacular at playing instruments and writing his own music. Writing nonsensical lyrics in his notebook was a pass time of Minjun's as a child, which only grew his skill from that point on. 

— Minjun hit 13 years old, and finally figured out his dream. He wanted to be a music producer or a songwriter for companies. Minjun knew that he had to start from the bottom, with all the research he had his mother help him with. While Minjun's parents weren't keen on the idea of letting their baby boy be part of the dirty entertainment industry when he had a bright future ahead of them, they let him apply knowing that they have to be supportive and let him figure his life for himself. Minjun auditioned for JYP with a guitar in his hand was promptly accepted into the company. 


— he can not dress himself at all, the one with the least amount of fashion sense. 
— his learned instruments: piano, guitar, violin, cello, viola.
— loves to dye his hair when he's feeling moody or unwell, the stylists want to wring his neck
habit: getting lost in his thoughts and forgetting where he is
— he is a big fan of pastel colors
habit: talks about the most random of topics; example; what if babies grew on trees?
— he has always wanted to try beekeeping for some reason
— on an unrelated note, he is a big fan of honey flavored things
— has an older brother who is a pediatrician
hobbies: practicing, writing, taking walks, daydreaming
— he owns a dream journal that he writes in whenever he wakes up in the morning
— likes to be outdoors more than inside
— sleeps in a bed with overflowing stuffed animals
— he likes to play arcade games, his favorite being pac man
— ones of the trainees who stay super late to practice


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— family  / jyp trainees /  95%
since minjun is the "yes-man" of the team, he gets along with everyone to a good degree. their team bond is strong in Minjun's eyes and Minjun appreciates the team. He was surprised to find out who was participating, but Minjun can already see the team synergy working well.

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— leaderjin / 19 / leader of team jyp / blunt, smart, overprotective, confident / 90%
Minjun was shocked to learn that Jinseok was going to be the leader of the team, but when he thought about it a bit longer, he realized that he was the only one who could run the show. Minjun puts his full faith into Jinseok to carry the team to victory, but Minjun hopes that he'll give some of the load to him. They are on good terms. 

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— admirer / 21 / main rapper of jyp / hyper, forceful, friendly, dumb / 100%
Minjun has always gravitated towards junko of all the people participating because the guy is very cheery and fun. Minjun tries to calm Junko down when he gets super hyper, and in turn, Junko helps Minjun learn to be more open and less of a background character. It is a bit weird and no one really expects it (not even Junko himself), but Minjun looks up to him as a sort of role model/idol that Minjun wants to be like one day (minus the dumb part)

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— competition / yg trainees / 50%
Golden Star is the one who Minjun has a rivalry with, but Minjun still lacks against him. It really weighs on Minjun's mind as to why he isn't more popular than Golden Star, but Minjun tries not to dwell on it. Minjun thinks there is a chance of being friends with the other trainees, but for now, it's all about the competition. 


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PLOTLINE Sunny Charisma
ROLE Lead Dance, Lead Vocalist, Lead Rapper
vocal twin joshua 17
rap twin wonwoo 17
dance twin hui pentagon


— Minjun has always been an extraordinary trainee, there was no doubt that he was going to be one of the contestants on the show. Minjun's trainee life was full of hard work from day one, and he takes it very seriously. He did go to school on the side, so he had to balance his schedule, which lead to nights where he would cry himself to sleep. In the end, he knew it was worth the sweat and tears. With his writing, JYP wanted a trainee who could produce the songs for the group (like how stray kids do) and Minjun came forward with his beat-up notebook that he proudly presented. Once the show starts, Minjun is in charge of coming up with performances and rearranging the songs so they suit and highlight each member.


— appeared in twice's ooh ahh, day6's shoot me, and 2PM's My House (all extra rolls)


last comment hello there. This application is my first one since I decided to make a new account after my last one got hacked :// I saw this applyfic and wanted to make a soft boi, so here minjun is. His personality might be hard to understand and I don't think I explained it well so if there is anything that needs to be elaborated on, I got you. 

scene requests

— Golden Star vs Sunny Charisma duet stage.
— JYP team shenanigans 
— Minjun and his weird topics of conversation.
— Maybe Golden Star and Sunny Charisma friendship,,,

password btob - movie (jyp team), gd&top or gd&taeyang unit song for golden star vs sunny charisma.  verivery - ring ring ring (jyp team)



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